Source code for mastml.data_splitters

This module contains a collection of methods to split data into different types of train/test sets. Data splitters
are the core component to evaluating model performance.

    Base class that handles the core MAST-ML data splitting and model evaluation workflow. This class is responsible
    for looping over provided feature selectors, models, and data splits and training and evaluating the model for each
    split, then generating the necessary plots and performance statistics. All different splitter types inherit this
    base class.

    Wrapper class to enable MAST-ML workflow compatible use of any data splitter contained in scikit-learn, e.g. KFold,
    RepeatedKFold, LeaveOneGroupOut, etc.

    Class that doesn't perform any data split. Equivalent to a "full fit" of the data where all data is used in training.

    Class that splits data so each individual group is used as training with all other groups used as testing. Essentially
    the inverse of LeaveOneGroupOut, this class trains only on one group and predicts the rest, as opposed to training
    on all but one group and testing on the left-out group.

    Class to split data based on their compositional similiarity. A useful means to separate compositionally similar
    compounds into the training or testing set, so that similar materials are not contained in both sets.

    Method to randomly split the data based on fraction of total data points, rather than a designated number of splits.
    Enables one to do higher than 50% leave out (this is highest leave out possible with KFold where k=2), so can do e.g.
    leave out 90% data.

    Another method to help separate similar data from the training and testing set. This method makes use of a general
    distance metric on the provided features, and flags twins as those data points within some provided distance threshold
    in the feature space.

    Method to use a clustering algorithm to pre-cluster data into groups. Then, these different groups are used as each
    left-out data set. Basically functions as a leave out group test where the groups are automatically obtained from
    a clustering algorithm.

    Class to train the model on multiple groups at a time and test it on the rest of the data

    Method to perform bootstrap resampling, i.e. random leave-out with replacement.


import numpy as np
import os
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
import copy
import sklearn
import inspect
from pprint import pprint
import joblib
from math import ceil
import warnings
import shutil
import itertools
from scipy.spatial.distance import minkowski
    import keras
    print('Keras is an optional dependency. To use keras, do pip install keras tensorflow')
    from matminer.featurizers.composition import ElementFraction
    from pymatgen.core import Composition
    print('matminer and pymatgen are optional dependencies. To use data splitter methods invoking these packages,'
          'do pip install matminer pymatgen')

import sklearn.model_selection as ms
from sklearn.utils import check_random_state
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
import sklearn_extra.cluster

from mastml.plots import make_plots
from mastml.feature_selectors import NoSelect
from mastml.error_analysis import ErrorUtils
from mastml.metrics import Metrics
from mastml.preprocessing import NoPreprocessor
from mastml.baseline_tests import Baseline_tests
from mastml.domain import Domain
from mastml.mastml import parallel

