Code Documentation: Error Analysis

mastml.error_analysis Module

This module contains classes for quantifying the predicted model errors (uncertainty quantification), and preparing provided residual (true errors) predicted model error data for plotting (e.g. residual vs. error plots), or for recalibration of model errors using the method of Palmer et al.

Collection of functions to conduct error analysis on certain types of models (uncertainty quantification), and prepare residual and model error data for plotting, as well as recalibrate model errors with various methods
Class for performing recalibration of model errors (uncertainty quantification) based on the method from the work of Palmer et al.


CorrectionFactors(residuals, model_errors) Class for performing recalibration of model errors (uncertainty quantification) based on the method from the work of Palmer et al.
ErrorUtils Collection of functions to conduct error analysis on certain types of models (uncertainty quantification), and prepare residual and model error data for plotting, as well as recalibrate model errors with various methods

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of mastml.error_analysis.CorrectionFactors, mastml.error_analysis.ErrorUtils