Source code for mastml.plot_helper

This module contains a collection of functions which make plots (saved as png files) using matplotlib, generated from
some model fits and cross-validation evaluation within a MAST-ML run.

This module also contains a method to create python notebooks containing plotted data and the relevant source code from
this module, to enable the user to make their own modifications to the created plots in a straightforward way (useful for
tweaking plots for a presentation or publication).

import math
import statistics
import os
import copy
import pandas as pd
import itertools
import warnings
import logging
from collections import Iterable
from os.path import join
from collections import OrderedDict
from math import log, floor, ceil
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score
from sklearn.ensemble._forest import _generate_sample_indices, _get_n_samples_bootstrap
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable

# Ignore the harmless warning about the gelsd driver on mac.
warnings.filterwarnings(action="ignore", module="scipy",
                        message="^internal gelsd")
# Ignore matplotlib deprecation warning (set as all warnings for now)

import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, roc_curve, auc, precision_recall_curve

import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg as FigureCanvas
from matplotlib.figure import Figure, figaspect
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde, norm
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import mark_inset
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import zoomed_inset_axes

# Needed imports for ipynb_maker
#from mastml.utils import nice_range
#from mastml.metrics import nice_names

import inspect
import textwrap
from pandas import DataFrame, Series

import nbformat

from functools import wraps

#import forestci as fci
#from forestci.calibration import calibrateEB
import copy

matplotlib.rc('font', size=18, family='sans-serif') # set all font to bigger
matplotlib.rc('figure', autolayout=True) # turn on autolayout