[docs]class BaseSplitter(ms.BaseCrossValidator): """ Class functioning as a base splitter with methods for organizing output and evaluating any mastml data splitter Args: None Methods: split_asframe: method to perform split into train indices and test indices, but return as dataframes Args: X: (pd.DataFrame), dataframe of X features y: (pd.Series), series of y target data groups: (pd.Series), series of group designations Returns: X_splits: (list), list of dataframes for X splits y_splits: (list), list of dataframes for y splits evaluate: main method to evaluate a sequence of models, selectors, and hyperparameter optimizers, build directories and perform analysis and output plots Args: X: (pd.DataFrame), dataframe of X features y: (pd.Series), series of y target data models: (list), list containing mastml.models instances preprocessor: (mastml.preprocessor), mastml.preprocessor object to normalize the training data in each split. groups: (pd.Series), series of group designations hyperopts: (list), list containing mastml.hyperopt instances. One for each provided model is needed. selectors: (list), list containing mastml.feature_selectors instances metrics: (list), list of metric names to evaluate true vs. pred data in each split plots: (list), list of names denoting which types of plots to make. Valid names are 'Scatter', 'Error', and 'Histogram' savepath: (str), string containing main savepath to construct splits for saving output X_extra: (pd.DataFrame), dataframe of extra X data not used in model fitting leaveout_inds: (list), list of arrays containing indices of data to be held out and evaluated using best model from set of train/validation splits best_run_metric: (str), metric name to be used to decide which model performed best. Defaults to first listed metric in metrics. nested_CV: (bool), whether to perform nested cross-validation. The nesting is done using the same splitter object as self.splitter error_method: (str), the type of model error evaluation method to perform. Only applies to certain models. Valid names are 'stdev_weak_learners' and 'jackknife_after_bootstrap' remove_outlier_learners: (bool), whether to remove weak learners from ensemble models whose predictions are found to be outliers. Default False. recalibrate_errors: (bool), whether to perform the predicted error bar recalibration method of Palmer et al. Default False. verbosity: (int), the output plotting verbosity. Default is 1. Valid choices are 0, 1, 2, and 3. baseline_test: (list), list of arrays containing base line tests to run. distance_metric: (str), distance metric to use in baseline_tests test_nearest_neighbour_cdist method domain_distance: (str), distance metric to perform domain evaluation of test data file_extension: (str), must be either '.xlsx' or '.csv', determines data file type for saving image_dpi: (int), determines output image quality remove_split_dirs: (bool), whether to remove all the inner split directories after data and plots saved **kwargs: (str), extra argument for domain_distance, eg. minkowsi requires additional arg p Returns: None _evaluate_split_sets: method to evaluate a set of train/test splits. At the end of the split set, the left-out data (if any) is evaluated using the best model from the train/test splits Args: X_splits: (list), list of dataframes for X splits y_splits: (list), list of dataframes for y splits train_inds: (list), list of arrays of indices denoting the training data test_inds: (list), list of arrays of indices denoting the testing data model: (mastml.models instance), an estimator for fitting data model_name: (str), class name of the model being evaluated selector: (mastml.selector), a feature selector to select features in each split preprocessor: (mastml.preprocessor), mastml.preprocessor object to normalize the training data in each split. X_extra: (pd.DataFrame), dataframe of extra X data not used in model fitting groups: (pd.Series), series of group designations splitdir: (str), string denoting the split path in the save directory hyperopt: (mastml.hyperopt), mastml.hyperopt instance to perform model hyperparameter optimization in each split metrics: (list), list of metric names to evaluate true vs. pred data in each split plots: (list), list of names denoting which types of plots to make. Valid names are 'Scatter', 'Error', and 'Histogram' has_model_errors: (bool), whether the model used has error bars (uncertainty quantification) error_method: (str), the type of model error evaluation method to perform. Only applies to certain models. Valid names are 'stdev_weak_learners' and 'jackknife_after_bootstrap' remove_outlier_learners: (bool), whether to remove weak learners from ensemble models whose predictions are found to be outliers. Default False. recalibrate_errors: (bool), whether to perform the predicted error bar recalibration method of Palmer et al. Default False. verbosity: (int), the output plotting verbosity. Default is 1. Valid choices are 0, 1, 2, and 3. baseline_test: (list), list of arrays containing base line tests to run. distance_metric: (str), distance metric to use in baseline_test's test_nearest_neighbour_cdist method domain_distance: (str), distance metric to perform domain evaluation of test data file_extension: (str), must be either '.xlsx' or '.csv', determines data file type for saving image_dpi: (int), determines output image quality **kwargs: (str), extra argument for domain_distance, eg. minkowsi requires additional arg p Returns: None _evaluate_split: method to evaluate a single data split, i.e. fit model, predict test data, and perform some plots and analysis Args: X_train: (pd.DataFrame), dataframe of X training features X_test: (pd.DataFrame), dataframe of X test features y_train: (pd.Series), series of y training features y_test: (pd.Series), series of y test features model: (mastml.models instance), an estimator for fitting data model_name: (str), class name of the model being evaluated preprocessor: (mastml.preprocessor), mastml.preprocessor object to normalize the training data in each split. selector: (mastml.selector), a feature selector to select features in each split hyperopt: (mastml.hyperopt), mastml.hyperopt instance to perform model hyperparameter optimization in each split metrics: (list), list of metric names to evaluate true vs. pred data in each split plots: (list), list of names denoting which types of plots to make. Valid names are 'Scatter', 'Error', and 'Histogram' groups: (str), string denoting the test group, if applicable splitpath:(str), string denoting the split path in the save directory has_model_errors: (bool), whether the model used has error bars (uncertainty quantification) X_extra_train: (pd.DataFrame), dataframe of the extra X data of the training split (not used in fit) X_extra_test: (pd.DataFrame), dataframe of the extra X data of the testing split (not used in fit) error_method: (str), the type of model error evaluation method to perform. Only applies to certain models. Valid names are 'stdev_weak_learners' and 'jackknife_after_bootstrap' remove_outlier_learners: (bool), whether to remove weak learners from ensemble models whose predictions are found to be outliers. Default False. verbosity: (int), the output plotting verbosity. Default is 1. Valid choices are 0, 1, 2, and 3. baseline_test: (list), list of arrays containing base line tests to run. distance_metric: (str), distance metric to use in baseline_test's test_nearest_neighbour_cdist method domain_distance: (str), distance metric to perform domain evaluation of test data file_extension: (str), must be either '.xlsx' or '.csv', determines data file type for saving image_dpi: (int), determines output image quality **kwargs: (str), extra argument for domain_distance, eg. minkowsi requires additional arg p Returns: None _setup_savedir: method to create a save directory based on model/selector/preprocessor names Args: model: (mastml.models instance), an estimator for fitting data preprocessor: (mastml.preprocessor), mastml.preprocessor object to normalize the training data in each split. selector: (mastml.selector), a feature selector to select features in each split savepath: (str), string denoting the save path of the file _save_split_data: method to save the X and y split data to excel files Args: df: (pd.DataFrame), dataframe of X or y data to save to file filename: (str), string denoting the filename, e.g. 'Xtest' savepath: (str), string denoting the save path of the file columns: (list), list of dataframe column names, e.g. X feature names file_extension: (str), must be either '.xlsx' or '.csv', determines data file type for saving Returns: None _collect_data: method to collect all pd.Series (e.g. ytrain/ytest) data into single series over many splits (directories) Args: filename: (str), string denoting the filename, e.g. 'ytest' savepath: (str), string denoting the save path of the file file_extension: (str), must be either '.xlsx' or '.csv', determines data file type for saving iterdirs: (bool), whether to recursively search within directories to collect data or just look in cwd Returns: data: (list), list containing flattened array of all data of a given type over many splits, e.g. all ypred data _collect_df_data: method to collect all pd.DataFrame (e.g. Xtrain/Xtest) data into single dataframe over many splits (directories) Args: filename: (str), string denoting the filename, e.g. 'Xtest' savepath: (str), string denoting the save path of the file file_extension: (str), must be either '.xlsx' or '.csv', determines data file type for saving Returns: data: (list), list containing flattened array of all data of a given type over many splits, e.g. all Xtest data _get_best_split: method to find the best performing model in a set of train/test splits Args: savepath: (str), string denoting the save path of the file preprocessor: (mastml.preprocessor), mastml.preprocessor object to normalize the training data in each split. best_run_metric: (str), name of the metric to use to find the best performing model model_name: (str), class name of model being evaluated file_extension: (str), must be either '.xlsx' or '.csv', determines data file type for saving Returns: best_split_dict: (dict), dictionary containing the path locations of the best model and corresponding preprocessor and selected feature list _get_average_recalibration_params: method to get the average and standard deviation of the recalibration factors in all train/test CV sets Args: savepath: (str), string denoting the save path of the file data_type: (str), string denoting the type of data to examine (e.g. test or leftout) file_extension: (str), must be either '.xlsx' or '.csv', determines data file type for saving Returns: recalibrate_avg_dict: (dict): dictionary of average recalibration parameters recalibrate_stdev_dict: (dict): dictionary of stdev of recalibration parameters _get_recalibration_params: method to get the recalibration factors for a single evaluation Args: savepath: (str), string denoting the save path of the file data_type: (str), string denoting the type of data to examine (e.g. test or leftout) file_extension: (str), must be either '.xlsx' or '.csv', determines data file type for saving Returns: recalibrate_dict: (dict): dictionary of recalibration parameters help: method to output key information on class use, e.g. methods and parameters Args: None Returns: None, but outputs help to screen """ def __init__(self): super(BaseSplitter, self).__init__() self.splitter = self.__class__.__name__
[docs] def split_asframe(self, X, y, groups=None, X_force_train=None, y_force_train=None): split = self.split(X, y, groups) X_splits = list() y_splits = list() train_inds = list() test_inds = list() for train, test in split: if X_force_train is None and y_force_train is None: X_splits.append((X.iloc[train], X.iloc[test])) y_splits.append((y.iloc[train], y.iloc[test])) train_inds.append(train) test_inds.append(test) else: X_splits.append((pd.concat([X.iloc[train], X_force_train]), X.iloc[test])) y_splits.append((pd.concat([y.iloc[train], y_force_train]), y.iloc[test])) test_inds.append(test) train_inds.append(train) # Don't append the forced train inds b/c don't want to evaluate metrics with these extra data, also creates issues with groups indexing # Note that including the forced training data causes an issue with plotting the train data all split average parity plots #num_ind = X.shape[0] #train_inds_extra = np.arange(0+num_ind, X_force_train.shape[0]+num_ind) #train_inds.append(np.concatenate([train, train_inds_extra])) return X_splits, y_splits, train_inds, test_inds
