Source code for mastml.conf_parser

The conf_parser module is used for handling, parsing, and checking MAST-ML input configuration files

from sklearn.metrics import make_scorer
from configobj import ConfigObj
import logging

from mastml import metrics, utils
from mastml.legos.model_finder import check_models_mixed
from mastml.legos import feature_selectors, model_finder

log = logging.getLogger('mastml')

[docs]def parse_conf_file(filepath, from_dict=False): """ Method that accepts the filepath of an input configuration file and returns its parsed dictionary Args: filepath: (str), path to config file, or a dict of config values directly Returns: conf: (dict): dictionary parsed from config file """ if from_dict == False: conf = ConfigObj(filepath) else: conf = filepath # The filepath in this case is an actual dictionary of values used as the config fiel main_sections = ['GeneralSetup', 'DataSplits', 'Models', 'LearningCurve', 'DataCleaning', 'HyperOpt', 'ModelHosting'] feature_sections = ['FeatureGeneration', 'Clustering', 'FeatureNormalization', 'FeatureSelection'] feature_section_dicts = [conf[name] for name in feature_sections if name in conf] def set_required_sections_to_empty(): for name in main_sections: if name not in conf: conf[name] = dict() set_required_sections_to_empty() def check_unknown_sections(): all_sections = main_sections + feature_sections + ['MiscSettings'] for section_name in conf: if section_name not in all_sections: raise Exception(f'[{section_name}] is not a valid section!' f' Valid sections: {all_sections}') check_unknown_sections() def verify_subsection_only_sections(): for dictionary in [conf, conf['DataSplits'], conf['Models']] + feature_section_dicts: for name, value in dictionary.items(): if not isinstance(value, dict): raise utils.InvalidConfSubSection( f"Parameter in subsection-only section: {name}={value}") verify_subsection_only_sections() def parameter_dict_type_check_and_cast(): parameter_dicts = list() parameter_dicts.extend(conf['Models'].values()) parameter_dicts.extend(conf['DataSplits'].values()) #parameter_dicts = conf['Models'].values() + conf['DataSplits'].values() for feature_section in feature_section_dicts: parameter_dicts.extend(feature_section.values()) for parameter_dict in parameter_dicts: for name, value in parameter_dict.items(): # Does this parameter-only section include a subsection? if isinstance(value, dict): continue #raise utils.InvalidConfSubSection( # f"Subsection in parameter-only section: {key}") # cast the strings to their respective types parameter_dict[name] = fix_types(value) parameter_dict_type_check_and_cast() # Ensure all models are either classifiers or regressors: (raises error if mixed) is_classification = conf['is_classification'] = check_models_mixed( key.split('_')[0] for key in conf['Models']) # Add the empty splitter if no splitters are specified: if conf['DataSplits'] == dict(): conf['DataSplits']['NoSplit'] = dict() def set_unspecified_sections_to_empty_dict(): for name in feature_sections: if name not in conf or conf[name] == dict(): if name == 'Clustering': conf[name] = dict() else: conf[name] = {'DoNothing': dict()} set_unspecified_sections_to_empty_dict() GS = conf['GeneralSetup'] def check_general_setup_settings_are_valid(): #all_settings = ['input_features', 'target_feature', 'metrics', # 'randomizer', 'validation_columns', 'not_input_features', 'grouping_feature'] all_settings = ['input_features', 'input_target', 'metrics', 'randomizer', 'input_testdata', 'input_other', 'input_grouping'] for name in GS: if name not in all_settings: raise utils.InvalidConfParameters( f"[GeneralSetup] contains unknown setting {name}.\n" f"Valid GeneralSetup options are: {all_settings}") check_general_setup_settings_are_valid() if 'input_grouping' not in GS: GS['input_grouping'] = None # Find grouping features and 'not_input_features' to blacklist out of X (see data loader) def collect_grouping_features(): for section in conf: if not isinstance(conf[section], dict): continue for subsection in conf[section]: SS = conf[section][subsection] if not isinstance(SS, dict): continue if 'input_grouping' in SS.keys(): logging.debug('found input_grouping feature: ' + SS['input_grouping']) yield SS['input_grouping'] # Issue here where if clusters are automatically generated, new column is made but isn't in intitial df, even though # listed as grouping_feature. Here, just have to remember to put grouping_feature names in not_input_features #feature_blacklist = list(collect_grouping_features()) feature_blacklist = list() # default not_input_features to a list if 'input_other' not in GS: GS['input_other'] = list() else: if type(GS['input_other']) is str: new_list = list() new_list.append(GS['input_other']) GS['input_other'] = new_list elif type(GS['input_other']) is list: pass # and add the discovered ones to the list GS['input_other'] += feature_blacklist #GS['not_input_features'] = [f for f in feature_blacklist if f not in GS['not_input_features']] def set_randomizer_setting(): if 'randomizer' in GS: GS['randomizer'] = mybool(GS['randomizer']) else: GS['randomizer'] = False set_randomizer_setting() def set_default_features(): for name in ['input_features', 'input_target']: if (name not in GS) or (GS[name] == 'Auto'): GS[name] = None set_default_features() def set_default_metrics(): if 'metrics' not in GS or GS['metrics'] == 'Auto': if is_classification: GS['metrics'] = ['accuracy', 'precision_binary', 'recall_binary', 'f1_binary'] else: GS['metrics'] = ['R2', 'root_mean_squared_error', 'mean_absolute_error', 'rmse_over_stdev'] set_default_metrics() # Turn names of metrics into actual metrics: # If only one metric, map string to list for parsing if type(GS['metrics']) is str: el = GS['metrics'] GS['metrics'] = list() GS['metrics'].append(el) GS['metrics'] = metrics.check_and_fetch_names(GS['metrics'], is_classification) def change_score_func_strings_into_actual_score_funcs(): for selector_name, args_dict in conf['FeatureSelection'].items(): class_name = selector_name.split('_')[0] if class_name not in feature_selectors.score_func_selectors: continue name_to_func = (metrics.classification_score_funcs if is_classification else metrics.regression_score_funcs) if 'score_func' in args_dict: try: args_dict['score_func'] = name_to_func[args_dict['score_func']] except KeyError: task = 'classification' if is_classification else 'regression' raise utils.InvalidValue( f"Score function '{args_dict['score_func']}' not valid for {task}" f" tasks (inside feature selector {selector_name}). Valid score" f" functions: {list(name_to_func.keys())}") else: # default to f_classif or f_regression args_dict['score_func'] = \ name_to_func['f_classif' if is_classification else 'f_regression'] change_score_func_strings_into_actual_score_funcs() def make_long_name_short_name_pairs(): dictionaries = ([conf['DataSplits'], conf['Models'], conf['HyperOpt']] + [conf[name] for name in feature_sections]) for dictionary in dictionaries: for name, settings in dictionary.items(): #dictionary[name] = (name.split('_')[0], settings) dictionary[name] = [name.split('_')[0], settings] make_long_name_short_name_pairs() def check_and_boolify_plot_settings(): default_false = ['plot_each_feature_vs_target', 'rf_error_method', 'rf_error_percentile', 'normalize_target_feature'] default_true = ['plot_target_histogram', 'plot_train_test_plots', 'plot_predicted_vs_true', 'plot_error_plots', 'plot_predicted_vs_true_average', 'plot_best_worst_per_point'] all_settings = default_false + default_true if 'MiscSettings' not in conf: conf['MiscSettings'] = dict() MS = conf['MiscSettings'] for name, value in MS.items(): if name not in all_settings: raise utils.InvalidConfParameters(f"[MiscSettings] parameter '{name}' is unknown") try: MS[name] = mybool(value) except ValueError: pass # raise utils.InvalidConfParameters( # f"[PlotSettings] parameter '{name}' must be a boolean") for name in default_false: if name not in MS: MS[name] = False for name in default_true: if name not in MS: MS[name] = True check_and_boolify_plot_settings() # TODO: remove? def check_learning_curve_settings(): if 'learning_curve_model' not in GS: raise utils.InvalidConfParameters("You enabled data_learning_curve plots but you did" "not specify learning_curve_model in [GeneralSetup]") if 'learning_curve_score' not in GS: raise utils.InvalidConfParameters("You enabled data_learning_curve plots but you did" "not specify learning_curve_score in [GeneralSetup]") # Need to make scoring function for learning curve string to scorer object if conf['LearningCurve']: score_name = conf['LearningCurve']['scoring'] d = metrics.check_and_fetch_names([score_name], is_classification) greater_is_better, score_func = d[score_name] conf['LearningCurve']['scoring'] = make_scorer(score_func, greater_is_better=True) return conf
[docs]def fix_types(maybe_list): """ Method that returns true datatype of values passed as string or list of strings, parsed from configuration file Args: maybe_list: (list, str), a list of strings or just a string whose datatype should be e.g. int or list of float Returns: maybe_list: (list, bool, int, float): a list of items or other data type converted from string to correct data type """ if isinstance(maybe_list, list): return [fix_types(item) for item in maybe_list] try: return mybool(maybe_list) except ValueError: pass try: return int(maybe_list) except ValueError: pass try: return float(maybe_list) except ValueError: pass return str(maybe_list)
[docs]def mybool(string): """ Method that converts a string equal to 'True' or 'False' into type bool Args: string: (str), a string as 'True' or 'False' Returns: bool: (bool): bool as True or False """ if string.lower() == 'true': return True if string.lower() == 'false': return False raise ValueError