Code Documentation: MAST-ML Driver

mastml.mastml_driver Module

Main MAST-ML module responsible for executing the workflow of a MAST-ML run


check_paths(conf_path, data_path, outdir) This method is responsible for error handling of the user-specified paths for the configuration file, data file, and output directory.
clone(estimator, *[, safe]) Constructs a new unfitted estimator with the same parameters.
deepcopy(x[, memo, _nil]) Deep copy operation on arbitrary Python objects.
get_commandline_args() This method is responsible for parsing and checking the command-line execution of MAST-ML inputted by the user.
join(a, *p) Join two or more pathname components, inserting ‘/’ as needed.
main(conf_path, data_path[, outdir, verbosity]) This method is responsible for setting up the initial stage of the MAST-ML run, such as parsing input directories to designate where data will be imported and results saved to, as well as creation of the MAST-ML run log.
make_scorer(score_func, *[, …]) Make a scorer from a performance metric or loss function.
mastml_run(conf_path, data_path, outdir) This method is responsible for conducting the main MAST-ML run workflow
reduce(function, sequence[, initial]) Apply a function of two arguments cumulatively to the items of a sequence, from left to right, so as to reduce the sequence to a single value.