# adding dpi as a constant global so it can be changed later
DPI = 250

#logger = logging.getLogger() # only used inside ipynb_maker I guess

# HEADERENDER don't delete this line, it's used by ipynb maker

logger = logging.getLogger('mastml') # the real logger

[docs]def ipynb_maker(plot_func): """ This method creates Jupyter Notebooks so user can modify and regenerate the plots produced by MAST-ML. Args: plot_func: (plot_helper method), a plotting method contained in which contains the @ipynb_maker decorator Returns: (plot_helper method), the same plot_func as used as input, but after having written the Jupyter notebook with source code to create plot """ from mastml import plot_helper # Strange self-import but it works, as had cyclic import issues with ipynb_maker as its own module @wraps(plot_func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # convert everything to kwargs for easier display # from geniuses at #kwargs.update(dict(zip(plot_func.func_code.co_varnames, args))) sig = inspect.signature(plot_func) binding = sig.bind(*args, **kwargs) all_args = binding.arguments # if this is an outdir style function, fill in savepath and delete outdir if 'savepath' in all_args: ipynb_savepath = all_args['savepath'] knows_savepath = True basename = os.path.basename(ipynb_savepath) # fix absolute path problem elif 'outdir' in all_args: knows_savepath = False basename = plot_func.__name__ ipynb_savepath = os.path.join(all_args['outdir'], basename) else: raise Exception('you must have an "outdir" or "savepath" argument to use ipynb_maker') readme = textwrap.dedent(f"""\ This notebook was automatically generated from your MAST-ML run so you can recreate the plots. Some things are a bit different from the usual way of creating plots - we are using the [object oriented interface]( instead of pyplot to create the `fig` and `ax` instances. """) # get source of the top of header = "" with open(plot_helper.__file__) as f: for line in f.readlines(): if 'HEADERENDER' in line: break header += line core_funcs = [plot_helper.stat_to_string, plot_helper.plot_stats, plot_helper.make_fig_ax, plot_helper.get_histogram_bins, plot_helper.nice_names, plot_helper.nice_range, plot_helper.nice_mean, plot_helper.nice_std, plot_helper.rounder, plot_helper._set_tick_labels, plot_helper._set_tick_labels_different, plot_helper._nice_range_helper, plot_helper._nearest_pow_ten, plot_helper._three_sigfigs, plot_helper._n_sigfigs, plot_helper._int_if_int, plot_helper._round_up, plot_helper.prediction_intervals] func_strings = '\n\n'.join(inspect.getsource(func) for func in core_funcs) plot_func_string = inspect.getsource(plot_func) # remove first line that has this decorator on it (!!!) plot_func_string = '\n'.join(plot_func_string.split('\n')[1:]) # put the arguments and their values in the code arg_assignments = [] arg_names = [] for key, var in all_args.items(): if isinstance(var, DataFrame): # this is amazing arg_assignments.append(f"{key} = pd.read_csv(StringIO('''\n{var.to_csv(index=False)}'''))") elif isinstance(var, Series): arg_assignments.append(f"{key} = pd.Series(pd.read_csv(StringIO('''\n{var.to_csv(index=False)}''')).iloc[:,0])") else: arg_assignments.append(f'{key} = {repr(var)}') arg_names.append(key) args_block = ("from numpy import array\n" + "from collections import OrderedDict\n" + "from io import StringIO\n" + "from sklearn.gaussian_process import GaussianProcessRegressor # Need for error plots\n" + "from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import * # Need for error plots\n" + "from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor # Need for error plots\n" + '\n'.join(arg_assignments)) arg_names = ', '.join(arg_names) if knows_savepath: if '.png' not in basename: basename += '.png' main = textwrap.dedent(f"""\ import pandas as pd from IPython.display import Image, display {plot_func.__name__}({arg_names}) display(Image(filename='{basename}')) """) else: main = textwrap.dedent(f"""\ import pandas as pd from IPython.display import Image, display plot_paths = plot_predicted_vs_true(train_quad, test_quad, outdir, label) for plot_path in plot_paths: display(Image(filename=plot_path)) """) nb = nbformat.v4.new_notebook() readme_cell = nbformat.v4.new_markdown_cell(readme) text_cells = [header, func_strings, plot_func_string, args_block, main] cells = [readme_cell] + [nbformat.v4.new_code_cell(cell_text) for cell_text in text_cells] nb['cells'] = cells nbformat.write(nb, ipynb_savepath + '.ipynb') return plot_func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs]def make_train_test_plots(run, path, is_classification, label, model, train_X, test_X, groups=None): """ General plotting method used to execute sequence of specific plots of train-test data analysis Args: run: (dict), a particular split_result from masml_driver path: (str), path to save the generated plots and analysis of split_result designated in 'run' is_classification: (bool), whether or not the analysis is a classification task label: (str), name of the y data variable being fit model: (scikit-learn model object), a scikit-learn model/estimator train_X: (numpy array), array of X features used in training test_X: (numpy array), array of X features used in testing groups: (numpy array), array of group names Returns: None """ y_train_true, y_train_pred, y_test_true = \ run['y_train_true'], run['y_train_pred'], run['y_test_true'] y_test_pred, train_metrics, test_metrics = \ run['y_test_pred'], run['train_metrics'], run['test_metrics'] train_groups, test_groups = run['train_groups'], run['test_groups'] if is_classification: # Need these class prediction probabilities for ROC curve analysis y_train_pred_proba = run['y_train_pred_proba'] y_test_pred_proba = run['y_test_pred_proba'] title = 'train_confusion_matrix' plot_confusion_matrix(y_train_true, y_train_pred, join(path, title+'.png'), train_metrics, title=title) title = 'test_confusion_matrix' plot_confusion_matrix(y_test_true, y_test_pred, join(path, title+'.png'), test_metrics, title=title) title = 'train_roc_curve' plot_roc_curve(y_train_true, y_train_pred_proba, join(path, title+'png')) title = 'test_roc_curve' plot_roc_curve(y_test_true, y_test_pred_proba, join(path, title+'png')) title = 'train_precision_recall_curve' plot_precision_recall_curve(y_train_true, y_train_pred_proba, join(path, title+'png')) title = 'test_precision_recall_curve' plot_precision_recall_curve(y_test_true, y_test_pred_proba, join(path, title + 'png')) else: # is_regression plot_predicted_vs_true((y_train_true, y_train_pred, train_metrics, train_groups), (y_test_true, y_test_pred, test_metrics, test_groups), path, label=label) title = 'train_residuals_histogram' plot_residuals_histogram(y_train_true, y_train_pred, join(path, title+'.png'), train_metrics, title=title, label=label) title = 'test_residuals_histogram' plot_residuals_histogram(y_test_true, y_test_pred, join(path, title+'.png'), test_metrics, title=title, label=label)
[docs]def make_error_plots(run, path, is_classification, label, model, train_X, test_X, rf_error_method, rf_error_percentile, is_validation, validation_column_name, validation_X, groups=None): y_train_true, y_train_pred, y_test_true = \ run['y_train_true'], run['y_train_pred'], run['y_test_true'] y_test_pred, train_metrics, test_metrics = \ run['y_test_pred'], run['train_metrics'], run['test_metrics'] train_groups, test_groups = run['train_groups'], run['test_groups'] if is_validation: y_validation_pred, y_validation_true, prediction_metrics = \ run['y_validation_pred'+'_'+str(validation_column_name)], \ run['y_validation_true'+'_'+str(validation_column_name)], \ run['prediction_metrics'] if is_classification: logger.debug('There is no error distribution plotting for classification problems, just passing through...') else: # is_regression #title = 'train_normalized_error' #plot_normalized_error(y_train_true, y_train_pred, join(path, title+'.png'), model, error_method, percentile, # X=train_X, Xtrain=train_X, Xtest=test_X) title = 'test_normalized_error' plot_normalized_error(y_test_true, y_test_pred, join(path, title+'.png'), model, rf_error_method, rf_error_percentile, X=test_X, Xtrain=train_X, Xtest=test_X) #title = 'train_cumulative_normalized_error' #plot_cumulative_normalized_error(y_train_true, y_train_pred, join(path, title+'.png'), model, error_method, # percentile, X=train_X, Xtrain=train_X, Xtest=test_X) title = 'test_cumulative_normalized_error' plot_cumulative_normalized_error(y_test_true, y_test_pred, join(path, title+'.png'), model, rf_error_method, rf_error_percentile, X=test_X, Xtrain=train_X, Xtest=test_X) # HERE, add your RMS residual vs. error plot function if model.__class__.__name__ in ['RandomForestRegressor', 'ExtraTreesRegressor', 'GaussianProcessRegressor', 'GradientBoostingRegressor', 'EnsembleRegressor']: y_all_data = np.concatenate([y_test_true, y_train_true]) plot_real_vs_predicted_error(y_all_data, path, model, data_test_type='test') if is_validation: title = 'validation_cumulative_normalized_error' plot_cumulative_normalized_error(y_validation_true, y_validation_pred, join(path, title+'.png'), model, rf_error_method, rf_error_percentile, X=validation_X, Xtrain=train_X, Xtest=test_X) title = 'validation_normalized_error' plot_normalized_error(y_validation_true, y_validation_pred, join(path, title + '.png'), model, rf_error_method, rf_error_percentile, X=validation_X, Xtrain=train_X, Xtest=test_X) if model.__class__.__name__ in ['RandomForestRegressor', 'ExtraTreesRegressor', 'GaussianProcessRegressor', 'GradientBoostingRegressor', 'EnsembleRegressor']: y_all_data = np.concatenate([y_test_true, y_train_true]) plot_real_vs_predicted_error(y_all_data, path, model, data_test_type='validation')