[docs] def evaluate(self, X, y, models, mastml=None, preprocessor=None, groups=None, hyperopts=None, selectors=None, metrics=None, plots=None, savepath=None, X_extra=None, X_force_train=None, y_force_train=None, leaveout_inds=list(list()), best_run_metric=None, nested_CV=False, error_method='stdev_weak_learners', remove_outlier_learners=False, recalibrate_errors=False, verbosity=1, baseline_test = None, distance_metric="euclidean", domain_distance=None, file_extension='.csv', image_dpi=250, parallel_run=False, remove_split_dirs=False, **kwargs): if nested_CV == True: if self.__class__.__name__ == 'NoSplit': print('Warning: NoSplit does not support nested cross validation.') else: # Get set of X_leaveout, y_leaveout for testing. Append them to user-specified X_leaveout tests X_splits, y_splits, train_inds, test_inds = self.split_asframe(X=X, y=y, groups=groups, X_force_train=X_force_train, y_force_train=y_force_train) leaveout_inds_orig = leaveout_inds leaveout_inds = [i for i in test_inds] if len(leaveout_inds_orig) > 0: for i in leaveout_inds_orig: leaveout_inds.append(i) if plots is None: plots = ['Scatter'] if type(models) == list: pass else: models = list(models) if selectors is None: selectors = [NoSelect()] else: if type(selectors) == list: pass else: selectors = list(selectors) if preprocessor is None: preprocessor = NoPreprocessor() if metrics is None: metrics = ['root_mean_squared_error'] if best_run_metric is None: best_run_metric = metrics[0] if hyperopts is None: hyperopts = [None for l in models] if not savepath: savepath = os.getcwd() self.splitdirs = list() for model, hyperopt in zip(models, hyperopts): # See if the model used is amenable to uncertainty (error) analysis try: model_name = model.model.__class__.__name__ except: model_name = model.__class__.__name__ if model_name in ['RandomForestRegressor', 'GradientBoostingRegressor', 'GaussianProcessRegressor', 'BaggingRegressor', 'ExtraTreesRegressor', 'AdaBoostRegressor']: has_model_errors = True else: has_model_errors = False if recalibrate_errors is True: print('Warning: you have selected to recalibrate errors using a model that does not support ' 'error estimation. Automatically changing to set recalibrate_errors = False') recalibrate_errors = False for selector in selectors: splitdir = self._setup_savedir(model=model, selector=selector, preprocessor=preprocessor, savepath=savepath) self.splitdirs.append(splitdir) split_outer_count = 0 if len(leaveout_inds) > 0: # HERE is parallel step needed for nested CV, but having issues with "daemonic processes are not allowed to have children". ''' def run_outer_loop_serial(leaveout_ind, X, y, X_extra, groups, splitdir, preprocessor): X_subsplit = X.loc[~X.index.isin(leaveout_ind)] y_subsplit = y.loc[~y.index.isin(leaveout_ind)] X_leaveout = X.loc[X.index.isin(leaveout_ind)] y_leaveout = y.loc[y.index.isin(leaveout_ind)] if X_extra is not None: X_extra_subsplit = X_extra.loc[~X_extra.index.isin(leaveout_ind)] X_extra_leaveout = X_extra.loc[X_extra.index.isin(leaveout_ind)] else: X_extra_subsplit = None X_extra_leaveout = None dataset_stdev = np.std(y_subsplit) if groups is not None: groups_subsplit = groups.loc[~groups.index.isin(leaveout_ind)] groups_leaveout = groups.loc[groups.index.isin(leaveout_ind)] else: groups_subsplit = None X_splits, y_splits, train_inds, test_inds = self.split_asframe(X=X_subsplit, y=y_subsplit, groups=groups_subsplit) # make the individual split directory # infer the split outer number based on how many folders exist folders = os.listdir(splitdir) folders = [i for i in folders if 'split_outer_' in i] split_outer_count = len(folders) splitouterpath = os.path.join(splitdir, 'split_outer_' + str(split_outer_count)) # make the feature selector directory for this split directory os.mkdir(splitouterpath) # Save the left-out data indices if file_extension == '.xlsx': pd.DataFrame({'leaveout_inds': leaveout_ind}).to_excel( os.path.join(splitouterpath, 'leaveout_inds' + file_extension), index=False) elif file_extension == '.csv': pd.DataFrame({'leaveout_inds': leaveout_ind}).to_csv( os.path.join(splitouterpath, 'leaveout_inds' + file_extension), index=False) # Save the left-out data groups if groups is not None: = 'leaveout_groups' if file_extension == '.xlsx': groups_leaveout.to_excel( os.path.join(splitouterpath, 'leaveout_groups' + file_extension), index=False) elif file_extension == '.csv': groups_leaveout.to_csv(os.path.join(splitouterpath, 'leaveout_groups' + file_extension), index=False) outerdir = self._evaluate_split_sets(X_splits, y_splits, train_inds, test_inds, model, model_name, mastml, selector, preprocessor, X_extra_subsplit, groups_subsplit, # groups subsplit??? Used to be "groups" splitouterpath, hyperopt, metrics, plots, has_model_errors, error_method, remove_outlier_learners, recalibrate_errors, verbosity, baseline_test, distance_metric, domain_distance, file_extension, image_dpi, parallel_run, **kwargs) #split_outer_count += 1 best_split_dict = self._get_best_split(savepath=splitouterpath, preprocessor=preprocessor, best_run_metric=best_run_metric, model_name=model_name, file_extension=file_extension) # Copy the best model, selected features and preprocessor to this outer directory shutil.copy(best_split_dict['preprocessor'], splitouterpath) shutil.copy(best_split_dict['model'], splitouterpath) shutil.copy(best_split_dict['features'], splitouterpath) # Load in the best model, preprocessor and evaluate the left-out data stats best_model = joblib.load(best_split_dict['model']) preprocessor = joblib.load(best_split_dict['preprocessor']) if file_extension == '.xlsx': X_train_bestmodel = preprocessor.transform(pd.read_excel(best_split_dict['X_train'], engine='openpyxl')) # Need to preprocess the Xtrain data elif file_extension == '.csv': X_train_bestmodel = preprocessor.transform( pd.read_csv(best_split_dict['X_train'])) # Need to preprocess the Xtrain data with open(os.path.join(splitouterpath, 'selected_features.txt')) as f: selected_features = [line.rstrip() for line in f] X_leaveout = X_leaveout[selected_features] X_leaveout_preprocessed = preprocessor.transform(X=X_leaveout) y_pred_leaveout = best_model.predict(X=X_leaveout_preprocessed) y_pred_leaveout = pd.Series(y_pred_leaveout, name='y_pred_leaveout') stats_dict_leaveout = Metrics(metrics_list=metrics).evaluate(y_true=y_leaveout, y_pred=y_pred_leaveout) df_stats_leaveout = pd.DataFrame().from_records([stats_dict_leaveout]) if file_extension == '.xlsx': df_stats_leaveout.to_excel( os.path.join(splitouterpath, 'leaveout_stats_summary' + file_extension), index=False) elif file_extension == '.csv': df_stats_leaveout.to_csv( os.path.join(splitouterpath, 'leaveout_stats_summary' + file_extension), index=False) # At level of splitouterpath, do analysis over all splits (e.g. parity plot over all splits) if groups is not None: groups_leaveout_all = self._collect_data(filename='leaveout_groups', savepath=splitouterpath, file_extension=file_extension, iterdirs=False) else: groups_leaveout_all = None y_test_all = self._collect_data(filename='y_test', savepath=splitouterpath, file_extension=file_extension) y_train_all = self._collect_data(filename='y_train', savepath=splitouterpath, file_extension=file_extension) y_pred_all = self._collect_data(filename='y_pred', savepath=splitouterpath, file_extension=file_extension) y_pred_train_all = self._collect_data(filename='y_pred_train', savepath=splitouterpath, file_extension=file_extension) residuals_test_all = self._collect_data(filename='residuals_test', savepath=splitouterpath, file_extension=file_extension) residuals_train_all = self._collect_data(filename='residuals_train', savepath=splitouterpath, file_extension=file_extension) X_train_all = self._collect_df_data(filename='X_train', savepath=splitouterpath, file_extension=file_extension) X_test_all = self._collect_df_data(filename='X_test', savepath=splitouterpath, file_extension=file_extension) # Save the data gathered over all the splits self._save_split_data(df=X_train_all, filename='X_train', savepath=splitouterpath, columns=X_train_all.columns.tolist(), file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=X_test_all, filename='X_test', savepath=splitouterpath, columns=X_test_all.columns.tolist(), file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=y_test_all, filename='y_test', savepath=splitouterpath, columns='y_test', file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=y_train_all, filename='y_train', savepath=splitouterpath, columns='y_train', file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=y_pred_all, filename='y_pred', savepath=splitouterpath, columns='y_pred', file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=y_pred_train_all, filename='y_pred_train', savepath=splitouterpath, columns='y_pred_train', file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=residuals_test_all, filename='residuals_test', savepath=splitouterpath, columns='residuals', file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=residuals_train_all, filename='residuals_train', savepath=splitouterpath, columns='residuals', file_extension=file_extension) if has_model_errors is True: model_errors_leaveout, num_removed_learners_leaveout = ErrorUtils()._get_model_errors( model=best_model, X=X_leaveout_preprocessed, X_train=X_train_bestmodel, X_test=X_leaveout_preprocessed, error_method=error_method, remove_outlier_learners=remove_outlier_learners) self._save_split_data(df=model_errors_leaveout, filename='model_errors_leaveout', savepath=splitouterpath, columns='model_errors', file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=num_removed_learners_leaveout, filename='num_removed_learners_leaveout', savepath=splitouterpath, columns='num_removed_learners', file_extension=file_extension) else: model_errors_leaveout = None # Remake the leaveout y data series to reset the index y_leaveout = pd.Series(np.array(y_leaveout)) y_pred_leaveout = pd.Series(np.array(y_pred_leaveout)) self._save_split_data(df=X_leaveout, filename='X_leaveout', savepath=splitouterpath, columns=X_leaveout.columns.tolist(), file_extension=file_extension) if X_extra is not None: self._save_split_data(df=X_extra_leaveout, filename='X_extra_leaveout', savepath=splitouterpath, columns=X_extra_leaveout.columns.tolist(), file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=y_leaveout, filename='y_leaveout', savepath=splitouterpath, columns='y_leaveout', file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=y_pred_leaveout, filename='y_pred_leaveout', savepath=splitouterpath, columns='y_pred_leaveout', file_extension=file_extension) residuals_leaveout = y_pred_leaveout - y_leaveout self._save_split_data(df=residuals_leaveout, filename='residuals_leaveout', savepath=splitouterpath, columns='residuals', file_extension=file_extension) if recalibrate_errors is True: recalibrate_dict = self._get_recalibration_params(savepath=splitouterpath, data_type='test', file_extension=file_extension) model_errors_leaveout_cal = recalibrate_dict['a'] * model_errors_leaveout + \ recalibrate_dict['b'] self._save_split_data(df=model_errors_leaveout_cal, filename='model_errors_leaveout_calibrated', savepath=splitouterpath, columns='model_errors', file_extension=file_extension) else: model_errors_leaveout_cal = None if verbosity > 0: make_plots(plots=plots, y_true=y_leaveout, y_pred=y_pred_leaveout, X_test=X_leaveout, groups=groups_leaveout_all, data_type='leaveout', dataset_stdev=dataset_stdev, has_model_errors=has_model_errors, metrics=metrics, model=model, model_errors=model_errors_leaveout, residuals=residuals_leaveout, savepath=splitouterpath, show_figure=False, recalibrate_errors=recalibrate_errors, model_errors_cal=model_errors_leaveout_cal, splits_summary=True, file_extension=file_extension, image_dpi=image_dpi) # Update the MASTML metadata file to include the leftout data info if mastml is not None: mastml._update_metadata(outerdir=outerdir, split_name='split_summary', leaveout_stats=df_stats_leaveout, X_leaveout=X_leaveout, X_extra_leaveout=X_extra_leaveout, y_leaveout=y_leaveout, y_pred_leaveout=y_pred_leaveout, residuals_leaveout=residuals_leaveout, model_errors_leaveout=model_errors_leaveout, model_errors_leaveout_cal=model_errors_leaveout_cal, ) mastml._save_mastml_metadata() return if parallel_run == True: parallel(run_outer_loop_serial, x=leaveout_inds, X=X, y=y, X_extra=X_extra, groups=groups, splitdir=splitdir, preprocessor=preprocessor) else: [run_outer_loop_serial(i, X, y, X_extra, groups, splitdir, preprocessor) for i in leaveout_inds] ''' for leaveout_ind in leaveout_inds: X_subsplit = X.loc[~X.index.isin(leaveout_ind)] y_subsplit = y.loc[~y.index.isin(leaveout_ind)] X_leaveout = X.loc[X.index.isin(leaveout_ind)] y_leaveout = y.loc[y.index.isin(leaveout_ind)] if X_extra is not None: X_extra_subsplit = X_extra.loc[~X_extra.index.isin(leaveout_ind)] X_extra_leaveout = X_extra.loc[X_extra.index.isin(leaveout_ind)] else: X_extra_subsplit = None X_extra_leaveout = None dataset_stdev = np.std(y_subsplit) if groups is not None: groups_subsplit = groups.loc[~groups.index.isin(leaveout_ind)] groups_leaveout = groups.loc[groups.index.isin(leaveout_ind)] else: groups_subsplit = None X_splits, y_splits, train_inds, test_inds = self.split_asframe(X=X_subsplit, y=y_subsplit, groups=groups_subsplit, X_force_train=X_force_train, y_force_train=y_force_train) # make the individual split directory splitouterpath = os.path.join(splitdir, 'split_outer_' + str(split_outer_count)) # make the feature selector directory for this split directory os.mkdir(splitouterpath) # Save the left-out data indices if file_extension == '.xlsx': pd.DataFrame({'leaveout_inds': leaveout_ind}).to_excel(os.path.join(splitouterpath, 'leaveout_inds'+file_extension), index=False) elif file_extension == '.csv': pd.DataFrame({'leaveout_inds': leaveout_ind}).to_csv(os.path.join(splitouterpath, 'leaveout_inds' + file_extension), index=False) # Save the left-out data groups if groups is not None: = 'leaveout_groups' if file_extension == '.xlsx': groups_leaveout.to_excel(os.path.join(splitouterpath, 'leaveout_groups'+file_extension), index=False) elif file_extension == '.csv': groups_leaveout.to_csv(os.path.join(splitouterpath, 'leaveout_groups'+file_extension), index=False) outerdir = self._evaluate_split_sets(X_splits, y_splits, train_inds, test_inds, model, model_name, mastml, selector, preprocessor, X_extra_subsplit, groups_subsplit, #groups subsplit??? Used to be "groups" splitouterpath, hyperopt, metrics, plots, has_model_errors, error_method, remove_outlier_learners, recalibrate_errors, verbosity, baseline_test, distance_metric, domain_distance, file_extension, image_dpi, parallel_run, **kwargs) split_outer_count += 1 best_split_dict = self._get_best_split(savepath=splitouterpath, model=model, preprocessor=preprocessor, best_run_metric=best_run_metric, model_name=model_name, file_extension=file_extension) # Copy the best model, selected features and preprocessor to this outer directory shutil.copy(best_split_dict['preprocessor'], splitouterpath) if model_name == 'KerasRegressor': try: shutil.move(best_split_dict['model'], splitouterpath) except: print('Warning: could not move best Keras model to splitdir') elif model_name == 'BaggingRegressor': if model.base_estimator_ == 'KerasRegressor': for m in best_split_dict['model']: shutil.move(m, splitouterpath) else: try: shutil.copy(best_split_dict['model'], splitouterpath) except: print('Warning: could not copy best model to splitdir') #shutil.copy(best_split_dict['model'], splitouterpath) shutil.copy(best_split_dict['features'], splitouterpath) # Load in the best model, preprocessor and evaluate the left-out data stats if model_name == 'BaggingRegressor': if model.base_estimator_ == 'KerasRegressor': # Need to rebuild the ensemble of Keras models import tensorflow as tf keras_dirs = [d for d in os.listdir(splitouterpath) if 'keras_model' in d] estimators = [tf.keras.models.load_model(os.path.join(splitouterpath, d)) for d in keras_dirs] estimator_features = list() for e in estimators: estimator_features.append(np.arange(0, X.shape[1])) model.model.estimators_ = estimators model.model.estimators_features_ = estimator_features best_model = model else: best_model = joblib.load(best_split_dict['model']) else: best_model = joblib.load(best_split_dict['model']) preprocessor = joblib.load(best_split_dict['preprocessor']) if file_extension == '.xlsx': X_train_bestmodel = preprocessor.transform(pd.read_excel(best_split_dict['X_train'], engine='openpyxl')) # Need to preprocess the Xtrain data elif file_extension == '.csv': X_train_bestmodel = preprocessor.transform(pd.read_csv(best_split_dict['X_train'])) # Need to preprocess the Xtrain data with open(os.path.join(splitouterpath, 'selected_features.txt')) as f: selected_features = [line.rstrip() for line in f] X_leaveout = X_leaveout[selected_features] X_leaveout_preprocessed = preprocessor.transform(X=X_leaveout) y_pred_leaveout = best_model.predict(X=X_leaveout_preprocessed) y_pred_leaveout = pd.Series(y_pred_leaveout, name='y_pred_leaveout') stats_dict_leaveout = Metrics(metrics_list=metrics).evaluate(y_true=y_leaveout, y_pred=y_pred_leaveout) df_stats_leaveout = pd.DataFrame().from_records([stats_dict_leaveout]) if file_extension == '.xlsx': df_stats_leaveout.to_excel(os.path.join(splitouterpath, 'leaveout_stats_summary'+file_extension), index=False) elif file_extension == '.csv': df_stats_leaveout.to_csv(os.path.join(splitouterpath, 'leaveout_stats_summary' + file_extension), index=False) # At level of splitouterpath, do analysis over all splits (e.g. parity plot over all splits) if groups is not None: groups_leaveout_all = self._collect_data(filename='leaveout_groups', savepath=splitouterpath, file_extension=file_extension, iterdirs=False) else: groups_leaveout_all = None y_test_all = self._collect_data(filename='y_test', savepath=splitouterpath, file_extension=file_extension) y_train_all = self._collect_data(filename='y_train', savepath=splitouterpath, file_extension=file_extension) y_pred_all = self._collect_data(filename='y_pred', savepath=splitouterpath, file_extension=file_extension) y_pred_train_all = self._collect_data(filename='y_pred_train', savepath=splitouterpath, file_extension=file_extension) residuals_test_all = self._collect_data(filename='residuals_test', savepath=splitouterpath, file_extension=file_extension) residuals_train_all = self._collect_data(filename='residuals_train', savepath=splitouterpath, file_extension=file_extension) X_train_all = self._collect_df_data(filename='X_train', savepath=splitouterpath, file_extension=file_extension) X_test_all = self._collect_df_data(filename='X_test', savepath=splitouterpath, file_extension=file_extension) # Save the data gathered over all the splits self._save_split_data(df=X_train_all, filename='X_train', savepath=splitouterpath, columns=X_train_all.columns.tolist(), file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=X_test_all, filename='X_test', savepath=splitouterpath, columns=X_test_all.columns.tolist(), file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=y_test_all, filename='y_test', savepath=splitouterpath, columns='y_test', file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=y_train_all, filename='y_train', savepath=splitouterpath, columns='y_train', file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=y_pred_all, filename='y_pred', savepath=splitouterpath, columns='y_pred', file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=y_pred_train_all, filename='y_pred_train', savepath=splitouterpath, columns='y_pred_train', file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=residuals_test_all, filename='residuals_test', savepath=splitouterpath, columns='residuals', file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=residuals_train_all, filename='residuals_train', savepath=splitouterpath, columns='residuals', file_extension=file_extension) if has_model_errors is True: model_errors_leaveout, num_removed_learners_leaveout = ErrorUtils()._get_model_errors(model=best_model, X=X_leaveout_preprocessed, X_train=X_train_bestmodel, X_test=X_leaveout_preprocessed, error_method=error_method, remove_outlier_learners=remove_outlier_learners) self._save_split_data(df=model_errors_leaveout, filename='model_errors_leaveout', savepath=splitouterpath, columns='model_errors', file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=num_removed_learners_leaveout, filename='num_removed_learners_leaveout', savepath=splitouterpath, columns='num_removed_learners', file_extension=file_extension) else: model_errors_leaveout = None # Remake the leaveout y data series to reset the index y_leaveout = pd.Series(np.array(y_leaveout)) y_pred_leaveout = pd.Series(np.array(y_pred_leaveout)) self._save_split_data(df=X_leaveout, filename='X_leaveout', savepath=splitouterpath, columns=X_leaveout.columns.tolist(), file_extension=file_extension) if X_extra is not None: self._save_split_data(df=X_extra_leaveout, filename='X_extra_leaveout', savepath=splitouterpath, columns=X_extra_leaveout.columns.tolist(), file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=y_leaveout, filename='y_leaveout', savepath=splitouterpath, columns='y_leaveout', file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=y_pred_leaveout, filename='y_pred_leaveout', savepath=splitouterpath, columns='y_pred_leaveout', file_extension=file_extension) residuals_leaveout = y_pred_leaveout-y_leaveout self._save_split_data(df=residuals_leaveout, filename='residuals_leaveout', savepath=splitouterpath, columns='residuals', file_extension=file_extension) if recalibrate_errors is True: recalibrate_dict = self._get_recalibration_params(savepath=splitouterpath, data_type='test', file_extension=file_extension) model_errors_leaveout_cal = recalibrate_dict['a']*model_errors_leaveout+recalibrate_dict['b'] self._save_split_data(df=model_errors_leaveout_cal, filename='model_errors_leaveout_calibrated', savepath=splitouterpath, columns='model_errors', file_extension=file_extension) else: model_errors_leaveout_cal = None if verbosity > 0: make_plots(plots=plots, y_true=y_leaveout, y_pred=y_pred_leaveout, X_test=X_leaveout, groups=groups_leaveout_all, data_type='leaveout', dataset_stdev=dataset_stdev, has_model_errors=has_model_errors, metrics=metrics, model=model, model_errors=model_errors_leaveout, residuals=residuals_leaveout, savepath=splitouterpath, show_figure=False, recalibrate_errors=recalibrate_errors, model_errors_cal=model_errors_leaveout_cal, splits_summary=True, file_extension=file_extension, image_dpi=image_dpi) # Update the MASTML metadata file to include the leftout data info if mastml is not None: mastml._update_metadata(outerdir=outerdir, split_name='split_summary', leaveout_stats=df_stats_leaveout, X_leaveout=X_leaveout, X_extra_leaveout=X_extra_leaveout, y_leaveout=y_leaveout, y_pred_leaveout=y_pred_leaveout, residuals_leaveout=residuals_leaveout, model_errors_leaveout=model_errors_leaveout, model_errors_leaveout_cal=model_errors_leaveout_cal, ) mastml._save_mastml_metadata() # At level of splitdir, collect and save all leaveout data if groups is not None: groups_leaveout_all = self._collect_data(filename='leaveout_groups', savepath=splitdir, file_extension=file_extension) else: groups_leaveout_all = None y_leaveout_all = self._collect_data(filename='y_leaveout', savepath=splitdir, file_extension=file_extension) y_pred_leaveout_all = self._collect_data(filename='y_pred_leaveout', savepath=splitdir, file_extension=file_extension) residuals_leaveout_all = self._collect_data(filename='residuals_leaveout', savepath=splitdir, file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=residuals_leaveout_all, filename='residuals_leaveout', savepath=splitdir, columns='residuals', file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=y_leaveout_all, filename='y_leaveout', savepath=splitdir, columns='y_leaveout', file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=y_pred_leaveout_all, filename='y_pred_leaveout', savepath=splitdir, columns='y_pred_leaveout', file_extension=file_extension) # At level of splitodir, collect and save all train/test data y_test_all = self._collect_data(filename='y_test', savepath=splitdir, file_extension=file_extension) y_train_all = self._collect_data(filename='y_train', savepath=splitdir, file_extension=file_extension) y_pred_all = self._collect_data(filename='y_pred', savepath=splitdir, file_extension=file_extension) y_pred_train_all = self._collect_data(filename='y_pred_train', savepath=splitdir, file_extension=file_extension) residuals_test_all = self._collect_data(filename='residuals_test', savepath=splitdir, file_extension=file_extension) residuals_train_all = self._collect_data(filename='residuals_train', savepath=splitdir, file_extension=file_extension) X_train_all = self._collect_df_data(filename='X_train', savepath=splitdir, file_extension=file_extension) X_test_all = self._collect_df_data(filename='X_test', savepath=splitdir, file_extension=file_extension) X_leaveout_all = self._collect_df_data(filename='X_leaveout', savepath=splitdir, file_extension=file_extension) if X_extra is not None: X_extra_train_all = self._collect_df_data(filename='X_extra_train', savepath=splitdir, file_extension=file_extension) X_extra_test_all = self._collect_df_data(filename='X_extra_test', savepath=splitdir, file_extension=file_extension) X_extra_leaveout_all = self._collect_df_data(filename='X_extra_leaveout', savepath=splitdir, file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=X_train_all, filename='X_train', savepath=splitdir, columns=X_train_all.columns.tolist(), file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=X_test_all, filename='X_test', savepath=splitdir, columns=X_test_all.columns.tolist(), file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=X_leaveout_all, filename='X_leaveout', savepath=splitdir, columns=X_leaveout_all.columns.tolist(), file_extension=file_extension) if X_extra is not None: self._save_split_data(df=X_extra_train_all, filename='X_train', savepath=splitdir, columns=X_extra_train_all.columns.tolist(), file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=X_extra_test_all, filename='X_test', savepath=splitdir, columns=X_extra_test_all.columns.tolist(), file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=X_extra_leaveout_all, filename='X_leaveout', savepath=splitdir, columns=X_extra_leaveout_all.columns.tolist(), file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=y_test_all, filename='y_test', savepath=splitdir, columns='y_test', file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=y_train_all, filename='y_train', savepath=splitdir, columns='y_train', file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=y_pred_all, filename='y_pred', savepath=splitdir, columns='y_pred', file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=y_pred_train_all, filename='y_pred_train', savepath=splitdir, columns='y_pred_train', file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=residuals_test_all, filename='residuals_test', savepath=splitdir, columns='residuals', file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=residuals_train_all, filename='residuals_train', savepath=splitdir, columns='residuals', file_extension=file_extension) # Remake the Series so that indices are sequential (needed for math) y_leaveout_all = pd.Series(np.array(y_leaveout_all)) y_pred_leaveout_all = pd.Series(np.array(y_pred_leaveout_all)) if has_model_errors is True: model_errors_leaveout_all = self._collect_data(filename='model_errors_leaveout', savepath=splitdir, file_extension=file_extension) num_removed_learners_leaveout_all = self._collect_data(filename='num_removed_learners_leaveout', savepath=splitdir, file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=model_errors_leaveout_all, filename='model_errors_leaveout', savepath=splitdir, columns='model_errors', file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=num_removed_learners_leaveout_all, filename='num_removed_learners_leaveout', savepath=splitdir, columns='num_removed_learners', file_extension=file_extension) if recalibrate_errors is True: model_errors_leaveout_all_calibrated = self._collect_data(filename='model_errors_leaveout_calibrated', savepath=splitdir, file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=model_errors_leaveout_all_calibrated, filename='model_errors_leaveout_calibrated', savepath=splitdir, columns='model_errors', file_extension=file_extension) else: model_errors_leaveout_all_calibrated = None else: model_errors_leaveout_all = None model_errors_leaveout_all_calibrated = None # Gather the recalibration dicts from each split set and save average and stdev of recalibrations if has_model_errors is True and recalibrate_errors is True: recalibrate_avg_dict, recalibrate_stdev_dict = self._get_average_recalibration_params(savepath=splitdir, data_type='test', file_extension=file_extension) if file_extension == '.xlsx': pd.DataFrame(recalibrate_avg_dict, index=[0]).to_excel(os.path.join(splitdir, 'recalibration_parameters_average_test'+file_extension)) pd.DataFrame(recalibrate_stdev_dict, index=[0]).to_excel(os.path.join(splitdir, 'recalibration_parameters_stdev_test'+file_extension)) elif file_extension == '.csv': pd.DataFrame(recalibrate_avg_dict, index=[0]).to_csv(os.path.join(splitdir, 'recalibration_parameters_average_test'+file_extension)) pd.DataFrame(recalibrate_stdev_dict, index=[0]).to_csv(os.path.join(splitdir, 'recalibration_parameters_stdev_test'+file_extension)) # Make all leaveout data plots if verbosity > 0: make_plots(plots=plots, y_true=y_leaveout_all, y_pred=y_pred_leaveout_all, X_test=X_leaveout_all, groups=groups_leaveout_all, data_type='leaveout', dataset_stdev=np.std(y_leaveout_all), has_model_errors=has_model_errors, metrics=metrics, model=model, model_errors=model_errors_leaveout_all, residuals=residuals_leaveout_all, savepath=splitdir, show_figure=False, recalibrate_errors=recalibrate_errors, model_errors_cal=model_errors_leaveout_all_calibrated, splits_summary=True, file_extension=file_extension, image_dpi=image_dpi) # Update the MASTML metadata file try: if file_extension == '.xlsx': df_stats_leaveout = pd.read_excel(os.path.join(splitdir, 'leaveout_average_stdev_stats_summary'+file_extension)) elif file_extension == '.csv': df_stats_leaveout = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(splitdir, 'leaveout_average_stdev_stats_summary' + file_extension)) except: df_stats_leaveout = None if mastml is not None: outerdir = splitdir.split('/')[-1] if 'split_outer' in outerdir: # For nested CV or left out data runs with outer and inner splits, need the model dir one level up outerdir = os.path.join(splitdir.split('/')[-2], splitdir.split('/')[-1]) mastml._update_metadata(outerdir=outerdir, split_name='split_outer_summary', model=model, splitter=self, preprocessor=preprocessor, selector=selector, hyperopt=hyperopt, train_stats=None, test_stats=None, leaveout_stats=df_stats_leaveout, X_train=pd.DataFrame(np.array(X_train_all), columns=X_train_all.columns.tolist()), X_test=pd.DataFrame(np.array(X_test_all), columns=X_test_all.columns.tolist()), X_leaveout=pd.DataFrame(np.array(X_leaveout_all), columns=X_leaveout_all.columns.tolist()), X_extra_train=pd.DataFrame(np.array(X_extra_train_all), columns=X_extra_train_all.columns.tolist()) if X_extra is not None else None, X_extra_test=pd.DataFrame(np.array(X_extra_test_all), columns=X_extra_test_all.columns.tolist()) if X_extra is not None else None, X_extra_leaveout=pd.DataFrame(np.array(X_extra_leaveout_all), columns=X_extra_leaveout_all.columns.tolist()) if X_extra is not None else None, y_train=y_train_all, y_test=y_test_all, y_leaveout=y_leaveout_all, y_pred_train=y_pred_train_all, y_pred=y_pred_all, y_pred_leaveout=y_pred_leaveout_all, residuals_train=residuals_train_all, residuals_test=residuals_test_all, residuals_leaveout=residuals_leaveout_all, model_errors_train=None, model_errors_test=None, model_errors_leaveout=model_errors_leaveout_all, model_errors_train_cal=None, model_errors_test_cal=None, model_errors_leaveout_cal=model_errors_leaveout_all_calibrated, dataset_stdev=None) mastml._save_mastml_metadata() # Remove all the splitdirs if set to True if remove_split_dirs == True: ds = os.listdir(splitdir) splitdirs = [d for d in ds if 'split_' in d and '.png' not in d] for d in splitdirs: shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(splitdir, d)) else: X_splits, y_splits, train_inds, test_inds = self.split_asframe(X=X, y=y, groups=groups, X_force_train=X_force_train, y_force_train=y_force_train) self._evaluate_split_sets(X_splits, y_splits, train_inds, test_inds, model, model_name, mastml, selector, preprocessor, X_extra, groups, splitdir, hyperopt, metrics, plots, has_model_errors, error_method, remove_outlier_learners, recalibrate_errors, verbosity, baseline_test, distance_metric, domain_distance, file_extension, image_dpi, parallel_run, **kwargs) best_split_dict = self._get_best_split(savepath=splitdir, model=model, preprocessor=preprocessor, best_run_metric=best_run_metric, model_name=model_name, file_extension=file_extension) # Copy the best model, selected features and preprocessor to this outer directory try: shutil.copy(best_split_dict['preprocessor'], splitdir) except: print('Warning: could not copy best preprocessor to splitdir') if model_name == 'KerasRegressor': try: shutil.move(best_split_dict['model'], splitdir) except: print('Warning: could not move best Keras model to splitdir') elif model_name == 'BaggingRegressor': if model.base_estimator_ == 'KerasRegressor': for m in best_split_dict['model']: shutil.move(m, splitdir) else: try: shutil.copy(best_split_dict['model'], splitdir) except: print('Warning: could not copy best model to splitdir') try: shutil.copy(best_split_dict['features'], splitdir) except: print('Warning: could not copy best feature set to splitdir') # Remove all the splitdirs if set to True if remove_split_dirs == True: ds = os.listdir(splitdir) splitdirs = [d for d in ds if 'split_' in d and '.png' not in d] for d in splitdirs: shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(splitdir, d)) return
def _evaluate_split_sets(self, X_splits, y_splits, train_inds, test_inds, model, model_name, mastml, selector, preprocessor, X_extra, groups, splitdir, hyperopt, metrics, plots, has_model_errors, error_method, remove_outlier_learners, recalibrate_errors, verbosity, baseline_test, distance_metric, domain_distance, file_extension, image_dpi, parallel_run, **kwargs): def _evaluate_split_sets_serial(data, groups=None): Xs, ys, train_ind, test_ind, split_count = data # TODO: not copying this causes issues with KerasRegressor when doing different split types. But, doing this breaks BaggingRegressor with KerasRegressor networks #model_orig = copy.deepcopy(model) selector_orig = copy.deepcopy(selector) preprocessor_orig = copy.deepcopy(preprocessor) hyperopt_orig = copy.deepcopy(hyperopt) X_train = Xs[0] X_test = Xs[1] y_train = pd.Series(np.array(ys[0]).ravel(), name='y_train') y_test = pd.Series(np.array(ys[1]).ravel(), name='y_test') # Make it so the y_test and y_pred have same indices so can be subtracted to get residual if X_extra is not None: X_extra_train = X_extra.loc[X_train.index.values, :] X_extra_test = X_extra.loc[X_test.index.values, :] else: X_extra_train = None X_extra_test = None if groups is not None: group = pd.Series(np.array(groups)[test_ind]) group_train = pd.Series(np.array(groups)[train_ind]) else: group = None group_train = None splitpath = os.path.join(splitdir, 'split_' + str(split_count)) os.mkdir(splitpath) # Save the test data indices and train data indices if file_extension == '.xlsx': pd.DataFrame({'test_inds': test_ind}).to_excel(os.path.join(splitpath, 'test_inds'+file_extension), index=False) pd.DataFrame({'train_inds': train_ind}).to_excel(os.path.join(splitpath, 'train_inds'+file_extension), index=False) elif file_extension == '.csv': pd.DataFrame({'test_inds': test_ind}).to_csv(os.path.join(splitpath, 'test_inds' + file_extension), index=False) pd.DataFrame({'train_inds': train_ind}).to_csv(os.path.join(splitpath, 'train_inds' + file_extension), index=False) self._evaluate_split(X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, model, model_name, mastml, preprocessor_orig, selector_orig, hyperopt_orig, metrics, plots, group, group_train, splitpath, has_model_errors, X_extra_train, X_extra_test, error_method, remove_outlier_learners, verbosity, baseline_test, distance_metric, domain_distance, file_extension, image_dpi, **kwargs) #self._evaluate_split(X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, model_orig, model_name, mastml, preprocessor_orig, selector_orig, # hyperopt_orig, metrics, plots, group, group_train, # splitpath, has_model_errors, X_extra_train, X_extra_test, error_method, remove_outlier_learners, # verbosity, baseline_test, distance_metric, domain_distance, file_extension, image_dpi, **kwargs) return split_counts = list(range(len(y_splits))) data = list(zip(X_splits, y_splits, train_inds, test_inds, split_counts)) # Parallel if parallel_run is True: parallel(_evaluate_split_sets_serial, x=data, groups=groups) # Serial else: [_evaluate_split_sets_serial(data=i, groups=groups) for i in data] # At level of splitdir, do analysis over all splits (e.g. parity plot over all splits) if groups is not None: groups_test_all = self._collect_data(filename='test_groups', savepath=splitdir, file_extension=file_extension) groups_train_all = self._collect_data(filename='train_groups', savepath=splitdir, file_extension=file_extension) else: groups_test_all = None groups_train_all = None y_test_all = self._collect_data(filename='y_test', savepath=splitdir, file_extension=file_extension) y_train_all = self._collect_data(filename='y_train', savepath=splitdir, file_extension=file_extension) y_pred_all = self._collect_data(filename='y_pred', savepath=splitdir, file_extension=file_extension) y_pred_train_all = self._collect_data(filename='y_pred_train', savepath=splitdir, file_extension=file_extension) residuals_test_all = self._collect_data(filename='residuals_test', savepath=splitdir, file_extension=file_extension) residuals_train_all = self._collect_data(filename='residuals_train', savepath=splitdir, file_extension=file_extension) X_train_all = self._collect_df_data(filename='X_train', savepath=splitdir, file_extension=file_extension) X_test_all = self._collect_df_data(filename='X_test', savepath=splitdir, file_extension=file_extension) if X_extra is not None: X_extra_train_all = self._collect_df_data(filename='X_extra_train', savepath=splitdir, file_extension=file_extension) X_extra_test_all = self._collect_df_data(filename='X_extra_test', savepath=splitdir, file_extension=file_extension) if domain_distance: y_test_domain_all = self._collect_data(filename='y_test_domain', savepath=splitdir, file_extension=file_extension) y_combined_all = self._collect_df_data(filename='y_combined', savepath=splitdir, file_extension=file_extension) # Save the data gathered over all the splits self._save_split_data(df=X_train_all, filename='X_train', savepath=splitdir, columns=X_train_all.columns.tolist(), file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=X_test_all, filename='X_test', savepath=splitdir, columns=X_test_all.columns.tolist(), file_extension=file_extension) if X_extra is not None: self._save_split_data(df=X_extra_train_all, filename='X_extra_train', savepath=splitdir, columns=X_extra_train_all.columns.tolist(), file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=X_extra_test_all, filename='X_extra_test', savepath=splitdir, columns=X_extra_test_all.columns.tolist(), file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=y_test_all, filename='y_test', savepath=splitdir, columns='y_test', file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=y_train_all, filename='y_train', savepath=splitdir, columns='y_train', file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=y_pred_all, filename='y_pred', savepath=splitdir, columns='y_pred', file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=y_pred_train_all, filename='y_pred_train', savepath=splitdir, columns='y_pred_train', file_extension=file_extension) if domain_distance: self._save_split_data(df=y_test_domain_all, filename='y_test_domain', savepath=splitdir, columns='y_test_domain', file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=y_combined_all, filename='y_combined', savepath=splitdir, columns=y_combined_all.columns.tolist(), file_extension=file_extension) if has_model_errors is True: model_errors_test_all = self._collect_data(filename='model_errors_test', savepath=splitdir, file_extension=file_extension) model_errors_train_all = self._collect_data(filename='model_errors_train', savepath=splitdir, file_extension=file_extension) num_removed_learners_test_all = self._collect_data(filename='num_removed_learners_test', savepath=splitdir, file_extension=file_extension) num_removed_learners_train_all = self._collect_data(filename='num_removed_learners_train', savepath=splitdir, file_extension=file_extension) # Save all the uncalibrated model errors data self._save_split_data(df=model_errors_test_all, filename='model_errors_test', savepath=splitdir, columns='model_errors', file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=model_errors_train_all, filename='model_errors_train', savepath=splitdir, columns='model_errors', file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=num_removed_learners_test_all, filename='num_removed_learners_test', savepath=splitdir, columns='num_removed_learners', file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=num_removed_learners_train_all, filename='num_removed_learners_train', savepath=splitdir, columns='num_removed_learners', file_extension=file_extension) else: model_errors_test_all = None model_errors_train_all = None if recalibrate_errors is True: model_errors_test_all_cal, a, b = ErrorUtils()._recalibrate_errors(model_errors=model_errors_test_all, residuals=residuals_test_all) # Write the recalibration values to file recal_df = pd.DataFrame({'slope (a)': a, 'intercept (b)': b}, index=[0]) if file_extension == '.xlsx': recal_df.to_excel(os.path.join(splitdir, 'recalibration_parameters_'+str('test')+file_extension), index=False) elif file_extension == '.csv': recal_df.to_csv(os.path.join(splitdir, 'recalibration_parameters_' + str('test') + file_extension), index=False) # Write the calibrated model errors to file self._save_split_data(df=model_errors_test_all_cal, filename='model_errors_test_calibrated', savepath=splitdir, columns='model_errors', file_extension=file_extension) model_errors_train_all_cal, a, b = ErrorUtils()._recalibrate_errors(model_errors=model_errors_train_all, residuals=residuals_train_all) # Write the recalibration values to file recal_df = pd.DataFrame({'slope (a)': a, 'intercept (b)': b}, index=[0]) if file_extension == '.xlsx': recal_df.to_excel(os.path.join(splitdir, 'recalibration_parameters_' + str('train') + file_extension), index=False) elif file_extension == '.csv': recal_df.to_csv(os.path.join(splitdir, 'recalibration_parameters_' + str('train') + file_extension), index=False) # Write the calibrated model errors to file self._save_split_data(df=model_errors_train_all_cal, filename='model_errors_train_calibrated', savepath=splitdir, columns='model_errors', file_extension=file_extension) else: model_errors_test_all_cal = None model_errors_train_all_cal = None # Make all test data plots dataset_stdev = np.std(np.unique(y_train_all)) if verbosity > 1: make_plots(plots=plots, y_true=y_test_all, y_pred=y_pred_all, X_test=X_train_all, groups=groups_test_all, data_type='test', dataset_stdev=dataset_stdev, has_model_errors=has_model_errors, metrics=metrics, model=model, model_errors=model_errors_test_all, residuals=residuals_test_all, savepath=splitdir, show_figure=False, recalibrate_errors=recalibrate_errors, model_errors_cal=model_errors_test_all_cal, splits_summary=True, file_extension=file_extension, image_dpi=image_dpi) # Make all train data plots dataset_stdev = np.std(np.unique(y_train_all)) if verbosity > 1: make_plots(plots=plots, y_true=y_train_all, y_pred=y_pred_train_all, X_test=X_test_all, groups=groups_train_all, data_type='train', dataset_stdev=dataset_stdev, has_model_errors=has_model_errors, metrics=metrics, model=model, model_errors=model_errors_train_all, residuals=residuals_train_all, savepath=splitdir, show_figure=False, recalibrate_errors=recalibrate_errors, model_errors_cal=model_errors_train_all_cal, splits_summary=True, file_extension=file_extension, image_dpi=image_dpi) try: if file_extension == '.xlsx': df_stats = pd.read_excel(os.path.join(splitdir, 'test_average_stdev_stats_summary'+file_extension)) elif file_extension == '.csv': df_stats = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(splitdir, 'test_average_stdev_stats_summary' + file_extension)) except: df_stats = None try: if file_extension == '.xlsx': df_stats_train = pd.read_excel(os.path.join(splitdir, 'train_average_stdev_stats_summary'+file_extension)) elif file_extension == '.csv': df_stats_train = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(splitdir, 'train_average_stdev_stats_summary' + file_extension)) except: df_stats_train = None # Update the MASTML metadata file outerdir = splitdir.split('/')[-1] if mastml is not None: if 'split_outer' in outerdir: # For nested CV or left out data runs with outer and inner splits, need the model dir one level up outerdir = os.path.join(splitdir.split('/')[-2], splitdir.split('/')[-1]) mastml._update_metadata(outerdir=outerdir, split_name='split_summary', model=model, splitter=self, preprocessor=preprocessor, selector=selector, hyperopt=hyperopt, train_stats=df_stats_train, test_stats=df_stats, X_train=pd.DataFrame(np.array(X_train_all), columns=X_train_all.columns.tolist()), X_test=pd.DataFrame(np.array(X_test_all), columns=X_test_all.columns.tolist()), X_extra_train=pd.DataFrame(np.array(X_extra_train_all), columns=X_extra_train_all.columns.tolist()) if X_extra is not None else None, X_extra_test=pd.DataFrame(np.array(X_extra_test_all), columns=X_extra_test_all.columns.tolist()) if X_extra is not None else None, y_train=y_train_all, y_test=y_test_all, y_test_domain=y_test_domain_all if domain_distance is not None else None, y_pred_train=y_pred_train_all, y_pred=y_pred_all, residuals_train=residuals_train_all, residuals_test=residuals_test_all, model_errors_train=model_errors_train_all, model_errors_test=model_errors_test_all, model_errors_train_cal=model_errors_train_all_cal, model_errors_test_cal=model_errors_test_all_cal, dataset_stdev=dataset_stdev) mastml._save_mastml_metadata() return outerdir def _evaluate_split(self, X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, model, model_name, mastml, preprocessor, selector, hyperopt, metrics, plots, groups, groups_train, splitpath, has_model_errors, X_extra_train, X_extra_test, error_method, remove_outlier_learners, verbosity, baseline_test, distance_metric, domain_distance, file_extension, image_dpi, **kwargs): X_train_orig = copy.deepcopy(X_train) X_test_orig = copy.deepcopy(X_test) preprocessor1 = copy.deepcopy(preprocessor) preprocessor2 = copy.deepcopy(preprocessor) # Preprocess the full split data X_train = preprocessor1.evaluate(X_train, savepath=splitpath, file_name='train', file_extension=file_extension) X_test = preprocessor1.evaluate(X_test, savepath=splitpath, file_name='test', file_extension=file_extension) # run feature selector to get new Xtrain, Xtest X_train = selector.evaluate(X=X_train, y=y_train, savepath=splitpath) selected_features = selector.selected_features X_train = preprocessor2.evaluate(X_train_orig[selected_features], savepath=splitpath, file_name='train_selected', file_extension=file_extension) X_test = preprocessor2.transform(X_test_orig[selected_features]) self._save_split_data(df=X_train_orig[selected_features], filename='X_train', savepath=splitpath, columns=selected_features, file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=X_test_orig[selected_features], filename='X_test', savepath=splitpath, columns=selected_features, file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=y_train, filename='y_train', savepath=splitpath, columns='y_train', file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=y_test, filename='y_test', savepath=splitpath, columns='y_test', file_extension=file_extension) if X_extra_train is not None and X_extra_test is not None: self._save_split_data(df=X_extra_train, filename='X_extra_train', savepath=splitpath, columns=X_extra_train.columns.tolist(), file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=X_extra_test, filename='X_extra_test', savepath=splitpath, columns=X_extra_test.columns.tolist(), file_extension=file_extension) else: X_extra_train = None X_extra_test = None # Here evaluate hyperopt instance, if provided, and get updated model instance if hyperopt is not None: model =, y=y_train, model=model, cv=5, savepath=splitpath), y_train) y_pred = model.predict(X_test) y_pred_train = model.predict(X_train) y_pred = pd.Series(y_pred, name='y_pred') y_pred_train = pd.Series(y_pred_train, name='y_pred_train') residuals_test = y_pred-y_test residuals_train = y_pred_train-y_train self._save_split_data(df=y_pred, filename='y_pred', savepath=splitpath, columns='y_pred', file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=y_pred_train, filename='y_pred_train', savepath=splitpath, columns='y_pred_train', file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=residuals_test, filename='residuals_test', savepath=splitpath, columns='residuals', file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=residuals_train, filename='residuals_train', savepath=splitpath, columns='residuals', file_extension=file_extension) if has_model_errors is True: model_errors_test, num_removed_learners_test = ErrorUtils()._get_model_errors(model=model, X=X_test, X_train=X_train, X_test=X_test, error_method=error_method, remove_outlier_learners=remove_outlier_learners) self._save_split_data(df=model_errors_test, filename='model_errors_test', savepath=splitpath, columns='model_errors', file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=num_removed_learners_test, filename='num_removed_learners_test', savepath=splitpath, columns='num_removed_learners', file_extension=file_extension) model_errors_train, num_removed_learners_train = ErrorUtils()._get_model_errors(model=model, X=X_train, X_train=X_train, X_test=X_train, #predicting on train data so test/train is same error_method=error_method, remove_outlier_learners=remove_outlier_learners) self._save_split_data(df=model_errors_train, filename='model_errors_train', savepath=splitpath, columns='model_errors', file_extension=file_extension) self._save_split_data(df=num_removed_learners_train, filename='num_removed_learners_train', savepath=splitpath, columns='num_removed_learners', file_extension=file_extension) else: model_errors_test = None model_errors_train = None num_removed_learners_train = None num_removed_learners_test = None # Save summary stats data for this split stats_dict = Metrics(metrics_list=metrics).evaluate(y_true=y_test, y_pred=y_pred) df_stats = pd.DataFrame().from_records([stats_dict]) stats_dict_train = Metrics(metrics_list=metrics).evaluate(y_true=y_train, y_pred=y_pred_train) df_stats_train = pd.DataFrame().from_records([stats_dict_train]) if file_extension == '.xlsx': df_stats.to_excel(os.path.join(splitpath, 'test_stats_summary' + file_extension), index=False) df_stats_train.to_excel(os.path.join(splitpath, 'train_stats_summary'+file_extension), index=False) elif file_extension == '.csv': df_stats.to_csv(os.path.join(splitpath, 'test_stats_summary' + file_extension), index=False) df_stats_train.to_csv(os.path.join(splitpath, 'train_stats_summary'+file_extension), index=False) # Make all test data plots dataset_stdev = np.std(y_train) if verbosity > 2: make_plots(plots=plots, y_true=y_test, y_pred=y_pred, X_test=X_test, groups=groups, data_type='test', dataset_stdev=dataset_stdev, has_model_errors=has_model_errors, metrics=metrics, model=model, model_errors=model_errors_test, residuals=residuals_test, savepath=splitpath, show_figure=False, recalibrate_errors=False, splits_summary=False, file_extension=file_extension, image_dpi=image_dpi) # Make all train data plots dataset_stdev = np.std(y_train) if verbosity > 2: make_plots(plots=plots, y_true=y_train, y_pred=y_pred_train, X_test=X_test, groups=groups_train, # HERE groups_train data_type='train', dataset_stdev=dataset_stdev, has_model_errors=has_model_errors, metrics=metrics, model=model, model_errors=model_errors_train, residuals=residuals_train, savepath=splitpath, show_figure=False, recalibrate_errors=False, splits_summary=False, file_extension=file_extension, image_dpi=image_dpi) # Write the test group to a text file, if groups is not None: unique_groups = np.unique(groups) = 'test_groups' = 'train_groups' if file_extension == '.xlsx': groups.to_excel(os.path.join(splitpath, 'test_groups.xlsx'), index=False) groups_train.to_excel(os.path.join(splitpath, 'train_groups.xlsx'), index=False) elif file_extension == '.csv': groups.to_csv(os.path.join(splitpath, 'test_groups.csv'), index=False) groups_train.to_csv(os.path.join(splitpath, 'train_groups.csv'), index=False) with open(os.path.join(splitpath, 'test_group.txt'), 'w') as f: for group in unique_groups: f.write(str(group)+'\n') else: groups_train = None groups = None # Save the fitted model, will be needed for DLHub upload later on if model_name == 'KerasRegressor': if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(splitpath, 'keras_model')): os.mkdir(os.path.join(splitpath, 'keras_model')), 'keras_model')) elif model_name == 'BaggingRegressor': # Edge case of ensemble of keras models- pickle won't work here. Just state warning if model.base_estimator_ == 'KerasRegressor': #if model.model.estimators_[0].__class__.__name__=='KerasRegressor': # Save the individiual Keras models comprising the Ensemble count = 0 for m in model.model.estimators_:,'keras_model_' + str(count))) count += 1 #print('Warning: unable to save pickled model of ensemble of KerasRegressor models. Passing through...') else: joblib.dump(model, os.path.join(splitpath, str(model_name) + ".pkl")) else: joblib.dump(model, os.path.join(splitpath, str(model_name) + ".pkl")) # If using a Keras model, need to clear the session so training multiple models doesn't slow training down if model_name == 'KerasRegressor': keras.backend.clear_session() elif model_name == 'BaggingRegressor': if model.model.base_estimator.__class__.__name__ == 'KerasRegressor': keras.backend.clear_session() if baseline_test is not None: baseline = Baseline_tests() columns = ["Metric", "Real_score", "Fake_score"] # ["test_mean", "test_permuted", "test_nearest_neighbour_kdTree", "test_nearest_neighbour_cdist", # "test_classifier_random", "test_classifier_dominant"] for i in baseline_test: if (i == "test_mean"): df_res = baseline.test_mean(X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, model, metrics) self._save_split_data(df_res, "test_mean", splitpath, columns, file_extension) elif (i == "test_permuted"): df_res = baseline.test_permuted(X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, model, metrics) self._save_split_data(df_res, "test_permuted", splitpath, columns, file_extension) elif (i == "test_nearest_neighbour_kdTree"): df_res = baseline.test_nearest_neighbour_kdtree(X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, model, metrics) self._save_split_data(df_res, "test_nearest_neighbour_kdTree", splitpath, columns, file_extension) elif (i == "test_nearest_neighbour_cdist"): df_res = baseline.test_nearest_neighbour_cdist(X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, model, metrics, distance_metric) self._save_split_data(df_res, "test_nearest_neighbour_cdist", splitpath, columns, file_extension) elif (i == "test_classifier_random"): df_res = baseline.test_classifier_random(X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, model, metrics) self._save_split_data(df_res, "test_classifier_random", splitpath, columns, file_extension) elif (i == "test_classifier_dominant"): df_res = baseline.test_classifier_dominant(X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, model, metrics) self._save_split_data(df_res, "test_classifier_dominant", splitpath, columns, file_extension) if domain_distance is not None: y_test_domain = Domain() df_res = y_test_domain.distance(X_train, X_test, domain_distance, **kwargs) self._save_split_data(df_res, "y_test_domain", splitpath, columns=["y_test_domain"], file_extension=file_extension) # Make combined spreadsheet that contains: y_test, y_pred, X_extra_test, y_domain_test y_combined = [] for i in range(len(df_res)): y_combined.append((y_test.iloc[i], y_pred.iloc[i], X_extra_test, df_res.iloc[i].values[0])) self._save_split_data(pd.DataFrame(y_combined), "y_combined", splitpath, columns=["y_test", "y_pred", "X_extra_test", "y_domain"], file_extension=file_extension) # Make combined spreadsheet that contains: y_test, y_pred, X_extra_test if user doesn't specify domain else: y_combined = [] for i in range(len(y_test)): y_combined.append((y_test.iloc[i], y_pred.iloc[i], X_extra_test)) self._save_split_data(pd.DataFrame(y_combined), "y_combined", splitpath, columns=["y_test", "y_pred", "X_extra_test"], file_extension=file_extension) # Update the MASTML metadata file if mastml is not None: outerdir = splitpath.split('/')[-2] if 'split_outer' in outerdir: # For nested CV or left out data runs with outer and inner splits, need the model dir one level up outerdir = os.path.join(splitpath.split('/')[-3], splitpath.split('/')[-2]) mastml._update_metadata(outerdir=outerdir, split_name=splitpath.split('/')[-1], model=model, splitter=self, preprocessor=preprocessor, selector=selector, hyperopt=hyperopt, test_stats=df_stats, train_stats=df_stats_train, X_train=X_train, X_test=X_test, X_extra_train=X_extra_train, X_extra_test=X_extra_test, y_train=y_train, y_test=y_test, y_pred_train=y_pred_train, y_pred=y_pred, residuals_train=residuals_train, residuals_test=residuals_test, model_errors_train=model_errors_train, model_errors_test=model_errors_test, dataset_stdev=dataset_stdev) mastml._save_mastml_metadata() return def _setup_savedir(self, model, selector, preprocessor, savepath): now = try: model_name = model.model.__class__.__name__ except: model_name = model.__class__.__name__ dirname = model_name+'_'+self.__class__.__name__+'_'+preprocessor.__class__.__name__+'_'+selector.__class__.