Source code for mastml.metrics

This module contains a metrics class for construction and evaluation of various regression score metrics between
true and model predicted data.

    Class to construct and evaluate a list of regression metrics of interest. The full list of available metrics
    can be obtained from Metrics()._metric_zoo()


import numpy as np
import sklearn.metrics as sm
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

[docs]class Metrics(): """ Class containing access to a wide range of metrics from scikit-learn and a number of MAST-ML custom-written metrics Args: metrics_list: (list), list of strings of metric names to use metrics_type: (str), one of 'regression' or 'classification': whether to use set of common regression/classifier metrics Methods: evaluate: main method to evaluate the specified metrics and the provided true and pred data Args: y_true: (pd.Series), series of true y data y_pred: (pd.Series), series of predicted y data Returns: stats_dict: (dict), dictionary of calculated statistics for each metric _get_metrics: builds the metrics dict of metric names : metric instances based on the metrics specified in metrics_list Args: None Returns: None _metric_zoo: method to retrieve full dict of metric names : metric instance pairs Args: None Returns: all_metrics (dict), dictionary of all metric names and instances """ def __init__(self, metrics_list, metrics_type='regression'): self.metrics_list = metrics_list self.metrics_type = metrics_type self.metrics_dict = dict() if self.metrics_type not in ['regression', 'classification']: raise AttributeError('metrics_type must be one of "regression" or "classification"')
[docs] def evaluate(self, y_true, y_pred): # Evaluate all of the metrics between provided y_true and y_pred data stats_dict = dict() self._get_metrics() for metric_name, metric in self.metrics_dict.items(): stats_dict[metric_name] = metric(y_true, y_pred) return stats_dict
def _get_metrics(self): # Take the metric names and get the metric functions all_metrics = self._metric_zoo() for metric_name in self.metrics_list: if metric_name in all_metrics.keys(): self.metrics_dict[metric_name] = all_metrics[metric_name][1] else: raise NameError(metric_name, 'is not a valid metric name') return def _metric_zoo(self): if self.metrics_type == 'regression': all_metrics = {'explained_variance': (True, sm.explained_variance_score), 'mean_absolute_error': (False, sm.mean_absolute_error), 'mean_squared_error': (False, sm.mean_squared_error), 'mean_squared_log_error': (False, sm.mean_squared_log_error), 'median_absolute_error': (False, sm.median_absolute_error), 'r2_score': (True, sm.r2_score), 'r2_score_noint' : (True, r2_score_noint), 'r2_score_fitted' : (True, r2_score_fitted), 'r2_score_adjusted' : (True, r2_score_adjusted), 'root_mean_squared_error' : (False, root_mean_squared_error), 'rmse_over_stdev' : (False, rmse_over_stdev) } elif self.metrics_type == 'classification': print('WARNING: new version of MAST-ML has not yet been reconfigured to handle classification tasks') exit() all_metrics = {'accuracy': (True, sm.accuracy_score), 'f1_binary': (True, lambda yt, yp: sm.f1_score(yt, yp, average='binary')), 'f1_macro': (True, lambda yt, yp: sm.f1_score(yt, yp, average='macro')), 'f1_micro': (True, lambda yt, yp: sm.f1_score(yt, yp, average='micro')), 'f1_samples': (True, lambda yt, yp: sm.f1_score(yt, yp, average='samples')), 'f1_weighted': (True, lambda yt, yp: sm.f1_score(yt, yp, average='weighted')), 'log_loss': (False, sm.log_loss), 'precision_binary': (True, lambda yt, yp: sm.precision_score(yt, yp, average='binary')), 'precision_macro': (True, lambda yt, yp: sm.precision_score(yt, yp, average='macro')), 'precision_micro': (True, lambda yt, yp: sm.precision_score(yt, yp, average='micro')), 'precision_samples': (True, lambda yt, yp: sm.precision_score(yt, yp, average='samples')), 'precision_weighted': (True, lambda yt, yp: sm.precision_score(yt, yp, average='weighted')), 'recall_binary': (True, lambda yt, yp: sm.recall_score(yt, yp, average='binary')), 'recall_macro': (True, lambda yt, yp: sm.recall_score(yt, yp, average='macro')), 'recall_micro': (True, lambda yt, yp: sm.recall_score(yt, yp, average='micro')), 'recall_samples': (True, lambda yt, yp: sm.recall_score(yt, yp, average='samples')), 'recall_weighted': (True, lambda yt, yp: sm.recall_score(yt, yp, average='weighted')), 'roc_auc': (True, sm.roc_auc_score), } return all_metrics
[docs]def r2_score_noint(y_true, y_pred): """ Method that calculates the R^2 value without fitting the y-intercept Args: y_true: (numpy array), array of true y data values y_pred: (numpy array), array of predicted y data values Returns: (float): score of R^2 with no y-intercept """ lr = LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False) y_true = np.array(y_true).reshape(-1,1) # turn it from an n-vector to nx1-matrix, y_pred) return lr.score(y_true, y_pred)
[docs]def r2_score_fitted(y_true, y_pred): """ Method that calculates the R^2 value Args: y_true: (numpy array), array of true y data values y_pred: (numpy array), array of predicted y data values Returns: (float): score of R^2 """ lr = LinearRegression(fit_intercept=True) y_true = np.array(y_true).reshape(-1,1) # turn it from an n-vector to nx1-matrix, y_pred) return lr.score(y_true, y_pred)
[docs]def root_mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred): """ Method that calculates the root mean squared error (RMSE) Args: y_true: (numpy array), array of true y data values y_pred: (numpy array), array of predicted y data values Returns: (float): score of RMSE """ return sm.mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred)**0.5
[docs]def rmse_over_stdev(y_true, y_pred, train_y=None): """ Method that calculates the root mean squared error (RMSE) of a set of data, divided by the standard deviation of the training data set. Args: y_true: (numpy array), array of true y data values y_pred: (numpy array), array of predicted y data values train_y: (numpy array), array of training y data values Returns: (float): score of RMSE divided by standard deviation of training data """ if train_y is not None: stdev = np.std(train_y) else: stdev = np.std(y_true) rmse = root_mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred) return rmse / stdev
[docs]def r2_score_adjusted(y_true, y_pred, n_features=None): """ Method that calculates the adjusted R^2 value Args: y_true: (numpy array), array of true y data values y_pred: (numpy array), array of predicted y data values n_features: (int), number of features used in the fit Returns: (float): score of adjusted R^2 """ r2 = sm.r2_score(y_true, y_pred) # n is sample size n = np.array(y_true).shape[0] # p is number of features p = n_features try: r2_score_adj = 1 - (((1-r2)*(n-1))/(n-p-1)) except: # No n_features given, just output NaN r2_score_adj = 'NaN' return r2_score_adj