[docs]@ipynb_maker def plot_confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred, savepath, stats, normalize=False, title='Confusion matrix', """ Method used to generate a confusion matrix for a classification run. Additional information can be found at: Args: y_true: (numpy array), array containing the true y data values y_pred: (numpy array), array containing the predicted y data values savepath: (str), path to save the plotted confusion matrix stats: (dict), dict of training or testing statistics for a particular run normalize: (bool), whether or not to normalize data output as truncated float vs. double title: (str), title of the confusion matrix plot cmap: (matplotlib colormap), the color map to use for confusion matrix plotting Returns: None """ # calculate confusion matrix and lables in correct order cm = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred) #classes = sorted(list(set(y_true).intersection(set(y_pred)))) classes = sorted(list(set(y_true).union(set(y_pred)))) x_align = 0.64 fig, ax = make_fig_ax(x_align=x_align) #ax.set_title(title) # create the colorbar, not really needed but everyones got 'em mappable = ax.imshow(cm, interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap) #fig.colorbar(mappable) # set x and y ticks to labels tick_marks = range(len(classes)) ax.set_xticks(tick_marks) ax.set_xticklabels(classes, rotation='horizontal', fontsize=18) ax.set_yticks(tick_marks) ax.set_yticklabels(classes, rotation='horizontal', fontsize=18) # draw number in the boxes fmt = '.2f' if normalize else 'd' thresh = cm.max() / 2. for i, j in itertools.product(range(cm.shape[0]), range(cm.shape[1])): ax.text(j, i, format(cm[i, j], fmt), horizontalalignment="center", color="white" if cm[i, j] > thresh else "black") # plots the stats plot_stats(fig, stats, x_align=0.60, y_align=0.90) ax.set_ylabel('True label') ax.set_xlabel('Predicted label') fig.savefig(savepath, dpi=DPI, bbox_inches='tight')
[docs]@ipynb_maker def plot_roc_curve(y_true, y_pred, savepath): """ Method to calculate and plot the receiver-operator characteristic curve for classification model results Args: y_true: (numpy array), array of true y data values y_pred: (numpy array), array of predicted y data values savepath: (str), path to save the plotted ROC curve Returns: None """ #TODO: have work when probability=False in model params. Suggest user set probability=True!! #classes = sorted(list(set(y_true).union(set(y_pred)))) #n_classes = y_pred.shape[1] classes = list(np.unique(y_true)) fpr = dict() tpr = dict() roc_auc = dict() for i in range(len(classes)): fpr[i], tpr[i], _ = roc_curve(y_true, y_pred[:, i]) roc_auc[i] = auc(fpr[i], tpr[i]) x_align = 0.95 fig, ax = make_fig_ax(aspect_ratio=0.66, x_align=x_align, left=0.15) colors = ['blue', 'red'] #for i in range(len(classes)): # ax.plot(fpr[i], tpr[i], color=colors[i], lw=2, label='ROC curve class '+str(i)+' (area = %0.2f)' % roc_auc[i]) ax.plot(fpr[1], tpr[1], color=colors[0], lw=2, label='ROC curve' + ' (area = %0.2f)' % roc_auc[1]) ax.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], color='black', label='Random guess', lw=2, linestyle='--') ax.set_xticks(np.linspace(0, 1, 5)) ax.set_yticks(np.linspace(0, 1, 5)) _set_tick_labels(ax, maxx=1, minn=0) ax.set_xlabel('False Positive Rate', fontsize='16') ax.set_ylabel('True Positive Rate', fontsize='16') ax.legend(loc="lower right", fontsize=12) #plot_stats(fig, stats, x_align=0.60, y_align=0.90) fig.savefig(savepath, dpi=DPI, bbox_to_inches='tight')
[docs]@ipynb_maker def plot_precision_recall_curve(y_true, y_pred, savepath): """ Method to calculate and plot the precision-recall curve for classification model results Args: y_true: (numpy array), array of true y data values y_pred: (numpy array), array of predicted y data values savepath: (str), path to save the plotted precision-recall curve Returns: None """ # Note this only works with probability predictions of the classifier labels. classes = list(np.unique(y_true)) precision = dict() recall = dict() #roc_auc = dict() for i in range(len(classes)): precision[i], recall[i], _ = precision_recall_curve(y_true, y_pred[:, i]) x_align = 0.95 fig, ax = make_fig_ax(aspect_ratio=0.66, x_align=x_align, left=0.15) colors = ['blue', 'red'] #for i in range(len(classes)): # ax.plot(fpr[i], tpr[i], color=colors[i], lw=2, label='ROC curve class '+str(i)+' (area = %0.2f)' % roc_auc[i]) ax.step(recall[1], precision[1], color=colors[0], lw=2, label='Precision-recall curve') #ax.fill_between(recall[1], precision[1], alpha=0.4, color=colors[0]) ax.set_xticks(np.linspace(0, 1, 5)) ax.set_yticks(np.linspace(0, 1, 5)) _set_tick_labels(ax, maxx=1, minn=0) ax.set_xlabel('Recall', fontsize='16') ax.set_ylabel('Precision', fontsize='16') ax.legend(loc="upper right", fontsize=12) #plot_stats(fig, stats, x_align=0.60, y_align=0.90) fig.savefig(savepath, dpi=DPI, bbox_to_inches='tight') return
[docs]@ipynb_maker def plot_residuals_histogram(y_true, y_pred, savepath, stats, title='residuals histogram', label='residuals'): """ Method to calculate and plot the histogram of residuals from regression model Args: y_true: (numpy array), array of true y data values y_pred: (numpy array), array of predicted y data values savepath: (str), path to save the plotted precision-recall curve stats: (dict), dict of training or testing statistics for a particular run title: (str), title of residuals histogram label: (str), label used for axis labeling Returns: None """ # make fig and ax, use x_align when placing text so things don't overlap x_align = 0.64 fig, ax = make_fig_ax(x_align=x_align) #ax.set_title(title) # do the actual plotting residuals = y_true - y_pred #Output residuals data and stats to spreadsheet path = os.path.dirname(savepath) pd.DataFrame(residuals).describe().to_csv(os.path.join(path,'residual_statistics.csv')) pd.DataFrame(residuals).to_csv(path+'/'+'residuals.csv') #Get num_bins using smarter method num_bins = get_histogram_bins(y_df=residuals) ax.hist(residuals, bins=num_bins, color='b', edgecolor='k') # normal text stuff ax.set_xlabel('Value of '+label, fontsize=16) ax.set_ylabel('Number of occurences', fontsize=16) # make y axis ints, because it is discrete #ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(integer=True)) plot_stats(fig, stats, x_align=x_align, y_align=0.90) plot_stats(fig, pd.DataFrame(residuals).describe().to_dict()[0], x_align=x_align, y_align=0.60) fig.savefig(savepath, dpi=DPI, bbox_inches='tight')
[docs]@ipynb_maker def plot_target_histogram(y_df, savepath, title='target histogram', label='target values'): """ Method to plot the histogram of true y values Args: y_df: (pandas dataframe), dataframe of true y data values savepath: (str), path to save the plotted precision-recall curve title: (str), title of residuals histogram label: (str), label used for axis labeling Returns: None """ # make fig and ax, use x_align when placing text so things don't overlap x_align = 0.70 fig, ax = make_fig_ax(aspect_ratio=0.5, x_align=x_align) #ax.set_title(title) #Get num_bins using smarter method num_bins = get_histogram_bins(y_df=y_df) # do the actual plotting try: ax.hist(y_df, bins=num_bins, color='b', edgecolor='k')#, histtype='stepfilled') except: print('Could not plot target histgram') return # normal text stuff ax.set_xlabel('Value of '+label, fontsize=16) ax.set_ylabel('Number of occurences', fontsize=16) # make y axis ints, because it is discrete #ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(integer=True)) plot_stats(fig, dict(y_df.describe()), x_align=x_align, y_align=0.90, fontsize=14) # Save input data stats to csv savepath_parse = savepath.split('target_histogram.png')[0] y_df.describe().to_csv(savepath_parse+'/''input_data_statistics.csv') fig.savefig(savepath, dpi=DPI, bbox_inches='tight')