__name__ dirname = f"{dirname}_{now.year:02d}_{now.month:02d}_{}" \ f"_{now.hour:02d}_{now.minute:02d}_{now.second:02d}" if savepath == None: splitdir = os.getcwd() else: splitdir = os.path.join(savepath, dirname) if not os.path.exists(splitdir): os.mkdir(splitdir) try: self.splitdir = splitdir except AttributeError: pass return splitdir def _save_split_data(self, df, filename, savepath, columns, file_extension): if type(df) == pd.core.frame.DataFrame: df.columns = columns if type(df) == pd.core.series.Series: = columns if file_extension == '.xlsx': df.to_excel(os.path.join(savepath, filename)+'.xlsx', index=False) elif file_extension == '.csv': df.to_csv(os.path.join(savepath, filename) + '.csv', index=False) return def _collect_data(self, filename, savepath, file_extension, iterdirs=True): # Note this is only meant for collecting y-data (single column) if iterdirs == True: dirs = [d for d in os.listdir(savepath) if 'split' in d and '.png' not in d and file_extension not in d] else: dirs = [''] data = list() if 'residuals' in filename: col_name = 'residuals' elif 'model_errors' in filename: col_name = 'model_errors' elif 'num_removed_learners' in filename: col_name = 'num_removed_learners' else: col_name = filename # Condition to evaluate in parallel if self.parallel_run is True: if file_extension == '.xlsx': data = parallel(lambda d: np.array(pd.read_excel(os.path.join(savepath, os.path.join(d, filename)+'.xlsx'), engine='openpyxl')[col_name]), dirs) elif file_extension == '.csv': data = parallel(lambda d: np.array(pd.read_csv(os.path.join(savepath, os.path.join(d, filename) + '.csv'))[col_name]), dirs) else: for d in dirs: if file_extension == '.xlsx': data.append(np.array(pd.read_excel(os.path.join(savepath, os.path.join(d, filename)+'.xlsx'), engine='openpyxl')[col_name])) elif file_extension == '.csv': data.append(np.array(pd.read_csv(os.path.join(savepath, os.path.join(d, filename) + '.csv'))[col_name])) df = pd.Series(np.concatenate(data).ravel()) return df def _collect_df_data(self, filename, savepath, file_extension): dirs = [d for d in os.listdir(savepath) if 'split' in d and '.png' not in d and file_extension not in d] data = list() # Condition to evaluate in parallel if self.parallel_run is True: if file_extension == '.xlsx': data = parallel(lambda d: pd.read_excel(os.path.join(savepath, os.path.join(d, filename)+'.xlsx'), engine='openpyxl'), dirs) elif file_extension == '.csv': data = parallel(lambda d: pd.read_csv(os.path.join(savepath, os.path.join(d, filename) + '.csv')), dirs) else: for d in dirs: if file_extension == '.xlsx': data.append(pd.read_excel(os.path.join(savepath, os.path.join(d, filename)+'.xlsx'), engine='openpyxl')) elif file_extension == '.csv': data.append(pd.read_csv(os.path.join(savepath, os.path.join(d, filename) + '.csv'))) df = pd.concat(data) return df def _get_best_split(self, savepath, model, preprocessor, best_run_metric, model_name, file_extension): dirs = os.listdir(savepath) splitdirs = [d for d in dirs if 'split_' in d and '.png' not in d] stats_files_dict = dict() for splitdir in splitdirs: if file_extension == '.xlsx': stats_files_dict[os.path.join(savepath, splitdir)] = pd.read_excel(os.path.join(os.path.join(savepath, splitdir), 'test_stats_summary.xlsx'), engine='openpyxl').to_dict('records')[0] elif file_extension == '.csv': stats_files_dict[os.path.join(savepath, splitdir)] = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(os.path.join(savepath, splitdir), 'test_stats_summary.csv')).to_dict('records')[0] # Find best/worst splits based on specified best run metric all_metrics = Metrics(metrics_list=[best_run_metric])._metric_zoo() greater_is_better = all_metrics[best_run_metric][0] if greater_is_better == False: metric_best = 10**20 else: metric_best = 0 # Start with best_split being the first split so doesn't throw an error later best_split = list(stats_files_dict.keys())[0] for split, stats_dict in stats_files_dict.items(): if greater_is_better == False: if stats_dict[best_run_metric] < metric_best: best_split = split metric_best = stats_dict[best_run_metric] else: if stats_dict[best_run_metric] > metric_best: best_split = split metric_best = stats_dict[best_run_metric] # Get the preprocessor, model, and features for the best split best_split_dict = dict() preprocessor_name = preprocessor.preprocessor.__class__.__name__+'.pkl' bagging_with_keras = False if "Keras" in model_name: model_name = 'keras_model' elif "BaggingRegressor" in model_name: if model.base_estimator_ == 'KerasRegressor': #if model.model.estimators_[0].__class__.__name__=='KerasRegressor': bagging_with_keras = True model_name = 'keras_model' else: model_name = model_name + '.pkl' else: model_name = model_name+'.pkl' if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(best_split, preprocessor_name)): print("Warning: couldn't find preprocessor file in best split") if bagging_with_keras == True: keras_paths = [os.path.join(best_split, d) for d in os.listdir(best_split) if 'keras_model' in d] #print('keras paths', keras_paths) if bagging_with_keras == False: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(best_split, model_name)): print("Warning: couldn't find model file in best split") best_split_dict['preprocessor'] = os.path.join(best_split, preprocessor_name) if bagging_with_keras == True: best_split_dict['model'] = keras_paths else: best_split_dict['model'] = os.path.join(best_split, model_name) best_split_dict['features'] = os.path.join(best_split, 'selected_features.txt') best_split_dict['X_train'] = os.path.join(best_split, 'X_train'+file_extension) # Remove the saved models and preprocessors from other split dirs that are not the best (save storage space) for splitdir in splitdirs: if os.path.join(savepath, splitdir) != best_split: try: os.remove(os.path.join(os.path.join(savepath, splitdir), model_name)) except: print("Warning: did not remove non-best models from split path") try: os.remove(os.path.join(os.path.join(savepath, splitdir), preprocessor_name)) except: print("Warning: did not remove non-best preprocessors from split path") return best_split_dict def _get_average_recalibration_params(self, savepath, data_type, file_extension): dirs = os.listdir(savepath) splitdirs = [d for d in dirs if 'split_' in d and '.png' not in d] recalibrate_a_vals = list() recalibrate_b_vals = list() for splitdir in splitdirs: if file_extension == '.xlsx': recalibrate_dict = pd.read_excel(os.path.join(os.path.join(savepath, splitdir), 'recalibration_parameters_'+str(data_type)+'.xlsx'), engine='openpyxl').to_dict('records')[0] elif file_extension == '.csv': recalibrate_dict = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(os.path.join(savepath, splitdir), 'recalibration_parameters_'+str(data_type)+'.csv')).to_dict('records')[0] recalibrate_a_vals.append(recalibrate_dict['slope (a)']) recalibrate_b_vals.append(recalibrate_dict['intercept (b)']) recalibrate_avg_dict = {'a': np.mean(recalibrate_a_vals), 'b': np.mean(recalibrate_b_vals)} recalibrate_stdev_dict = {'a': np.std(recalibrate_a_vals), 'b': np.std(recalibrate_b_vals)} return recalibrate_avg_dict, recalibrate_stdev_dict def _get_recalibration_params(self, savepath, data_type, file_extension): if file_extension == '.xlsx': recalibrate_dict = pd.read_excel(os.path.join(savepath, 'recalibration_parameters_'+str(data_type)+'.xlsx'), engine='openpyxl').to_dict('records')[0] elif file_extension == '.csv': recalibrate_dict = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(savepath, 'recalibration_parameters_' + str(data_type) + '.csv')).to_dict('records')[0] recalibrate_dict_ = dict() recalibrate_dict_['a'] = recalibrate_dict['slope (a)'] recalibrate_dict_['b'] = recalibrate_dict['intercept (b)'] return recalibrate_dict_
[docs] def help(self): print('Documentation for', self.splitter) pprint(dict(inspect.getmembers(self.splitter))['__doc__']) print('\n') print('Class methods for,', self.splitter) pprint(dict(inspect.getmembers(self.splitter, predicate=inspect.ismethod))) print('\n') print('Class attributes for,', self.splitter) pprint(self.splitter.__dict__) return
[docs]class SklearnDataSplitter(BaseSplitter): """ Class to wrap any scikit-learn based data splitter, e.g. KFold Args: splitter (str): string denoting the name of a sklearn.model_selection object, e.g. 'KFold' will draw from sklearn.model_selection.KFold() kwargs : key word arguments for the sklearn.model_selection object, e.g. n_splits=5 for KFold() Attributes: parallel_run: an attribute definining wheteher to run splits with all available computer cores Methods: get_n_splits: method to calculate the number of splits to perform Args: None Returns: (int), number of train/test splits split: method to perform split into train indices and test indices Args: X: (numpy array), array of X features Returns: (numpy array), array of train and test indices _setup_savedir: method to create a savedir based on the provided model, splitter, selector names and datetime Args: model: (mastml.models.SklearnModel or other estimator object), an estimator, e.g. KernelRidge selector: (mastml.feature_selectors or other selector object), a selector, e.g. EnsembleModelFeatureSelector savepath: (str), string designating the savepath Returns: splitdir: (str), string containing the new subdirectory to save results to """ def __init__(self, splitter, **kwargs): # Compensate for parallel mode self.parallel_run = False if 'parallel_run' in kwargs.keys(): self.parallel_run = kwargs['parallel_run'] del kwargs['parallel_run'] # Remove key to not break self.splitter super(SklearnDataSplitter, self).__init__() self.splitter = getattr(sklearn.model_selection, splitter)(**kwargs)
[docs] def get_n_splits(self, X=None, y=None, groups=None): return self.splitter.get_n_splits(X, y, groups)
[docs] def split(self, X, y=None, groups=None): return self.splitter.split(X, y, groups)
def _setup_savedir(self, model, selector, preprocessor, savepath): now = try: model_name = model.model.__class__.__name__ except: model_name = model.__class__.__name__ if model_name == 'BaggingRegressor': dirname = model_name + '_' + model.base_estimator_ + '_' + self.splitter.__class__.__name__ + '_' +preprocessor.__class__.__name__+'_'+ selector.__class__.__name__ else: dirname = model_name +'_'+self.splitter.__class__.__name__+'_'+preprocessor.__class__.__name__+'_'+selector.__class__.__name__ dirname = f"{dirname}_{now.year:02d}_{now.month:02d}_{}" \ f"_{now.hour:02d}_{now.minute:02d}_{now.second:02d}" if savepath == None: splitdir = os.getcwd() else: splitdir = os.path.join(savepath, dirname) if not os.path.exists(splitdir): os.mkdir(splitdir) return splitdir
[docs]class NoSplit(BaseSplitter): """ Class to just train the model on the training data and test it on that same data. Sometimes referred to as a "Full fit" or a "Single fit", equivalent to just plotting y vs. x. Args: None (only object instance) Attributes: parallel_run: an attribute definining wheteher to run splits with all available computer cores Methods: get_n_splits: method to calculate the number of splits to perform Args: None Returns: (int), always 1 as only a single split is performed split: method to perform split into train indices and test indices Args: X: (numpy array), array of X features Returns: (numpy array), array of train and test indices (all data used as train and test for NoSplit) """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.parallel_run = False # No splits so no parallel super(NoSplit, self).__init__()
[docs] def get_n_splits(self, X=None, y=None, groups=None): return 1
[docs] def split(self, X, y=None, groups=None): indices = np.arange(X.shape[0]) return [[indices, indices]]
[docs]class JustEachGroup(BaseSplitter): """ Class to train the model on one group at a time and test it on the rest of the data This class wraps scikit-learn's LeavePGroupsOut with P set to n-1. More information is available at: Args: None (only object instance) Attributes: parallel_run: an attribute definining wheteher to run splits with all available computer cores Methods: get_n_splits: method to calculate the number of splits to perform Args: groups: (numpy array), array of group labels Returns: (int), number of unique groups, indicating number of splits to perform split: method to perform split into train indices and test indices Args: X: (numpy array), array of X features y: (numpy array), array of y data groups: (numpy array), array of group labels Returns: (numpy array), array of train and test indices """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): # Compensate for parallel mode self.parallel_run = False if 'parallel_run' in kwargs.keys(): self.parallel_run = kwargs['parallel_run'] del kwargs['parallel_run'] # Remove key to not break self.splitter super(JustEachGroup, self).__init__()
[docs] def get_n_splits(self, X=None, y=None, groups=None): return np.unique(groups).shape[0]
[docs] def split(self, X, y, groups): n_groups = self.get_n_splits(groups=groups) lpgo = ms.LeavePGroupsOut(n_groups=n_groups-1) trains_tests = list() for train_index, test_index in lpgo.split(X, y, groups): trains_tests.append((train_index, test_index)) return trains_tests
[docs]class LeaveCloseCompositionsOut(BaseSplitter): """ Leave-P-out where you exclude materials with compositions close to those the test set Computes the distance between the element fraction vectors. For example, the :math:`L_2` distance between Al and Cu is :math:`\sqrt{2}` and the :math:`L_1` distance between Al and Al0.9Cu0.1 is 0.2. Consequently, this splitter requires a list of compositions as the input to `split` rather than the features. Attributes: parallel_run: an attribute definining wheteher to run splits with all available computer cores Args: composition_df (pd.DataFrame): dataframe containing the vector of material compositions to analyze dist_threshold (float): Entries must be farther than this distance to be included in the training set nn_kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments for the scikit-learn NearestNeighbor class used to find nearest points """ def __init__(self, composition_df, dist_threshold=0.1, nn_kwargs=None, **kwargs): # Compensate for parallel mode self.parallel_run = False if 'parallel_run' in kwargs.keys(): self.parallel_run = kwargs['parallel_run'] del kwargs['parallel_run'] # Remove key to not break self.splitter super(LeaveCloseCompositionsOut, self).__init__() if nn_kwargs is None: nn_kwargs = {} self.composition_df = composition_df self.dist_threshold = dist_threshold self.nn_kwargs = nn_kwargs
[docs] def split(self, X, y=None, groups=None): # Generate the composition vectors frac_computer = ElementFraction() elem_fracs = frac_computer.featurize_many(list(map(Composition, self.composition_df[self.composition_df.columns[0]])), pbar=False) # Generate the nearest-neighbor lookup tool neigh = NearestNeighbors(**self.nn_kwargs) # Generate a list of all entries all_inds = np.arange(0, self.composition_df.shape[0], 1) # Loop through each entry in X trains_tests = list() for i, x in enumerate(elem_fracs): # Get all the entries within the threshold distance of the test point too_close, = neigh.radius_neighbors([x], self.dist_threshold, return_distance=False) # Get the training set as "not these points" train_inds = np.setdiff1d(all_inds, too_close) test_inds = np.setdiff1d(all_inds, train_inds) trains_tests.append((np.asarray(train_inds), np.asarray(test_inds))) return trains_tests
[docs] def get_n_splits(self, X=None, y=None, groups=None): return len(X)
