Source code for mastml.data_cleaning

This module provides various methods for cleaning data that has been imported into MAST-ML, prior to model fitting.

    Class that enables easy use of various data cleaning methods, such as removal of missing values, different
    modes of data imputation, or using principal componenet analysis to fill interpolate missing values.

    Support class used to evaluate some basic statistics of imported data, such as its distribution, mean, etc.
    Also provides a means of flagging potential outlier datapoints based on their deviation from the overall data

    Class used by the PCA data cleaning routine in the DataCleaning class to perform probabilistic PCA to fill in
    missing data.


import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
from scipy.linalg import orth
    from import Counter
except ImportError:
    from collections import Counter
from datetime import datetime

from mastml.plots import Histogram

[docs]class DataCleaning(): """ Class to perform various data cleaning operations, such as imputation or NaN removal Args: None Methods: remove: Method that removes a full column or row of data values if one column or row contains NaN or is blank Args: X: (pd.DataFrame), dataframe containing X data y: (pd.Series), series containing y data axis: (int), whether to remove rows (axis=0) or columns (axis=1) Returns: X: (pd.DataFrame): dataframe of cleaned X data y: (pd.Series): series of cleaned y data imputation: Method that imputes values to the missing places based on the median, mean, etc. of the data in the column Args: X: (pd.DataFrame), dataframe containing X data y: (pd.Series), series containing y data strategy: (str), method of imputation, e.g. median, mean, etc. Returns: X: (pd.DataFrame): dataframe of cleaned X data y: (pd.Series): series of cleaned y data ppca: Method that imputes data using principal component analysis to interpolate missing values Args: X: (pd.DataFrame), dataframe containing X data y: (pd.Series), series containing y data Returns: X: (pd.DataFrame): dataframe of cleaned X data y: (pd.Series): series of cleaned y data evaluate: Main method to evaluate initial data analysis routines (e.g. flag outliers), perform data cleaning and save output to folder Args: X: (pd.DataFrame), dataframe containing X data y: (pd.Series), series containing y data method: (str), data cleaning method name, must be one of 'remove', 'imputation' or 'ppca' savepath: (str), string containing the savepath information kwargs: additional keyword arguments needed for the remove, imputation or ppca methods Returns: X: (pd.DataFrame): dataframe of cleaned X data y: (pd.Series): series of cleaned y data _setup_savedir: method to create a savedir based on the provided model, splitter, selector names and datetime Args: savepath: (str), string designating the savepath Returns: splitdir: (str), string containing the new subdirectory to save results to """ def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def remove(self, X, y, axis): df = pd.concat([X, y], axis=1) try: target = except: target = y.columns.tolist()[0] df = df.dropna(axis=axis, how='any') y = df[target] X = df[[col for col in df.columns if col != target]] return X, y
[docs] def imputation(self, X, y, strategy): df = pd.concat([X, y], axis=1) columns = df.columns.tolist() df = pd.DataFrame(SimpleImputer(missing_values=np.nan, strategy=strategy).fit_transform(df), columns=columns) try: target = except: target = y.columns.tolist()[0] y = df[target] X = df[[col for col in df.columns if col != target]] return X, y
[docs] def ppca(self, X, y): df = pd.concat([X, y], axis=1) try: target = except: target = y.columns.tolist()[0] columns = df.columns.tolist() pca_magic = PPCA() # Need to un-standardize the pca-transformed data df = pd.DataFrame(*pca_magic.stds+pca_magic.means, columns=columns) y = df[target] X = df[[col for col in columns if col != target]] return X, y
[docs] def evaluate(self, X, y, method, savepath=None, make_new_dir=True, **kwargs): if not savepath: savepath = os.getcwd() if make_new_dir is True: splitdir = self._setup_savedir(savepath=savepath) savepath = splitdir self.splitdir = splitdir DataUtilities().flag_columns_with_strings(X=X, y=y, savepath=savepath) DataUtilities().flag_outliers(X=X, y=y, savepath=savepath, n_stdevs=3) df_orig = pd.concat([X, y], axis=1) self.cleaner = getattr(self, method) X, y = self.cleaner(X, y, **kwargs) df_cleaned = pd.concat([X, y], axis=1) df_orig.to_excel(os.path.join(savepath, 'data_original.xlsx'), index=False) df_cleaned.to_excel(os.path.join(savepath, 'data_cleaned.xlsx'), index=False) # Make histogram of the input data Histogram.plot_histogram(df=y, file_name='histogram_target_values', savepath=savepath, x_label='Target values') return X, y
def _setup_savedir(self, savepath): now = dirname = self.__class__.__name__ dirname = f"{dirname}_{now.month:02d}_{}" \ f"_{now.hour:02d}_{now.minute:02d}_{now.second:02d}" if savepath == None: splitdir = os.getcwd() else: splitdir = os.path.join(savepath, dirname) if not os.path.exists(splitdir): os.mkdir(splitdir) return splitdir
