MAST-ML Input File

This document provides an overview of the various sections and fields of the MAST-ML input file.

A full template input file can be downloaded here: MASTML_InputFile

Input file sections

General Setup

The “GeneralSetup” section of the input file allows the user to specify an assortment of basic MAST-ML parameters, ranging from which column names in the .xlsx file to use as features for fitting (i.e. X data) or to fit to (i.e. y data), as well as which metrics to employ in fitting a model, among other things.


    input_features = feature_1, feature_2, etc. or "Auto"
    input_target = target_feature
    randomizer = False
    metrics = root_mean_squared_error, mean_absolute_error, etc. or "Auto"
    input_other = additional_feature_1, additional_feature_2
    input_grouping = grouping_feature_1
    input_testdata = validation_feature_1
  • input_features List of input X features
  • input_target Target y feature
  • randomizer Whether or not to randomize y feature data. Useful for establishing a null “baseline” test
  • metrics Which metrics to evaluate model fits
  • input_other Additional features that are not to be fitted on (i.e. not X features)
  • input_grouping Feature names that provide information on data grouping
  • input_test Feature name that designates whether data will be used for validation (set rows as 1 or 0 in csv file)

Data Cleaning

The “DataCleaning” section of the input file allows the user to clean their data to remove rows or columns that contain empty or NaN fields, or fill in these fields using imputation or principal component analysis methods.


    cleaning_method = remove, imputation, ppca
    imputation_strategy = mean, median
  • cleaning_method Method of data cleaning. “remove” simply removes columns with missing data. “imputation” uses basic operation to fill in missing values. “ppca” uses principal component analysis to fill in missing values.
  • imputation_strategy Only valid field if doing imputation, selects method to impute missing data by using mean, median, etc. of the column


Optional section to perform clustering of data using well-known clustering algorithms available in scikit-learn. Note that the subsection names must match the corresponding name of the routine in scikit-learn. More information on clustering routines and the parameters to set for each routine can be found here: For the purpose of this full input file, we use the scikit-learn default parameter values. Note that not all parameters are listed.


        damping = 0.5
        max_iter = 200
        convergence_iter = 15
        affinity = euclidean
        n_clusters = 2
        affinity = euclidean
        compute_full_tree = auto
        linkage = ward
        threshold = 0.5
        branching_factor = 50
        n_clusters = 3
        eps = 0.5
        min_samples = 5
        metric = euclidean
        algorithm = auto
        leaf_size = 30
        n_clusters = 8
        n_init = 10
        max_iter = 300
        tol = 0.0001
        n_clusters = 8
        max_iter = 100
        batch_size = 100
        n_clusters = 8
        n_init = 10
        gamma = 1.0
        affinity = rbf

Feature Generation

Optional section to perform feature generation based on properties of the constituent elements. These routines were custom written for MAST-ML, except for PolynomialFeatures. For more information on the MAST-ML custom routines, consult the MAST-ML online documentation. For more information on PolynomialFeatures, see:


        composition_feature = Material Compositions
        feature_types = composition_avg, arithmetic_avg, max, min, difference
        composition_feature = Material Compositions
        api_key = my_api_key
        composition_feature = Material Compositions
        api_key = my_api_key
        composition_feature = Host element
        all_elements = False
        element = Al
        new_name = has_Al
  • composition_feature Name of column in csv file containing material compositions
  • feature_types Types of elemental features to output. If None is specified, all features are output. Note “elements” refers to properties of constituent elements
  • api_key Your API key to access the Materials Project or Citrine. Register for your account at Materials Project: or at Citrine:
  • all_elements For ContainsElement, whether or not to scan all data rows to assess all elements present in data set
  • element For ContainsElement, name of element of interest. Ignored if all_elements = True
  • new_name For ContainsElement, name of new feature column to generate. Ignored if all_elements = True