[docs]class LeaveOutPercent(BaseSplitter): """ Class to train the model using a certain percentage of data as training data Args: percent_leave_out (float): fraction of data to use in training (must be > 0 and < 1) n_repeats (int): number of repeated splits to perform (must be >= 1) Attributes: parallel_run: an attribute definining wheteher to run splits with all available computer cores Methods: get_n_splits: method to return the number of splits to perform Args: groups: (numpy array), array of group labels Returns: (int), number of unique groups, indicating number of splits to perform split: method to perform split into train indices and test indices Args: X: (numpy array), array of X features y: (numpy array), array of y data groups: (numpy array), array of group labels Returns: (numpy array), array of train and test indices """ def __init__(self, percent_leave_out=0.2, n_repeats=5, **kwargs): # Compensate for parallel mode self.parallel_run = False if 'parallel_run' in kwargs.keys(): self.parallel_run = kwargs['parallel_run'] del kwargs['parallel_run'] # Remove key to not break self.splitter super(LeaveOutPercent, self).__init__() self.percent_leave_out = percent_leave_out self.n_repeats = n_repeats
[docs] def get_n_splits(self, X=None, y=None, groups=None): return self.n_repeats
[docs] def split(self, X, y=None, groups=None): indices = range(X.shape[0]) split = list() for i in range(self.n_repeats): trains, tests = ms.train_test_split(indices, test_size=self.percent_leave_out, random_state=np.random.randint(1, 1000), shuffle=True) split.append((trains, tests)) return split
[docs]class LeaveOutTwinCV(BaseSplitter): """ Class to remove data twins from the test data. Args: threshold: (int), the threshold at which two data points are considered twins. Default 0. ord: (int), The order of the norm of the difference (see scipy.spatial.distance.minkowski). Default 2 (Euclidean Distance). auto_threshold: (boolean), true if threshold should be automatically increased until twins corresponding to the ceiling parameter are found. Default False. ceiling: (float), fraction of total data to find as twins. Default 0. Attributes: parallel_run: an attribute definining wheteher to run splits with all available computer cores Methods: get_n_splits: method to calculate the number of splits to perform across all splitters Args: X: (numpy array), array of X features y: (numpy array), array of y data groups: (numpy array), array of group labels Returns: (int), the number 1 always split: method to perform split into train indices and test indices Args: X: (numpy array), array of X features y: (numpy array), array of y data groups: (numpy array), array of group labels Returns: (numpy array), array of train and test indices """ def __init__(self, threshold=0, ord=2, debug=False, auto_threshold=False, ceiling=0, **kwargs): # Compensate for parallel mode self.parallel_run = False if 'parallel_run' in kwargs.keys(): self.parallel_run = kwargs['parallel_run'] del kwargs['parallel_run'] # Remove key to not break self.splitter super(LeaveOutTwinCV, self).__init__() params = locals() self.threshold = threshold self.splitter = self.__class__.__name__ self.debug = debug self.ord = ord self.auto_threshold = auto_threshold self.ceiling = ceiling self.splitdir = None if self.debug: for k, v in params.items(): print(f"{k}\t\t{v}")
[docs] def get_n_splits(self, X=None, y=None, groups=None): # self.splitdir (if it exists at this point) must be None else the internal call will create a excel file try: save_dir = self.splitdir self.splitdir = None except AttributeError: pass # internal call actual_splits = self.split(X, y, groups) try: self.splitdir = save_dir except AttributeError: pass return len(actual_splits)
[docs] def split(self, X, y, X_noinput=None, groups=None): X = np.array(X) y = np.array(y) origIdx = set(np.arange(X.shape[0])) twinIdx = set() l = len(X) n = max(int(self.ceiling * l), 2) autothreshold_num_twins = [] threshold = self.threshold # compute all twins while (len(twinIdx) < n): for i, a in enumerate(X): for j, b in enumerate(X): if (i != j and j > i): # calculate distance if (minkowski(a, b, self.ord) <= threshold): if i not in twinIdx: twinIdx.add(i) if j not in twinIdx: twinIdx.add(j) # update threshold if needed if (not self.auto_threshold): break autothreshold_num_twins.append([threshold, len(twinIdx)]) if threshold <= 0: threshold = 0.1 threshold *= 1.1 if self.debug: print(threshold) if self.debug: print("Thresholds / Number of Twins") for th, num in autothreshold_num_twins: print(f"{th}\t{num}") if (self.auto_threshold): print("AutoThreshold was enabled for LeaveOutTwinCV.") # print("Thresholds / Number of Twins") # for th, num in autothreshold_num_twins: # print(f"{th}\t{num}") if self.splitdir != None: autothreshold_num_twins = pd.DataFrame(data=autothreshold_num_twins, columns=["Threshold", "n_twins"]) filename = "autothreshold_num_twins" autothreshold_num_twins.to_excel(os.path.join(self.splitdir, filename)+'.xlsx', index=False) # remove twins from original indices twinIdx = list(twinIdx) for t in twinIdx: if t in origIdx: origIdx.remove(t) origIdx = list(origIdx) if self.debug: print("Non-Twins / Twins") print(origIdx) print(twinIdx) if not origIdx: print("Warning: All data was marked as twins. Consider reducing threshold or enabling autothreshold. If you are using autothreshold make sure ceiling < 1.") if not twinIdx: print("Warning: No data twins were found, returning train/test split as empty. Consider increasing threshold or setting autothreshold to True.") splits = [] splits.append([origIdx, twinIdx]) splits.append([twinIdx, origIdx]) return splits
[docs]class LeaveOutClusterCV(BaseSplitter): """ Class to generate train/test split using clustering. Args: cluster: clustering method from sklearn.cluster used to generate train/test split kwargs: takes in any other key argument for optional cluster parameters Attributes: parallel_run: an attribute definining wheteher to run splits with all available computer cores Methods: get_n_splits: method to calculate the number of splits to perform across all splitters Args: X: (numpy array), array of X features y: (numpy array), array of y data groups: (numpy array), array of group labels Returns: (int), number of splits split: method to perform split into train indices and test indices Args: X: (numpy array), array of X features y: (numpy array), array of y data groups: (numpy array), array of group labels Returns: (numpy array), array of train and test indices labels: method that returns cluster labels of X features Args: X: (numpy array), array of X features y: (numpy array), array of y data groups: (numpy array), array of group labels Returns: (numpy array), array of cluster labels """ def __init__(self, cluster, **kwargs): # Compensate for parallel mode self.parallel_run = False if 'parallel_run' in kwargs.keys(): self.parallel_run = kwargs['parallel_run'] del kwargs['parallel_run'] # Remove key to not break self.splitter super(LeaveOutClusterCV, self).__init__() # generate cluster object of given input try: self.cluster = getattr(sklearn.cluster, cluster)(**kwargs) except AttributeError: self.cluster = getattr(sklearn_extra.cluster, cluster)(**kwargs) # gets number of splits or clusters
[docs] def get_n_splits(self, X, y=None, groups=None): return len(np.unique(self.labels(X)))
# splits data into train and test based on clusters
[docs] def split(self, X, y=None, groups=None): # trains cluster object fit_cluster = # checks if cluster object has either labels_ or row_labels_ if hasattr(fit_cluster, 'labels_'): labels = fit_cluster.labels_ elif hasattr(fit_cluster, 'row_labels_'): labels = fit_cluster.row_labels_ # set up split list to return trains_tests = list() # iterate over unique labels for i in np.unique(labels): # add X indices not in cluster to train train = np.where(labels != i) # add X indices in cluster to test test = np.where(labels == i) # append set of train_test to split trains_tests.append([train, test]) return trains_tests
# returns cluster labels
[docs] def labels(self, X, y=None, groups=None): # trains cluster fit_cluster = # checks if cluster object has either labels_ or row_labels_ if hasattr(fit_cluster, 'labels_'): labels = fit_cluster.labels_ elif hasattr(fit_cluster, 'row_labels_'): labels = fit_cluster.row_labels_ # return labels return labels
[docs]class LeaveMultiGroupOut(BaseSplitter): """ Class to train the model on multiple groups at a time and test it on the rest of the data Args: multigroup_size: (int), size of the groups to be made for leave out. Attributes: parallel_run: an attribute definining wheteher to run splits with all available computer cores Methods: get_n_splits: method to calculate the number of splits to perform Args: groups: (numpy array), array of group labels Returns: (int), number of unique groups, indicating number of splits to perform split: method to perform split into train indices and test indices Args: X: (numpy array), array of X features y: (numpy array), array of y data groups: (numpy array), array of group labels Returns: (numpy array), array of train and test indices """ def __init__(self, multigroup_size=2, **kwargs): super(LeaveMultiGroupOut, self).__init__() self.multigroup_size = multigroup_size # Compensate for parallel mode self.parallel_run = False if 'parallel_run' in kwargs.keys(): self.parallel_run = kwargs['parallel_run'] del kwargs['parallel_run'] # Remove key to not break self.splitter
[docs] def get_n_splits(self, X=None, y=None, groups=None): return len(list(itertools.combinations(groups, self.multigroup_size)))
[docs] def split(self, X, y, groups): unique_groups = np.unique(groups) super_groups = list(itertools.combinations(unique_groups, self.multigroup_size)) inds = np.arange(0, X.shape[0]) # Need to get the indices of the data corresponding to each regular group group_ind_dict = dict() for group in unique_groups: group_inds = np.where(groups == group)[0] group_ind_dict[group] = group_inds # Build the train/test index sets by looping over the super groups and finding indices of each normal group trains_tests = list() for super_group in super_groups: group_inds = list() for k, v in group_ind_dict.items(): if k in super_group: group_inds.append(v) group_inds = np.concatenate(group_inds) tests = group_inds trains = [i for i in inds if i not in tests] trains = np.array(trains) trains_tests.append((trains, tests)) return trains_tests
[docs]class Bootstrap(BaseSplitter): """ # Note: Bootstrap taken directly from sklearn Github ( # which was necessary as it was later removed from more recent sklearn releases Random sampling with replacement cross-validation iterator Provides train/test indices to split data in train test sets while resampling the input n_bootstraps times: each time a new random split of the data is performed and then samples are drawn (with replacement) on each side of the split to build the training and test sets. Note: contrary to other cross-validation strategies, bootstrapping will allow some samples to occur several times in each splits. However a sample that occurs in the train split will never occur in the test split and vice-versa. If you want each sample to occur at most once you should probably use ShuffleSplit cross validation instead. Args: n: (int), total number of elements in the dataset n_bootstraps: (int), (default is 3) Number of bootstrapping iterations train_size: (int or float), (default is 0.5) If int, number of samples to include in the training split (should be smaller than the total number of samples passed in the dataset). If float, should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and represent the proportion of the dataset to include in the train split. test_size: (int or float or None), (default is None) If int, number of samples to include in the training set (should be smaller than the total number of samples passed in the dataset). If float, should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and represent the proportion of the dataset to include in the test split. If None, n_test is set as the complement of n_train. random_state: (int or RandomState), Pseudo number generator state used for random sampling. Attributes: parallel_run: an attribute definining wheteher to run splits with all available computer cores """ # Static marker to be able to introspect the CV type indices = True def __init__(self, n, n_bootstraps=3, train_size=.5, test_size=None, n_train=None, n_test=None, random_state=0, **kwargs): # Compensate for parallel mode self.parallel_run = False if 'parallel_run' in kwargs.keys(): self.parallel_run = kwargs['parallel_run'] del kwargs['parallel_run'] # Remove key to not break self.splitter super(Bootstrap, self).__init__() self.n = n self.n_bootstraps = n_bootstraps if n_train is not None: train_size = n_train warnings.warn( "n_train is deprecated in 0.11 and scheduled for " "removal in 0.12, use train_size instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) if n_test is not None: test_size = n_test warnings.warn( "n_test is deprecated in 0.11 and scheduled for " "removal in 0.12, use test_size instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) if (isinstance(train_size, float) and train_size >= 0.0 and train_size <= 1.0): self.train_size = ceil(train_size * n) elif isinstance(train_size, int): self.train_size = train_size else: raise ValueError("Invalid value for train_size: %r" % train_size) if self.train_size > n: raise ValueError("train_size=%d should not be larger than n=%d" % (self.train_size, n)) if (isinstance(test_size, float) and test_size >= 0.0 and test_size <= 1.0): self.test_size = ceil(test_size * n) elif isinstance(test_size, int): self.test_size = test_size elif test_size is None: self.test_size = self.n - self.train_size else: raise ValueError("Invalid value for test_size: %r" % test_size) if self.test_size > n: raise ValueError("test_size=%d should not be larger than n=%d" % (self.test_size, n)) self.random_state = random_state def __iter__(self): rng = check_random_state(self.random_state) for i in range(self.n_bootstraps): # random partition permutation = rng.permutation(self.n) ind_train = permutation[:self.train_size] ind_test = permutation[self.train_size:self.train_size + self.test_size] # bootstrap in each split individually train = rng.randint(0, self.train_size, size=(self.train_size,)) test = rng.randint(0, self.test_size, size=(self.test_size,)) yield ind_train[train], ind_test[test] def __repr__(self): return ('%s(%d, n_bootstraps=%d, train_size=%d, test_size=%d, ' 'random_state=%d)' % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.n, self.n_bootstraps, self.train_size, self.test_size, self.random_state, )) def __len__(self): return self.n_bootstraps
[docs] def get_n_splits(self, X=None, y=None, groups=None): return self.__len__()
[docs] def split(self, X, y=None, groups=None): indices = range(X.shape[0]) split = list() for trains, tests in self: split.append((trains.tolist(), tests.tolist())) return split