Code Documentation: HTML Helper

mastml.html_helper Module

Module for generating an HTML file, called index.html, which contains an overview of the key data and plots from a MAST-ML run. Images of cross-validation parity plots, data histograms, data statistics, and links to the relevant files are all provided.


attr(*args, **kwargs) Set attributes on the current active tag context
get_current([default]) get the current tag being used as a with context or decorated function.
gmtime([seconds]) tm_sec, tm_wday, tm_yday, tm_isdst)
is_test_image(path) Method used to assess whether an image is for testing data
is_train_image(path) Method used to assess whether an image is for training data
join(a, *p) Join two or more pathname components, inserting ‘/’ as needed.
make_html(outdir) Method used to create the main index.html file
make_image(src[, title]) Method used to generate and show an image of a fixed width.
make_link(href) Method used to generate a link to a particular file created from a MAST-ML run.
relpath(path[, start]) Return a relative version of a path
show_combo(combo_dir, outdir) Method used to collect combinations of data analysis (e.g.
simple_section(filepath, outdir) Method used to create a section name for a particular analysis combination that will be displayed in the index.html file.
strftime(format[, tuple]) Convert a time tuple to a string according to a format specification.