Source code for mastml.html_helper

Module for generating an HTML file, called index.html, which contains an overview of the key data and plots from a
MAST-ML run. Images of cross-validation parity plots, data histograms, data statistics, and links to the relevant files
are all provided.

import os
from os.path import join, relpath # because it's used so much
from time import gmtime, strftime
import logging
from dominate import document
from dominate.tags import *

log = logging.getLogger('mastml')

[docs]def make_html(outdir): """ Method used to create the main index.html file Args: outdir: (str), user-specified output path which designates where all results of MAST-ML run are written Returns: None """ with document(title='MASTML') as doc: # title and date h1('MAterial Science Tools - Machine Learning') h4(strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime())) # link to error log #if errors_present: # p('You have errors! check ', make_link(error_log)) combos = list() link_sections = list() #favorites = dict() for root, dirs, files in os.walk(outdir): # find a folder that contains split_ folder. # For example, results/StandardScaler/SelectKBest/LinearRegression/KFold for d in dirs: if d.startswith('split_0'): combos.append(root) # extract links to important csvs and conf for f in files: csv_whitelist = [ 'clusters.csv', 'generated_features.csv', 'generated_features_no_constant_columns.csv', 'grouped.csv', 'input_data_statistics.csv', 'normalized.csv', 'selected.csv', ] ext = os.path.splitext(f)[1] if f in csv_whitelist or ext in ['.conf', '.log']: link_sections.append(join(root, f)) #simple_section(join(root, f), outdir) h1('Files') for path in link_sections: simple_section(path, outdir) h1('Plots') # show all the images for f in os.listdir(outdir): if f.endswith('.png'): make_image(f, f) for combo in combos: # come up with a good section title path = os.path.normpath(relpath(combo, outdir)) paths = path.split(os.sep) title = " - ".join(paths) h2(title) # find the best worst overlay for fname in os.listdir(combo): if fname.endswith('.png'): h3(os.path.splitext(fname)[0]) # probably best_worst overlay make_image(relpath(join(combo, fname), outdir), fname) br() # find the split_0 split_1 etc bs stuff for fname in os.listdir(combo): if fname.startswith('split_'): show_combo(join(combo, fname), outdir) with open(join(outdir, 'index.html'), 'w') as f: f.write(doc.render())'wrote ' + join(outdir, 'index.html'))
[docs]def show_combo(combo_dir, outdir): """ Method used to collect combinations of data analysis (e.g. parity plots of train and test data in a CV split) and required file paths and display them in the output index.html file. Args: combo_dir: (str), path containing the relevant data to combine as output in the index.html file outdir: (str), user-specified output path which designates where all results of MAST-ML run are written Returns: None """ # collect test image, train image, and other file links links = list() train_images = list() test_images = list() for f in os.listdir(combo_dir): if is_train_image(f): train_images.append(join(combo_dir, f)) elif is_test_image(f): test_images.append(join(combo_dir, f)) else: links.append(join(combo_dir, f)) # have a header for split_0 split_1 etc h2(combo_dir.split(os.sep)[-1]) # loop separately so we can control order for train_image, test_image in zip(sorted(train_images), sorted(test_images)): make_image(relpath(train_image, outdir), 'train') make_image(relpath(test_image, outdir), 'test') br();br() h3('links') for l in links: make_link(relpath(l, outdir)) span(' ')
[docs]def simple_section(filepath, outdir): """ Method used to create a section name for a particular analysis combination that will be displayed in the index.html file. Args: filepath: (str), path containing the relevant data to combine as output in the index.html file outdir: (str), user-specified output path which designates where all results of MAST-ML run are written Returns: None """ " Create a section for a combo " path = os.path.normpath(relpath(filepath, outdir)) paths = path.split(os.sep) title = " - ".join(paths) a(b(title)) make_link(relpath(filepath, outdir)) br()
[docs]def make_image(src, title=None): """ Method used to generate and show an image of a fixed width. The image will be displayed in the appropriate section of the index.html file Args: src: (str), source path of the image to be displayed title: (str), title for the image Returns: None """ " Show an image in fixed width " d = div(style='display:inline-block;', _class='photo') if title: d += h4(title) #d += p(a(title)) d += img(src=src, height='200')
[docs]def is_train_image(path): """ Method used to assess whether an image is for training data Args: path: (str), source path of the image to be displayed Returns: (bool), True if path is an image (.png) and is for training data (has 'train' in path) """ basename = os.path.basename(path) return os.path.splitext(basename)[1] == '.png' and 'train' in basename
[docs]def is_test_image(path): """ Method used to assess whether an image is for testing data Args: path: (str), source path of the image to be displayed Returns: (bool), True if path is an image (.png) and is for testing data (has 'test' in path) """ basename = os.path.basename(path) return os.path.splitext(basename)[1] == '.png' and 'test' in basename