[docs]@ipynb_maker def plot_predicted_vs_true(train_quad, test_quad, outdir, label): """ Method to create a parity plot (predicted vs. true values) Args: train_quad: (tuple), tuple containing 4 numpy arrays: true training y data, predicted training y data, training metric data, and groups used in training test_quad: (tuple), tuple containing 4 numpy arrays: true test y data, predicted test y data, testing metric data, and groups used in testing outdir: (str), path to save plots to label: (str), label used for axis labeling Returns: None """ filenames = list() y_train_true, y_train_pred, train_metrics, train_groups = train_quad y_test_true, y_test_pred, test_metrics, test_groups = test_quad # make diagonal line from absolute min to absolute max of any data point # using round because Ryan did - but won't that ruin small numbers??? TODO this #max1 = max(y_train_true.max(), y_train_pred.max(), # y_test_true.max(), y_test_pred.max()) max1 = max(y_train_true.max(), y_test_true.max()) #min1 = min(y_train_true.min(), y_train_pred.min(), # y_test_true.min(), y_test_pred.min()) min1 = min(y_train_true.min(), y_test_true.min()) max1 = round(float(max1), rounder(max1-min1)) min1 = round(float(min1), rounder(max1-min1)) for y_true, y_pred, stats, groups, title_addon in \ (train_quad+('train',), test_quad+('test',)): # make fig and ax, use x_align when placing text so things don't overlap x_align=0.64 fig, ax = make_fig_ax(x_align=x_align) # set tick labels # notice that we use the same max and min for all three. Don't # calculate those inside the loop, because all the should be on the same scale and axis _set_tick_labels(ax, max1, min1) # plot diagonal line ax.plot([min1, max1], [min1, max1], 'k--', lw=2, zorder=1) # do the actual plotting if groups is None: ax.scatter(y_true, y_pred, color='blue', edgecolors='black', s=100, zorder=2, alpha=0.7) else: handles = dict() unique_groups = np.unique(np.concatenate((train_groups, test_groups), axis=0)) unique_groups_train = np.unique(train_groups) unique_groups_test = np.unique(test_groups) #logger.debug(' '*12 + 'unique groups: ' +str(list(unique_groups))) colors = ['blue', 'red', 'green', 'purple', 'orange', 'black'] markers = ['o', 'v', '^', 's', 'p', 'h', 'D', '*', 'X', '<', '>', 'P'] colorcount = markercount = 0 for groupcount, group in enumerate(unique_groups): mask = groups == group #logger.debug(' '*12 + f'{group} group_percent = {np.count_nonzero(mask) / len(groups)}') handles[group] = ax.scatter(y_true[mask], y_pred[mask], label=group, color=colors[colorcount], marker=markers[markercount], s=100, alpha=0.7) colorcount += 1 if colorcount % len(colors) == 0: markercount += 1 colorcount = 0 if title_addon == 'train': to_delete = [k for k in handles.keys() if k not in unique_groups_train] for k in to_delete: del handles[k] elif title_addon == 'test': to_delete = [k for k in handles.keys() if k not in unique_groups_test] for k in to_delete: del handles[k] ax.legend(handles.values(), handles.keys(), loc='lower right', fontsize=12) # set axis labels ax.set_xlabel('True '+label, fontsize=16) ax.set_ylabel('Predicted '+label, fontsize=16) plot_stats(fig, stats, x_align=x_align, y_align=0.90) filename = 'predicted_vs_true_'+ title_addon + '.png' filenames.append(filename) fig.savefig(join(outdir, filename), dpi=DPI, bbox_inches='tight') df = pd.DataFrame({'y_pred': y_pred, 'y_true': y_true}) df.to_csv(join(outdir, 'predicted_vs_true_' + title_addon + '.csv')) return filenames
[docs]def plot_scatter(x, y, savepath, groups=None, xlabel='x', label='target data'): """ Method to create a general scatter plot Args: x: (numpy array), array of x data y: (numpy array), array of y data savepath: (str), path to save plots to groups: (list), list of group labels xlabel: (str), label used for x-axis labeling label: (str), label used for y-axis labeling Returns: None """ # Set image aspect ratio: fig, ax = make_fig_ax() # set tick labels max_tick_x = max(x) min_tick_x = min(x) max_tick_y = max(y) min_tick_y = min(y) max_tick_x = round(float(max_tick_x), rounder(max_tick_x-min_tick_x)) min_tick_x = round(float(min_tick_x), rounder(max_tick_x-min_tick_x)) max_tick_y = round(float(max_tick_y), rounder(max_tick_y-min_tick_y)) min_tick_y = round(float(min_tick_y), rounder(max_tick_y-min_tick_y)) #divisor_y = get_divisor(max(y), min(y)) #max_tick_y = round_up(max(y), divisor_y) #min_tick_y = round_down(min(y), divisor_y) _set_tick_labels_different(ax, max_tick_x, min_tick_x, max_tick_y, min_tick_y) if groups is None: ax.scatter(x, y, c='b', edgecolor='darkblue', zorder=2, s=100, alpha=0.7) else: colors = ['blue', 'red', 'green', 'purple', 'orange', 'black'] markers = ['o', 'v', '^', 's', 'p', 'h', 'D', '*', 'X', '<', '>', 'P'] colorcount = markercount = 0 for groupcount, group in enumerate(np.unique(groups)): mask = groups == group ax.scatter(x[mask], y[mask], label=group, color=colors[colorcount], marker=markers[markercount], s=100, alpha=0.7) ax.legend(loc='lower right', fontsize=12) colorcount += 1 if colorcount % len(colors) == 0: markercount += 1 colorcount = 0 ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=16) ax.set_ylabel('Value of '+label, fontsize=16) #ax.set_xticklabels(rotation=45) fig.savefig(savepath, dpi=DPI, bbox_inches='tight')
[docs]def plot_keras_history(model_history, savepath, plot_type): # Set image aspect ratio: fig, ax = make_fig_ax() keys = model_history.history.keys() for k in keys: if 'loss' not in k and 'val' not in k: metric = k accuracy = model_history.history[str(metric)] loss = model_history.history['loss'] if plot_type == 'accuracy': ax.plot(accuracy, label='training '+str(metric)) ax.set_ylabel(str(metric)+' (Accuracy)', fontsize=16) try: validation_accuracy = model_history.history['val_'+str(metric)] ax.plot(validation_accuracy, label='validation '+str(metric)) except: pass if plot_type == 'loss': ax.plot(loss, label='training loss') ax.set_ylabel(str(metric)+' (Loss)', fontsize=16) try: validation_loss = model_history.history['val_loss'] ax.plot(validation_loss, label='validation loss') except: pass ax.legend(loc='upper right', fontsize=12) #_set_tick_labels_different(ax, max_tick_x, min_tick_x, max_tick_y, min_tick_y) ax.set_xlabel('Epochs', fontsize=16) fig.savefig(savepath, dpi=DPI, bbox_inches='tight') return
[docs]@ipynb_maker def plot_best_worst_split(y_true, best_run, worst_run, savepath, title='Best Worst Overlay', label='target_value'): """ Method to create a parity plot (predicted vs. true values) of just the best scoring and worst scoring CV splits Args: y_true: (numpy array), array of true y data best_run: (dict), the best scoring split_result from mastml_driver worst_run: (dict), the worst scoring split_result from mastml_driver savepath: (str), path to save plots to title: (str), title of the best_worst_split plot label: (str), label used for axis labeling Returns: None """ # make fig and ax, use x_align when placing text so things don't overlap x_align = 0.64 fig, ax = make_fig_ax(x_align=x_align) maxx = max(y_true) # TODO is round the right thing here? minn = min(y_true) maxx = round(float(maxx), rounder(maxx-minn)) minn = round(float(minn), rounder(maxx-minn)) ax.plot([minn, maxx], [minn, maxx], 'k--', lw=2, zorder=1) # set tick labels _set_tick_labels(ax, maxx, minn) # do the actual plotting ax.scatter(best_run['y_test_true'], best_run['y_test_pred'], c='red', alpha=0.7, label='best test', edgecolor='darkred', zorder=2, s=100) ax.scatter(worst_run['y_test_true'], worst_run['y_test_pred'], c='blue', alpha=0.7, label='worst test', edgecolor='darkblue', zorder=3, s=60) ax.legend(loc='lower right', fontsize=12) # set axis labels ax.set_xlabel('True '+label, fontsize=16) ax.set_ylabel('Predicted '+label, fontsize=16) #font_dict = {'size' : 10, 'family' : 'sans-serif'} # Duplicate the stats dicts with an additional label best_stats = OrderedDict([('Best Run', None)]) best_stats.update(best_run['test_metrics']) worst_stats = OrderedDict([('worst Run', None)]) worst_stats.update(worst_run['test_metrics']) plot_stats(fig, best_stats, x_align=x_align, y_align=0.90) plot_stats(fig, worst_stats, x_align=x_align, y_align=0.60) fig.savefig(savepath + '.png', dpi=DPI, bbox_inches='tight') df_best = pd.DataFrame({'best run pred': best_run['y_test_pred'], 'best run true': best_run['y_test_true']}) df_worst = pd.DataFrame({'worst run pred': worst_run['y_test_pred'], 'worst run true': worst_run['y_test_true']}) df_best.to_csv(savepath + '_best.csv') df_worst.to_csv(savepath + '_worst.csv')