Feature Normalization

Optional section to perform feature normalization of the input or generated features using well-known feature normalization algorithms available in scikit-learn. Note that the subsection names must match the corresponding name of the routine in scikit-learn. More information on normalization routines and the parameters to set for each routine can be found here: . For the purpose of this full input file, we use the scikit-learn default parameter values. Note that not all parameters are listed, and only the currently listed normalization routines are supported. In addition, MeanStdevScaler is a custom written normalization routine for MAST-ML. Additional information on MeanStdevScaler can be found in the online MAST-ML documentation.


        threshold = 0.0
        norm = l2
        n_quantiles = 1000
        output_distribution = uniform
        with_centering = True
        with_scaling = True
        mean = 0
        stdev = 1

Learning Curve

Optional section to perform learning curve analysis on a dataset. Two types of learning curves will be generated: a data learning curve (score vs. amount of training data) and a feature learning curve (score vs. number of features).


    estimator = KernelRidge_learn
    cv = RepeatedKFold_learn
    scoring = root_mean_squared_error
    n_features_to_select = 5
    selector_name = MASTMLFeatureSelector
  • estimator A scikit-learn model/estimator. The name needs to match an entry in the [Models] section. Note this model will be removed from the [Models] list after the learning curve is generated.
  • cv A scikit-learn cross validation generator. The name needs to match an entry in the [DataSplits] section. Note this method will be removed from the [DataSplits] list after the learning curve is generated.
  • scoring A scikit-learn scoring method compatible with MAST-ML. See the MAST-ML online documentation at for more information.
  • n_features_to_select The max number of features to use for the feature learning curve.
  • selector_name Method to conduct feature selection for the feature learning curve. The name needs to match an entry in the [FeatureSelection] section. Note this method will be removed from the [FeatureSelection] section after the learning curve is generated.

Feature Selection

Optional section to perform feature selection using routines in scikit-learn, mlxtend and custom-written for MAST-ML. Note that the subsection names must match the corresponding name of the routine in scikit-learn. More information on selection routines and the parameters to set for each routine can be found here: . For the purpose of this full input file, we use the scikit-learn default parameter values. Note that not all parameters are listed, and only the currently listed selection routines are supported. In addition, MASTMLFeatureSelector is a custom written selection routine for MAST-ML. Additional information on MASTMLFeatureSelector can be found in the online MAST-ML documentation. Finally, SequentialFeatureSelector is a routine available from the mlxtend package, which documention can be found here:


        estimator = RandomForestRegressor_selectRFE
        n_features_to_select = 5
        step = 1
        estimator = RandomForestRegressor_selectSFS
        k_features = 5
        estimator = RandomForestRegressor_selectRFECV
        step = 1
        cv = LeaveOneGroupOut_selectRFECV
        min_features_to_select = 1
        estimator = KernelRidge_selectfrommodel
        max_features = 5
        threshold = 0.0
        n_components = 5
        estimator = KernelRidge_selectMASTML
        n_features_to_select = 5
        cv = LeaveOneGroupOut_selectMASTML
        # Any features you want to keep from the start, then use these to subsequently do forward selection
        manually_selected_features = myfeature_1, myfeature_2
        # A scikit-learn model/estimator. Needs to have estimator feature ranking. The name needs to match an entry in the [Models] section.
        estimator = RandomForestRegressor_selectEnsemble
        # number of features to select
        k_features = 5
        # threshold for removal of redundant features
        threshold_between_features = 0.9
        # threshold for removal of features not sufficiently correlated with target
        threshold_with_target = 0.8
        # whether to remove features that are highly correlated with each other (i.e. redundant)
        remove_highly_correlated_features = True
        # number of features to select
        k_features = 5
  • estimator A scikit-learn model/estimator. The name needs to match an entry in the [Models] section. Note this model will be removed from the [Models] list after the learning curve is generated.
  • n_features_to_select The max number of features to select
  • step For RFE and RFECV, the number of features to remove in each step
  • k_features For SequentialFeatureSelector, the max number of features to select.
  • cv A scikit-learn cross validation generator. The name needs to match an entry in the [DataSplits] section. Note this method will be removed from the [DataSplits] list after the learning curve is generated.

