Getting Started with MAST-ML

Installing MAST-ML

If you have not done so, the first step is to install MAST-ML. More information on how to install MAST-ML can be found by navigating to the “Installing MAST-ML” tab on the left-hand side of this documentation page.

Performing your first MAST-ML run

Once MAST-ML is installed, you are ready to perform your first MAST-ML run

The first MAST-ML tutorial can be found under the mastml/examples folder, and is named MASTML_Tutorial_1_GettingStarted.ipynb

This first notebook can also be downloaded via this link: MASTML_Tutorial_1_GettingStarted

Open this first example notebook either in Google Colab if running on the cloud or locally by starting a Jupyter notebook session. There are explanations for each cell of the notebook. Reading through and running this tutorial should take about 10 minutes. At the end, you will have performed your first MAST-ML run!

Once complete, there are a series of other example/tutorial notebooks that can be found in the mastml/examples folder on Github.