[docs]@ipynb_maker def plot_best_worst_per_point(y_true, y_pred_list, savepath, metrics_dict, avg_stats, title='best worst per point', label='target_value'): """ Method to create a parity plot (predicted vs. true values) of the set of best and worst CV scores for each individual data point. Args: y_true: (numpy array), array of true y data y_pred_list: (list), list of numpy arrays containing predicted y data for each CV split savepath: (str), path to save plots to metrics_dict: (dict), dict of scikit-learn metric objects to calculate score of predicted vs. true values avg_stats: (dict), dict of calculated average metrics over all CV splits title: (str), title of the best_worst_per_point plot label: (str), label used for axis labeling Returns: None """ worsts = [] bests = [] new_y_true = [] for yt, y_pred in zip(y_true, y_pred_list): if len(y_pred) == 0 or np.nan in y_pred_list or yt == np.nan: continue worsts.append(max(y_pred, key=lambda yp: abs(yp-yt))) bests.append( min(y_pred, key=lambda yp: abs(yp-yt))) new_y_true.append(yt) worst_stats = OrderedDict([('Worst combined:', None)]) best_stats = OrderedDict([('Best combined:', None)]) for name, (_, func) in metrics_dict.items(): worst_stats[name] = func(new_y_true, worsts) best_stats[name] = func(new_y_true, bests) # make fig and ax, use x_align when placing text so things don't overlap x_align = 15.5/24 #mmm yum fig, ax = make_fig_ax(x_align=x_align) # gather max and min #all_vals = [val for val in worsts+bests if val is not None] max1 = max(y_true) min1 = min(y_true) # draw dashed horizontal line ax.plot([min1, max1], [min1, max1], 'k--', lw=2, zorder=1) # set axis labels ax.set_xlabel('True '+label, fontsize=16) ax.set_ylabel('Predicted '+label, fontsize=16) # set tick labels #maxx = max((max(bests), max(worsts), max(new_y_true))) #minn = min((min(bests), min(worsts), min(new_y_true))) #maxx, minn = recursive_max_and_min([bests, worsts, new_y_true]) maxx = round(float(max1), rounder(max1-min1)) minn = round(float(min1), rounder(max1-min1)) _set_tick_labels(ax, maxx, minn) ax.scatter(new_y_true, bests, c='red', alpha=0.7, label='best test', edgecolor='darkred', zorder=2, s=100) ax.scatter(new_y_true, worsts, c='blue', alpha=0.7, label='worst test', edgecolor='darkblue', zorder=3, s=60) ax.legend(loc='lower right', fontsize=12) plot_stats(fig, avg_stats, x_align=x_align, y_align=0.51, fontsize=10) plot_stats(fig, worst_stats, x_align=x_align, y_align=0.73, fontsize=10) plot_stats(fig, best_stats, x_align=x_align, y_align=0.95, fontsize=10) fig.savefig(savepath + '.png', dpi=DPI, bbox_inches='tight') df = pd.DataFrame({'y true': new_y_true, 'best per point': bests, 'worst per point': worsts}) df.to_csv(savepath + '.csv')
[docs]@ipynb_maker def plot_predicted_vs_true_bars(y_true, y_pred_list, avg_stats, savepath, title='best worst with bars', label='target_value', groups=None): """ Method to calculate parity plot (predicted vs. true) of average predictions, averaged over all CV splits, with error bars on each point corresponding to the standard deviation of the predicted values over all CV splits. Args: y_true: (numpy array), array of true y data y_pred_list: (list), list of numpy arrays containing predicted y data for each CV split avg_stats: (dict), dict of calculated average metrics over all CV splits savepath: (str), path to save plots to title: (str), title of the best_worst_per_point plot label: (str), label used for axis labeling Returns: None """ means = [nice_mean(y_pred) for y_pred in y_pred_list] standard_error_means = [nice_std(y_pred)/np.sqrt(len(y_pred)) for y_pred in y_pred_list] standard_errors = [nice_std(y_pred) for y_pred in y_pred_list] # make fig and ax, use x_align when placing text so things don't overlap x_align = 0.64 fig, ax = make_fig_ax(x_align=x_align) # gather max and min max1 = max(np.nanmax(y_true), np.nanmax(means)) min1 = min(np.nanmin(y_true), np.nanmin(means)) # draw dashed horizontal line ax.plot([min1, max1], [min1, max1], 'k--', lw=2, zorder=1) # set axis labels ax.set_xlabel('True '+label, fontsize=16) ax.set_ylabel('Predicted '+label, fontsize=16) # set tick labels #maxx, minn = recursive_max_and_min([means, y_true]) maxx = max(y_true) minn = min(y_true) maxx = round(float(maxx), rounder(maxx-minn)) minn = round(float(minn), rounder(maxx-minn)) #print(maxx, minn, rounder(maxx - minn)) _set_tick_labels(ax, maxx, minn) if groups is None: ax.errorbar(y_true, means, yerr=standard_errors, fmt='o', markerfacecolor='blue', markeredgecolor='black', markersize=10, alpha=0.7, capsize=3) else: colors = ['blue', 'red', 'green', 'purple', 'orange', 'black'] markers = ['o', 'v', '^', 's', 'p', 'h', 'D', '*', 'X', '<', '>', 'P'] colorcount = markercount = 0 handles = dict() unique_groups = np.unique(groups) for groupcount, group in enumerate(unique_groups): mask = groups == group # logger.debug(' '*12 + f'{group} group_percent = {np.count_nonzero(mask) / len(groups)}') handles[group] = ax.errorbar(y_true[mask], np.array(means)[mask], yerr=np.array(standard_errors)[mask], marker=markers[markercount], markerfacecolor=colors[colorcount], markeredgecolor=colors[colorcount], ecolor=colors[colorcount], markersize=10, alpha=0.7, capsize=3, fmt='o') colorcount += 1 if colorcount % len(colors) == 0: markercount += 1 colorcount = 0 ax.legend(handles.values(), handles.keys(), loc='lower right', fontsize=10) plot_stats(fig, avg_stats, x_align=x_align, y_align=0.90) fig.savefig(savepath + '.png', dpi=DPI, bbox_inches='tight') df = pd.DataFrame({'y true': y_true, 'average predicted values': means, 'error bar values': standard_errors}) df.to_csv(savepath + '.csv')
[docs]@ipynb_maker def plot_metric_vs_group(metric, groups, stats, avg_stats, savepath): """ Method to plot the value of a particular calculated metric (e.g. RMSE, R^2, etc) for each data group Args: metric: (str), name of a calculation metric groups: (numpy array), array of group names stats: (dict), dict of training or testing statistics for a particular run avg_stats: (dict), dict of calculated average metrics over all CV splits savepath: (str), path to save plots to Returns: None """ # make fig and ax, use x_align when placing text so things don't overlap x_align = 0.64 fig, ax = make_fig_ax(x_align=x_align) # do the actual plotting ax.scatter(groups, stats, c='blue', alpha=0.7, edgecolor='darkblue', zorder=2, s=100) # set axis labels ax.set_xlabel('Group', fontsize=16) ax.set_ylabel(metric, fontsize=16) ax.set_xticklabels(labels=groups, fontsize=14) plot_stats(fig, avg_stats, x_align=x_align, y_align=0.90) # Save data stats to csv savepath_parse = savepath.split(str(metric)+'_vs_group.png')[0] pd.DataFrame(groups, stats).to_csv(os.path.join(savepath_parse, str(metric)+'_vs_group.csv')) fig.savefig(savepath, dpi=DPI, bbox_inches='tight') return
[docs]@ipynb_maker def plot_metric_vs_group_size(metric, groups, stats, avg_stats, savepath): """ Method to plot the value of a particular calculated metric (e.g. RMSE, R^2, etc) as a function of the size of each group. Args: metric: (str), name of a calculation metric groups: (numpy array), array of group names stats: (dict), dict of training or testing statistics for a particular run avg_stats: (dict), dict of calculated average metrics over all CV splits savepath: (str), path to save plots to Returns: None """ # make fig and ax, use x_align when placing text so things don't overlap x_align = 0.64 fig, ax = make_fig_ax(x_align=x_align) # Get unique groups from full group array unique_groups = np.unique(groups) # Get the size of each group group_lengths = list() for group in unique_groups: group_lengths.append(len(np.concatenate(np.where(groups==group)).tolist())) # do the actual plotting ax.scatter(group_lengths, stats, c='blue', alpha=0.7, edgecolor='darkblue', zorder=2, s=100) # set axis labels ax.set_xlabel('Group size', fontsize=16) ax.set_ylabel(metric, fontsize=16) #ax.set_xticklabels(labels=group_lengths, fontsize=14) plot_stats(fig, avg_stats, x_align=x_align, y_align=0.90) # Save data stats to csv savepath_parse = savepath.split(str(metric)+'_vs_group_size.png')[0] pd.DataFrame(group_lengths, stats).to_csv(os.path.join(savepath_parse, str(metric)+'_vs_group_size.csv')) fig.savefig(savepath, dpi=DPI, bbox_inches='tight') return