Data Splits

Optional section to perform data splits using cross validation routines in scikit-learn, and custom-written for MAST-ML. Note that the subsection names must match the corresponding name of the routine in scikit-learn. More information on selection routines and the parameters to set for each routine can be found here: . For the purpose of this full input file, we use the scikit-learn default parameter values. Note that not all parameters are listed, and only the currently listed data split routines are supported. In addition, NoSplit is a custom written selection routine for MAST-ML, which simply produces a full data fit with no cross validation. Additional information on NoSplit can be found in the online MAST-ML documentation.


        shuffle = True
        n_splits = 10
        n_splits = 5
        n_repeats = 10
    # Here, an example of another instance of RepeatedKFold, this one being used in the [LearningCurve] section above.
        n_splits = 5
        n_repeats = 10
        n_splits = 3
        p = 10
        n_splits = 5
        n_repeats = 10
        n_splits = 3
        n_splits = 10
        n_splits = 10
        # The column name in the input csv file containing the group labels
        grouping_column = Host element
    # Here, an example of another instance of LeaveOneGroupOut, this one being used in the [FeatureSelection] section above.
        # The column name in the input csv file containing the group labels
        grouping_column = Host element
    # Here, an example of another instance of LeaveOneGroupOut, this one being used based on the creation of the "has_Al"
    # group from the [[ContainsElement]] routine present in the [FeatureGeneration] section.
        grouping_column = has_Al
    # Here, an example of another instance of LeaveOneGroupOut, this one being used based on the creation of clusters
    # from the [[KMeans]] routine present in the [Clustering] section.
        grouping_column = KMeans
        # Set the distance threshold in composition space
        # Data set size
        n = 378
        # Number of bootstrap resamplings to perform
        n_bootstraps = 10
        # Training set size
        train_size = 303
        # Validation/test set size
        test_size = 75


Optional section to denote different models/estimators for model fitting from scikit-learn. Note that the subsection names must match the corresponding name of the routine in scikit-learn. More information on different model routines and the parameters to set for each routine can be found here for ensemble methods: and here for kernel ridge and linear methods: and here for neural network methods: and here for support vector machine and decision tree methods: . For the purpose of this full input file, we use the scikit-learn default parameter values. Note that not all parameters are listed, and only the currently listed data split routines are supported.


    # Ensemble methods

        n_estimators = 50
        learning_rate = 1.0
        n_estimators = 50
        learning_rate = 1.0
        n_estimators = 50
        max_samples = 1.0
        max_features = 1.0
        n_estimators = 50
        max_samples = 1.0
        max_features = 1.0
        n_estimators = 10
        criterion = gini
        min_samples_split = 2
        min_samples_leaf = 1
        n_estimators = 10
        criterion = mse
        min_samples_split = 2
        min_samples_leaf = 1
        loss = deviance
        learning_rate = 1.0
        n_estimators = 100
        subsample = 1.0
        criterion = friedman_mse
        min_samples_split = 2
        min_samples_leaf = 1
        loss = ls
        learning_rate = 0.1
        n_estimators = 100
        subsample = 1.0
        criterion = friedman_mse
        min_samples_split = 2
        min_samples_leaf = 1
        n_estimators = 10
        criterion = gini
        min_samples_leaf = 1
        min_samples_split = 2
        n_estimators = 10
        criterion = mse
        min_samples_leaf = 1
        min_samples_split = 2
    # Here, an example of another instance of RandomForestRegressor, this one being used based by the [[EnsembleFeatureSelector]]
    # method from the [FeatureSelection] section.
        n_estimators = 100
        criterion = mse
        n_estimators = 100
        objective = reg:squarederror