[docs]class DataUtilities(): """ Class that contains some basic data analysis utilities, such as flagging columns that contain problematic string entries, or flagging potential outlier values based on threshold values Args: None Methods: flag_outliers: Method that scans values in each X feature matrix column and flags values that are larger than X standard deviations from the average of that column value. The index and column values of potentially problematic points are listed and written to an output file. Args: X: (pd.DataFrame), dataframe containing X data y: (pd.Series), series containing y data savepath: (str), string containing the save path directory n_stdevs: (int), number of standard deviations to use as threshold value Returns: None flag_columns_with_strings: Method that ascertains which columns in data contain string entries Args: X: (pd.DataFrame), dataframe containing X data y: (pd.Series), series containing y data savepath: (str), string containing the save path directory Returns: None """
[docs] @classmethod def flag_outliers(cls, X, y, savepath, n_stdevs=3): df = pd.concat([X, y], axis=1) n_rows = df.shape[0] outlier_dict = dict() outlier_rows_all = list() for col in df.columns: outlier_rows = list() outlier_vals = list() avg = np.average(df[col]) stdev = np.std(df[col]) for row in range(n_rows): if df[col].iloc[row] > avg + n_stdevs*stdev: outlier_rows.append(row) outlier_vals.append(df[col].iloc[row]) elif df[col].iloc[row] < avg - n_stdevs*stdev: outlier_rows.append(row) outlier_vals.append(df[col].iloc[row]) else: pass outlier_dict[col] = (outlier_rows, outlier_vals) outlier_rows_all.append(outlier_rows) # Save data to file pd.DataFrame().from_dict(data=outlier_dict, orient='index', columns=['Indices', 'Values']).to_excel(os.path.join(savepath, 'data_outliers_all.xlsx')) # Also get values of rows that occur most often outlier_rows_all = np.concatenate(outlier_rows_all).ravel() outlier_counts = Counter(outlier_rows_all) # Save summary data of outlier counts to file pd.DataFrame().from_dict(data=outlier_counts, orient='index', columns=['Number of occurrences']).to_excel(os.path.join(savepath, 'data_outliers_summary.xlsx')) return
[docs] @classmethod def flag_columns_with_strings(cls, X, y, savepath): df = pd.concat([X, y], axis=1) str_summary = pd.DataFrame(df.applymap(type).eq(str).any()) str_columns = str_summary.index[str_summary[0] == True].tolist() d = {'columns with strings': str_columns} pd.DataFrame().from_dict(data=d).to_excel(os.path.join(savepath, 'data_columns_with_strings.xlsx')) return
[docs]class PPCA(): """ Class to perform probabilistic principal component analysis (PPCA) to fill in missing data. This PPCA routine was taken directly from Due to import errors, for ease of use we have elected to copy the module here. This github repo was last accessed on 8/27/18. The code comprising the PPCA class below was not developed by and is not owned by the University of Wisconsin-Madison MAST-ML development team. """ def __init__(self): self.raw = None = None self.C = None self.means = None self.stds = None self.eig_vals = None def _standardize(self, X): if self.means is None or self.stds is None: raise RuntimeError("Fit model first") return (X - self.means) / self.stds
[docs] def fit(self, data, d=None, tol=1e-4, min_obs=10, verbose=False): self.raw = data self.raw[np.isinf(self.raw)] = np.max(self.raw[np.isfinite(self.raw)]) valid_series = np.sum(~np.isnan(self.raw), axis=0) >= min_obs data = self.raw[:, valid_series].copy() N = data.shape[0] D = data.shape[1] self.means = np.nanmean(data, axis=0) self.stds = np.nanstd(data, axis=0) data = self._standardize(data) observed = ~np.isnan(data) missing = np.sum(~observed) data[~observed] = 0 # initial if d is None: d = data.shape[1] if self.C is None: C = np.random.randn(D, d) else: C = self.C CC =, C) X =, C), np.linalg.inv(CC)) recon =, C.T) recon[~observed] = 0 ss = np.sum((recon - data) ** 2) / (N * D - missing) v0 = np.inf counter = 0 while True: Sx = np.linalg.inv(np.eye(d) + CC / ss) # e-step ss0 = ss if missing > 0: proj =, C.T) data[~observed] = proj[~observed] X =, C), Sx) / ss # m-step XX =, X) C =, X), np.linalg.pinv(XX + N * Sx)) CC =, C) recon =, C.T) recon[~observed] = 0 ss = (np.sum((recon - data) ** 2) + N * np.sum(CC * Sx) + missing * ss0) / (N * D) # calc diff for convergence det = np.log(np.linalg.det(Sx)) if np.isinf(det): det = abs(np.linalg.slogdet(Sx)[1]) v1 = N * (D * np.log(ss) + np.trace(Sx) - det) \ + np.trace(XX) - missing * np.log(ss0) diff = abs(v1 / v0 - 1) if verbose: print(diff) if (diff < tol) and (counter > 5): break counter += 1 v0 = v1 C = orth(C) vals, vecs = np.linalg.eig(np.cov(, C).T)) order = np.flipud(np.argsort(vals)) vecs = vecs[:, order] vals = vals[order] C =, vecs) # attach objects to class self.C = C = data self.eig_vals = vals self._calc_var()
[docs] def transform(self, data=None): if self.C is None: raise RuntimeError('Fit the data model first.') if data is None: return, self.C) return, self.C)
def _calc_var(self): if is None: raise RuntimeError('Fit the data model first.') data = # variance calc var = np.nanvar(data, axis=1) total_var = var.sum() self.var_exp = self.eig_vals.cumsum() / total_var
[docs] def save(self, fpath):, self.C)
[docs] def load(self, fpath): assert os.path.isfile(fpath) self.C = np.load(fpath)