''' # Credit to: def calc_inbag_modified(n_samples, forest, is_ensemble): """ Derive samples used to create trees in scikit-learn RandomForest objects. Recovers the samples in each tree from the random state of that tree using :func:`forest._generate_sample_indices`. Parameters ---------- n_samples : int The number of samples used to fit the scikit-learn RandomForest object. forest : RandomForest Regressor or Classifier object that is already fit by scikit-learn. Returns ------- Array that records how many times a data point was placed in a tree. Columns are individual trees. Rows are the number of times a sample was used in a tree. """ if not forest.bootstrap: e_s = "Cannot calculate the inbag from a forest that has " e_s = " bootstrap=False" raise ValueError(e_s) n_trees = forest.n_estimators inbag = np.zeros((n_samples, n_trees)) sample_idx = [] n_samples_bootstrap = _get_n_samples_bootstrap( #n_samples, forest.max_samples n_samples, n_samples ) for t_idx in range(n_trees): if not is_ensemble: sample_idx.append( _generate_sample_indices(forest.estimators_[t_idx].random_state, n_samples, n_samples_bootstrap)) inbag[:, t_idx] = np.bincount(sample_idx[-1], minlength=n_samples) else: sample_idx = forest.bootstrapped_idxs[t_idx] inbag[:, t_idx] = np.bincount(sample_idx, minlength=n_samples) return inbag # Credit to: def random_forest_error_modified(forest, is_ensemble, X_train, X_test, basic_IJ=False,inbag=None, calibrate=True, memory_constrained=False, memory_limit=None): """ Calculate error bars from scikit-learn RandomForest estimators. RandomForest is a regressor or classifier object this variance can be used to plot error bars for RandomForest objects Parameters ---------- forest : RandomForest Regressor or Classifier object. X_train : ndarray An array with shape (n_train_sample, n_features). The design matrix for training data. X_test : ndarray An array with shape (n_test_sample, n_features). The design matrix for testing data basic_IJ : boolean, optional Return the value of basic infinitesimal jackknife or Monte Carlo corrected infinitesimal jackknife. inbag : ndarray, optional The inbag matrix that fit the data. If set to `None` (default) it will be inferred from the forest. However, this only works for trees for which bootstrapping was set to `True`. That is, if sampling was done with replacement. Otherwise, users need to provide their own inbag matrix. calibrate: boolean, optional Whether to apply calibration to mitigate Monte Carlo noise. Some variance estimates may be negative due to Monte Carlo effects if the number of trees in the forest is too small. To use calibration, Default: True memory_constrained: boolean, optional Whether or not there is a restriction on memory. If False, it is assumed that a ndarry of shape (n_train_sample,n_test_sample) fits in main memory. Setting to True can actually provide a speed up if memory_limit is tuned to the optimal range. memory_limit: int, optional. An upper bound for how much memory the itermediate matrices will take up in Megabytes. This must be provided if memory_constrained=True. Returns ------- An array with the unbiased sampling variance (V_IJ_unbiased) for a RandomForest object. See Also ---------- :func:`calc_inbag` Notes ----- The calculation of error is based on the infinitesimal jackknife variance, as described in [Wager2014]_ and is a Python implementation of the R code provided at: .. [Wager2014] S. Wager, T. Hastie, B. Efron. "Confidence Intervals for Random Forests: The Jackknife and the Infinitesimal Jackknife", Journal of Machine Learning Research vol. 15, pp. 1625-1651, 2014. """ if inbag is None: inbag = calc_inbag_modified(X_train.shape[0], forest, is_ensemble) if not is_ensemble: pred = np.array([tree.predict(X_test) for tree in forest]).T else: pred = np.array([tree.predict(X_test) for tree in forest.model]).T pred = pred[0] pred_mean = np.mean(pred, 0) pred_centered = pred - pred_mean n_trees = forest.n_estimators V_IJ = fci._core_computation(X_train, X_test, inbag, pred_centered, n_trees, memory_constrained, memory_limit) V_IJ_unbiased = fci._bias_correction(V_IJ, inbag, pred_centered, n_trees) # Correct for cases where resampling is done without replacement: if np.max(inbag) == 1: variance_inflation = 1 / (1 - np.mean(inbag)) ** 2 V_IJ_unbiased *= variance_inflation if basic_IJ: return V_IJ if not calibrate: return V_IJ_unbiased if V_IJ_unbiased.shape[0] <= 20: print("No calibration with n_samples <= 20") return V_IJ_unbiased if calibrate: calibration_ratio = 2 n_sample = np.ceil(n_trees / calibration_ratio) new_forest = copy.deepcopy(forest) # NOTE may need to do explicitly this for EnsembleRegressor -> update: doesn't seem to cause any issues if not is_ensemble: new_forest.estimators_ =\ np.random.permutation(new_forest.estimators_)[:int(n_sample)] else: new_forest.model =\ np.random.permutation(new_forest.model)[:int(n_sample)] new_forest.n_estimators = int(n_sample) #results_ss = fci.random_forest_error(new_forest, X_train, X_test, # calibrate=False, # memory_constrained=memory_constrained, # memory_limit=memory_limit) results_ss = random_forest_error_modified(new_forest, is_ensemble, X_train, X_test, calibrate=False, memory_constrained=memory_constrained, memory_limit=memory_limit) # Use this second set of variance estimates # to estimate scale of Monte Carlo noise sigma2_ss = np.mean((results_ss - V_IJ_unbiased)**2) delta = n_sample / n_trees sigma2 = (delta**2 + (1 - delta)**2) / (2 * (1 - delta)**2) * sigma2_ss # Use Monte Carlo noise scale estimate for empirical Bayes calibration V_IJ_calibrated = fci.calibration.calibrateEB(V_IJ_unbiased, sigma2) return V_IJ_calibrated '''
[docs]def prediction_intervals(model, X, rf_error_method, rf_error_percentile, Xtrain, Xtest): """ Method to calculate prediction intervals when using Random Forest and Gaussian Process regression models. Prediction intervals for random forest adapted from Args: model: (scikit-learn model/estimator object), a scikit-learn model object X: (numpy array), array of X features method: (str), type of error bar to formulate (e.g. "stdev" is standard deviation of predicted errors, "confint" is error bar as confidence interval percentile: (int), percentile for which to form error bars Returns: err_up: (list), list of upper bounds of error bars for each data point err_down: (list), list of lower bounds of error bars for each data point """ err_down = list() err_up = list() nan_indices = list() indices_TF = list() X_aslist = X.values.tolist() if model.__class__.__name__ in ['RandomForestRegressor', 'GradientBoostingRegressor', 'ExtraTreesRegressor', 'EnsembleRegressor']: ''' if rf_error_method == 'jackknife_calibrated': if 'EnsembleRegressor' in model.__class__.__name__: rf_variances = random_forest_error_modified(model, True, X_train=Xtrain, X_test=Xtest, basic_IJ=False, calibrate=True) else: rf_variances = random_forest_error_modified(model, False, X_train=Xtrain, X_test=Xtest, basic_IJ=False, calibrate=True) rf_stdevs = np.sqrt(rf_variances) nan_indices = np.where(np.isnan(rf_stdevs)) nan_indices_sorted = np.array(sorted(nan_indices[0], reverse=True)) for i, val in enumerate(list(rf_stdevs)): if i in nan_indices_sorted: indices_TF.append(False) else: indices_TF.append(True) rf_stdevs = rf_stdevs[~np.isnan(rf_stdevs)] err_up = err_down = rf_stdevs elif rf_error_method == 'jackknife_uncalibrated': if 'EnsembleRegressor' in model.__class__.__name__: rf_variances = random_forest_error_modified(model, True, X_train=Xtrain, X_test=Xtest, basic_IJ=False, calibrate=False) else: rf_variances = random_forest_error_modified(model, False, X_train=Xtrain, X_test=Xtest, basic_IJ=False, calibrate=False) rf_stdevs = np.sqrt(rf_variances) nan_indices = np.where(np.isnan(rf_stdevs)) nan_indices_sorted = np.array(sorted(nan_indices[0], reverse=True)) for i, val in enumerate(list(rf_stdevs)): if i in nan_indices_sorted: indices_TF.append(False) else: indices_TF.append(True) rf_stdevs = rf_stdevs[~np.isnan(rf_stdevs)] err_up = err_down = rf_stdevs elif rf_error_method == 'jackknife_basic': if 'EnsembleRegressor' in model.