    # Kernel ridge and linear methods

        alpha = 1
        kernel = linear
    # Here, an example of another instance of KernelRidge, this one being used based by the [[MASTMLFeatureSelector]]
    # method from the [FeatureSelection] section.
        alpha = 1
        kernel = linear
    # Here, an example of another instance of KernelRidge, this one being used based in the [LearningCurve] section.
        alpha = 1
        kernel = linear

        n_iter = 300
        n_iter = 300
        alpha = 1.0
        epsilon = 1.35
        max_iter = 100
        alpha = 1.0
        alpha = 1.0
        max_iter = 500
        criterion = aic
        max_iter = 500
        penalty = l2
        C = 1.0
        alpha = 0.0001
        alpha = 1.0
        alpha = 1.0
        loss = hinge
        penalty = l2
        alpha = 0.0001
        loss = squared_loss
        penalty = l2
        alpha = 0.0001

    # Neural networks

        hidden_layer_sizes = 100,
        activation = relu
        solver = adam
        alpha = 0.0001
        batch_size = auto
        learning_rate = constant
        hidden_layer_sizes = 100,
        activation = relu
        solver = adam
        alpha = 0.0001
        batch_size = auto
        learning_rate = constant
             layer_type = Dense
             neuron_num= 100
             input_dim= 287   #typically equal to n_features
             kernel_initializer= random_normal
             layer_type = Dense
             neuron_num= 50
             kernel_initializer= random_normal
             layer_type = Dense
             neuron_num= 25
             kernel_initializer= random_normal
             layer_type = Dense
             neuron_num= 1
             kernel_initializer= random_normal
             loss = mean_squared_error
             optimizer = adam
             metrics = mse
             shuffle = True
             #validation_split = 0.2

    # Support vector machine methods

        penalty = l2
        loss = squared_hinge
        tol = 0.0001
        C = 1.0
        epsilon = 0.1
        loss = epsilon_insensitive
        tol = 0.0001
        C = 1.0
        nu = 0.5
        kernel = rbf
        degree = 3
        nu = 0.5
        C = 1.0
        kernel = rbf
        degree = 3
        C = 1.0
        kernel = rbf
        degree = 3
        C = 1.0
        kernel = rbf
        degree = 3

    # Decision tree methods

        criterion = gini
        splitter = best
        min_samples_split = 2
        min_samples_leaf = 1
        criterion = mse
        splitter = best
        min_samples_split = 2
        min_samples_leaf = 1
        criterion = gini
        splitter = random
        min_samples_split = 2
        min_samples_leaf = 1
        criterion = mse
        splitter = random
        min_samples_split = 2
        min_samples_leaf = 1

Misc Settings

This section controls which types of plots MAST-ML will write to the results directory and other miscellaneous settings.


    plot_target_histogram = True
    plot_train_test_plots = True
    plot_predicted_vs_true = True
    plot_predicted_vs_true_average = True
    plot_best_worst_per_point = True
    plot_each_feature_vs_target = False
    plot_error_plots = True
    rf_error_method = stdev
    rf_error_percentile = 95
    normalize_target_feature = False
  • plot_target_histogram Whether or not to output target data histograms
  • plot_train_test_plots Whether or not to output parity plots within each CV split
  • plot_predicted_vs_true Whether or not to output summarized parity plots
  • plot_predicted_vs_true_average Whether or not to output averaged parity plots
  • plot_best_worst_per_point Whether or not to output parity plot showing best and worst split per point
  • plot_each_feature_vs_target Whether or not to show plots of target feature as a function of each individual input feature
  • plot_error_method Whether or not to show the individual and average plots of the normalized errors
  • rf_error_method If using random forest, whether to calculate error bars with stdev or confidence intervals (confint)
  • rf_error_percentile If using confint above, the confidence interval to use to calculate the error bars
  • normalize_target_feature Whether or not to normalize the target feature values