Code Documentation: Hyperparameter Optimization

mastml.hyper_opt Module

This module contains methods for optimizing hyperparameters of models


This class contains various helper utilities for setting up and running hyperparameter optimization


This class performs a basic grid search over the parameters and value ranges of interest to find the best set of model hyperparameters in the provided grid of values


This class performs a randomized search over the parameters and value ranges of interest to find the best set of model hyperparameters in the provided grid of values. Often faster than GridSearch. Instead of a grid of values, it takes a probability distribution name as input (e.g. “norm”)


This class performs a Bayesian search over the parameters and value ranges of interest to find the best set of model hyperparameters in the provided grid of values. Often faster than GridSearch.


BayesSearchCV(estimator, search_spaces[, ...])

Bayesian optimization over hyper parameters.

BayesianSearch(param_names, param_values[, ...])

Class to conduct a Bayesian search to find optimized model hyperparameter values

Categorical(categories[, prior, transform, name])

Search space dimension that can take on categorical values.

GridSearch(param_names, param_values[, ...])

Class to conduct a grid search to find optimized model hyperparameter values

GridSearchCV(estimator, param_grid, *[, ...])

Exhaustive search over specified parameter values for an estimator.

HyperOptUtils(param_names, param_values)

Helper class providing useful methods for other hyperparameter optimization classes.

Integer(low, high[, prior, base, transform, ...])

Search space dimension that can take on integer values.

Metrics(metrics_list[, metrics_type])

Class containing access to a wide range of metrics from scikit-learn and a number of MAST-ML custom-written metrics

RandomizedSearch(param_names, param_values)

Class to conduct a randomized search to find optimized model hyperparameter values

RandomizedSearchCV(estimator, ...[, n_iter, ...])

Randomized search on hyper parameters.

Real(low, high[, prior, base, transform, ...])

Search space dimension that can take on any real value.

SklearnModel(model, **kwargs)

Class to wrap any sklearn estimator, and provide some new dataframe functionality

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of mastml.hyper_opt.BayesianSearch, mastml.hyper_opt.GridSearch, mastml.hyper_opt.HyperOptUtils, mastml.hyper_opt.RandomizedSearch