__class__.__name__: rf_variances = random_forest_error_modified(model, True, X_train=Xtrain, X_test=Xtest, basic_IJ=True, calibrate=False) else: rf_variances = random_forest_error_modified(model, False, X_train=Xtrain, X_test=Xtest, basic_IJ=True, calibrate=False) rf_stdevs = np.sqrt(rf_variances) nan_indices = np.where(np.isnan(rf_stdevs)) nan_indices_sorted = np.array(sorted(nan_indices[0], reverse=True)) for i, val in enumerate(list(rf_stdevs)): if i in nan_indices_sorted: indices_TF.append(False) else: indices_TF.append(True) rf_stdevs = rf_stdevs[~np.isnan(rf_stdevs)] err_up = err_down = rf_stdevs else: ''' for x in range(len(X_aslist)): preds = list() if model.__class__.__name__ == 'RandomForestRegressor': for pred in model.estimators_: preds.append(pred.predict(np.array(X_aslist[x]).reshape(1,-1))[0]) elif model.__class__.__name__ == 'GradientBoostingRegressor': for pred in model.estimators_.tolist(): preds.append(pred[0].predict(np.array(X_aslist[x]).reshape(1,-1))[0]) elif model.__class__.__name__ == 'EnsembleRegressor': for pred in model.model: preds.append(pred.predict(np.array(X_aslist[x]).reshape(1,-1))[0]) if rf_error_method == 'confint': #e_down = np.percentile(preds, (100 - int(rf_error_percentile)) / 2.) #e_up = np.percentile(preds, 100 - (100 - int(rf_error_percentile)) / 2.) e_down = np.percentile(preds, float(rf_error_percentile)) e_up = np.percentile(preds, float(rf_error_percentile)) elif rf_error_method == 'stdev': e_down = np.std(preds) e_up = np.std(preds) elif rf_error_method == 'False' or rf_error_method is False: # basically default to stdev e_down = np.std(preds) e_up = np.std(preds) else: #raise ValueError('rf_error_method must be one of ["stdev", "confint", "jackknife_basic", "jackknife_calibrated", "jackknife_uncalibrated"]') raise ValueError('rf_error_method must be one of ["stdev", "confint"]') #if e_up == 0.0: # e_up = 10 ** 10 #if e_down == 0.0: # e_down = 10 ** 10 err_down.append(e_down) err_up.append(e_up) nan_indices = np.where(np.isnan(err_up)) nan_indices_sorted = np.array(sorted(nan_indices[0], reverse=True)) for i, val in enumerate(list(err_up)): if i in nan_indices_sorted: indices_TF.append(False) else: indices_TF.append(True) if model.__class__.__name__=='GaussianProcessRegressor': preds = model.predict(X, return_std=True)[1] # Get the stdev model error from the predictions of GPR err_up = preds err_down = preds nan_indices = np.where(np.isnan(err_up)) nan_indices_sorted = np.array(sorted(nan_indices[0], reverse=True)) for i, val in enumerate(list(err_up)): if i in nan_indices_sorted: indices_TF.append(False) else: indices_TF.append(True) return err_down, err_up, nan_indices, np.array(indices_TF)
[docs]@ipynb_maker def plot_normalized_error(y_true, y_pred, savepath, model, rf_error_method, rf_error_percentile, X=None, Xtrain=None, Xtest=None): """ Method to plot the normalized residual errors of a model prediction Args: y_true: (numpy array), array containing the true y data values y_pred: (numpy array), array containing the predicted y data values savepath: (str), path to save the plotted normalized error plot model: (scikit-learn model/estimator object), a scikit-learn model object X: (numpy array), array of X features avg_stats: (dict), dict of calculated average metrics over all CV splits Returns: None """ path = os.path.dirname(savepath) # Here: if model is random forest or Gaussian process, get real error bars. Else, just residuals model_name = model.__class__.__name__ # TODO: also add support for Gradient Boosted Regressor models_with_error_predictions = ['RandomForestRegressor', 'GaussianProcessRegressor', 'GradientBoostingRegressor', 'EnsembleRegressor'] has_model_errors = False y_pred_ = y_pred y_true_ = y_true if model_name in models_with_error_predictions: has_model_errors = True err_down, err_up, nan_indices, indices_TF = prediction_intervals(model, X, rf_error_method=rf_error_method, rf_error_percentile=rf_error_percentile, Xtrain=Xtrain, Xtest=Xtest) # Correct for nan indices being present if has_model_errors: y_pred_ = y_pred_[indices_TF] y_true_ = y_true_[indices_TF] x_align = 0.64 fig, ax = make_fig_ax(x_align=x_align) mu = 0 sigma = 1 residuals = (y_true_ - y_pred_) normalized_residuals = (y_true_-y_pred_)/np.std(y_true_-y_pred_) density_residuals = gaussian_kde(normalized_residuals) x = np.linspace(mu - 5 * sigma, mu + 5 * sigma, y_true_.shape[0]) ax.plot(x, norm.pdf(x, mu, sigma), linewidth=4, color='blue', label="Analytical Gaussian") ax.plot(x, density_residuals(x), linewidth=4, color='green', label="Model Residuals") maxx = 5 minn = -5 if has_model_errors: err_avg = [(abs(e1)+abs(e2))/2 for e1, e2 in zip(err_up, err_down)] err_avg = np.asarray(err_avg) err_avg[err_avg==0.0] = 0.0001 err_avg = err_avg.tolist() model_errors = (y_true_-y_pred_)/err_avg density_errors = gaussian_kde(model_errors) maxy = max(max(density_residuals(x)), max(norm.pdf(x, mu, sigma)), max(density_errors(x))) miny = min(min(density_residuals(x)), min(norm.pdf(x, mu, sigma)), max(density_errors(x))) ax.plot(x, density_errors(x), linewidth=4, color='purple', label="Model Errors") # Save data to csv file data_dict = {"Y True": y_true_, "Y Pred": y_pred_, "Plotted x values": x, "error_bars_up": err_up, "error_bars_down": err_down, "error_avg": err_avg, "analytical gaussian (plotted y blue values)": norm.pdf(x, mu, sigma), "model residuals": residuals, "model normalized residuals (plotted y green values)": density_residuals(x), "model errors (plotted y purple values)": density_errors(x)} pd.DataFrame(data_dict).to_csv(savepath.split('.png')[0]+'.csv') else: # Save data to csv file data_dict = {"Y True": y_true, "Y Pred": y_pred, "x values": x, "analytical gaussian": norm.pdf(x, mu, sigma), "model residuals": density_residuals(x)} pd.DataFrame(data_dict).to_csv(savepath.split('.png')[0]+'.csv') maxy = max(max(density_residuals(x)), max(norm.pdf(x, mu, sigma))) miny = min(min(density_residuals(x)), min(norm.pdf(x, mu, sigma))) ax.legend(loc=0, fontsize=12, frameon=False) ax.set_xlabel(r"$\mathrm{x}/\mathit{\sigma}$", fontsize=18) ax.set_ylabel("Probability density", fontsize=18) _set_tick_labels_different(ax, maxx, minn, maxy, miny) fig.savefig(savepath, dpi=DPI, bbox_inches='tight') return
[docs]@ipynb_maker def plot_cumulative_normalized_error(y_true, y_pred, savepath, model, rf_error_method, rf_error_percentile, X=None, Xtrain=None, Xtest=None): """ Method to plot the cumulative normalized residual errors of a model prediction Args: y_true: (numpy array), array containing the true y data values y_pred: (numpy array), array containing the predicted y data values savepath: (str), path to save the plotted cumulative normalized error plot model: (scikit-learn model/estimator object), a scikit-learn model object X: (numpy array), array of X features avg_stats: (dict), dict of calculated average metrics over all CV splits Returns: None """ # Here: if model is random forest or Gaussian process, get real error bars. Else, just residuals model_name = model.__class__.__name__ models_with_error_predictions = ['RandomForestRegressor', 'GaussianProcessRegressor', 'GradientBoostingRegressor', 'EnsembleRegressor'] has_model_errors = False y_pred_ = y_pred y_true_ = y_true if model_name in models_with_error_predictions: has_model_errors = True err_down, err_up, nan_indices, indices_TF = prediction_intervals(model, X, rf_error_method=rf_error_method, rf_error_percentile=rf_error_percentile, Xtrain=Xtrain, Xtest=Xtest) # Need to remove NaN's before plotting. These will be present when doing validation runs. Note NaN's only show up in y_pred_ # Correct for nan indices being present if has_model_errors: y_pred_ = y_pred_[indices_TF] y_true_ = y_true_[indices_TF] y_true_ = y_true_[~np.isnan(y_pred_)] y_pred_ = y_pred_[~np.isnan(y_pred_)] x_align = 0.64 fig, ax = make_fig_ax(x_align=x_align) analytic_gau = np.random.normal(0, 1, 10000) analytic_gau = abs(analytic_gau) n_analytic = np.arange(1, len(analytic_gau) + 1) / np.float(len(analytic_gau)) X_analytic = np.sort(analytic_gau) residuals = y_true_-y_pred_ normalized_residuals = abs((y_true_-y_pred_)/np.std(y_true_-y_pred_)) n_residuals = np.arange(1, len(normalized_residuals) + 1) / np.float(len(normalized_residuals)) X_residuals = np.sort(normalized_residuals) #r"$\mathrm{Predicted \/ Value}, \mathit{eV}$" ax.set_xlabel(r"$\mathrm{x}/\mathit{\sigma}$", fontsize=18) ax.set_ylabel("Fraction", fontsize=18) ax.step(X_residuals, n_residuals, linewidth=3, color='green', label="Model Residuals") ax.step(X_analytic, n_analytic, linewidth=3, color='blue', label="Analytical Gaussian") ax.set_xlim([0, 5]) if has_model_errors: err_avg = [(abs(e1)+abs(e2))/2 for e1, e2 in zip(err_up, err_down)] err_avg = np.asarray(err_avg) err_avg[err_avg==0.0] = 0.0001 err_avg = err_avg.tolist() model_errors = abs((y_true_-y_pred_)/err_avg) n_errors = np.arange(1, len(model_errors) + 1) / np.float(len(model_errors)) X_errors = np.sort(model_errors) ax.step(X_errors, n_errors, linewidth=3, color='purple', label="Model Errors") # Save data to csv file data_dict = {"Y True": y_true, "Y Pred": y_pred, "Analytical Gaussian values": analytic_gau, "Analytical Gaussian (sorted, blue data)": X_analytic, "model residuals": residuals, "Model normalized residuals": normalized_residuals, "Model Residuals (sorted, green data)": X_residuals, "error_bars_up": err_up, "error_bars_down": err_down, "Model error values (r value: (ytrue-ypred)/(model error avg))": model_errors, "Model errors (sorted, purple values)": X_errors} # Save this way to avoid issue with different array sizes in data_dict df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data_dict, orient='index') df = df.transpose() df.to_csv(savepath.split('.png')[0]+'.csv', index=False) else: # Save data to csv file data_dict = {"Y True": y_true, "Y Pred": y_pred, "x analytical": X_analytic, "analytical gaussian": n_analytic, "x residuals": X_residuals, "model residuals": n_residuals} # Save this way to avoid issue with different array sizes in data_dict df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data_dict, orient='index') df = df.transpose() df.to_csv(savepath.split('.png')[0]+'.csv', index=False) ax.legend(loc=0, fontsize=14, frameon=False) xlabels = np.linspace(2, 3, 3) ylabels = np.linspace(0.9, 1, 2) axin = zoomed_inset_axes(ax, 2.5, loc=7) axin.step(X_residuals, n_residuals, linewidth=3, color='green', label="Model Residuals") axin.step(X_analytic, n_analytic, linewidth=3, color='blue', label="Analytical Gaussian") if has_model_errors: axin.step(X_errors, n_errors, linewidth=3, color='purple', label="Model Errors") axin.set_xticklabels(xlabels, fontsize=8, rotation=90) axin.set_yticklabels(ylabels, fontsize=8) axin.set_xlim([2, 3]) axin.set_ylim([0.9, 1]) maxx = 5 minn = 0 maxy = 1.1 miny = 0 _set_tick_labels_different(ax, maxx, minn, maxy, miny) mark_inset(ax, axin, loc1=1, loc2=2) fig.savefig(savepath, dpi=DPI, bbox_inches='tight') return
[docs]@ipynb_maker def plot_average_cumulative_normalized_error(y_true, y_pred, savepath, has_model_errors, err_avg=None): """ Method to plot the cumulative normalized residual errors of a model prediction Args: y_true: (numpy array), array containing the true y data values y_pred: (numpy array), array containing the predicted y data values savepath: (str), path to save the plotted cumulative normalized error plot model: (scikit-learn model/estimator object), a scikit-learn model object X: (numpy array), array of X features avg_stats: (dict), dict of calculated average metrics over all CV splits Returns: None """ x_align = 0.64 fig, ax = make_fig_ax(x_align=x_align) analytic_gau = np.random.normal(0, 1, 10000) analytic_gau = abs(analytic_gau) n_analytic = np.arange(1, len(analytic_gau) + 1) / np.float(len(analytic_gau)) X_analytic = np.sort(analytic_gau) residuals = y_true-y_pred residuals = residuals[~np.isnan(residuals)] normalized_residuals = abs((y_true-y_pred)/np.std(y_true-y_pred)) n_residuals = np.arange(1, len(normalized_residuals) + 1) / np.float(len(normalized_residuals)) X_residuals = np.sort(normalized_residuals) #r"$\mathrm{Predicted \/ Value}, \mathit{eV}$" ax.set_xlabel(r"$\mathrm{x}/\mathit{\sigma}$", fontsize=18) ax.set_ylabel("Fraction", fontsize=18) ax.step(X_residuals, n_residuals, linewidth=3, color='green', label="Model Residuals") ax.step(X_analytic, n_analytic, linewidth=3, color='blue', label="Analytical Gaussian") ax.set_xlim([0, 5]) if has_model_errors: err_avg = np.asarray(err_avg) err_avg[err_avg==0.0] = 0.0001 err_avg = err_avg.tolist() model_errors = abs((y_true-y_pred)/err_avg) model_errors = model_errors[~np.isnan(model_errors)] n_errors = np.arange(1, len(model_errors) + 1) / np.float(len(model_errors)) X_errors = np.sort(model_errors) ax.step(X_errors, n_errors, linewidth=3, color='purple', label="Model Errors") # Save data to csv file data_dict = {"Y True": y_true, "Y Pred": y_pred, "Analytical Gaussian values": analytic_gau, "Analytical Gaussian (sorted, blue data)": X_analytic, "model residuals": residuals, "Model normalized residuals": normalized_residuals, "Model Residuals (sorted, green data)": X_residuals, "Model error values (r value: (ytrue-ypred)/(model error avg))": model_errors, "Model errors (sorted, purple values)": X_errors} # Save this way to avoid issue with different array sizes in data_dict df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data_dict, orient='index') df = df.transpose() df.to_csv(savepath.split('.png')[0]+'.csv', index=False) else: # Save data to csv file data_dict = {"Y True": y_true, "Y Pred": y_pred, "x analytical": X_analytic, "analytical gaussian": n_analytic, "x residuals": X_residuals, "model residuals": n_residuals} # Save this way to avoid issue with different array sizes in data_dict df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data_dict, orient='index') df = df.transpose() df.to_csv(savepath.split('.png')[0]+'.csv', index=False) ax.legend(loc=0, fontsize=14, frameon=False) xlabels = np.linspace(2, 3, 3) ylabels = np.linspace(0.9, 1, 2) axin = zoomed_inset_axes(ax, 2.5, loc=7) axin.step(X_residuals, n_residuals, linewidth=3, color='green', label="Model Residuals") axin.step(X_analytic, n_analytic, linewidth=3, color='blue', label="Analytical Gaussian") if has_model_errors: axin.step(X_errors, n_errors, linewidth=3, color='purple', label="Model Errors") axin.set_xticklabels(xlabels, fontsize=8, rotation=90) axin.set_yticklabels(ylabels, fontsize=8) axin.set_xlim([2, 3]) axin.set_ylim([0.9, 1]) maxx = 5 minn = 0 maxy = 1.1 miny = 0 _set_tick_labels_different(ax, maxx, minn, maxy, miny) mark_inset(ax, axin, loc1=1, loc2=2) fig.savefig(savepath, dpi=DPI, bbox_inches='tight') return
[docs]@ipynb_maker def plot_average_normalized_error(y_true, y_pred, savepath, has_model_errors, err_avg=None): """ Method to plot the normalized residual errors of a model prediction Args: y_true: (numpy array), array containing the true y data values y_pred: (numpy array), array containing the predicted y data values savepath: (str), path to save the plotted normalized error plot model: (scikit-learn model/estimator object), a scikit-learn model object X: (numpy array), array of X features avg_stats: (dict), dict of calculated average metrics over all CV splits Returns: None """ x_align = 0.64 fig, ax = make_fig_ax(x_align=x_align) mu = 0 sigma = 1 residuals = y_true - y_pred residuals = residuals[~np.isnan(residuals)] normalized_residuals = (y_true-y_pred)/np.std(y_true-y_pred) density_residuals = gaussian_kde(normalized_residuals) x = np.linspace(mu - 5 * sigma, mu + 5 * sigma, y_true.shape[0]) ax.plot(x, norm.pdf(x, mu, sigma), linewidth=4, color='blue', label="Analytical Gaussian") ax.plot(x, density_residuals(x), linewidth=4, color='green', label="Model Residuals") maxx = 5 minn = -5 if has_model_errors: nans = np.argwhere(np.isnan(err_avg)).tolist() nans = np.squeeze(nans) if nans.size: err_avg[nans] = 0.0 err_avg = np.asarray(err_avg) err_avg[err_avg==0.0] = 0.0001 err_avg = err_avg.tolist() model_errors = (y_true-y_pred)/err_avg model_errors = model_errors[~np.isnan(model_errors)] density_errors = gaussian_kde(model_errors) maxy = max(max(density_residuals(x)), max(norm.pdf(x, mu, sigma)), max(density_errors(x))) miny = min(min(density_residuals(x)), min(norm.pdf(x, mu, sigma)), min(density_errors(x))) ax.plot(x, density_errors(x), linewidth=4, color='purple', label="Model Errors") # Save data to csv file data_dict = {"Y True": y_true, "Y Pred": y_pred, "Plotted x values": x, "Model errors": err_avg, "analytical gaussian (plotted y blue values)": norm.pdf(x, mu, sigma), "model residuals": residuals, "model normalized residuals (plotted y green values)": density_residuals(x), "model errors (plotted y purple values)": density_errors(x)} pd.DataFrame(data_dict).to_csv(savepath.split('.png')[0]+'.csv') else: # Save data to csv file data_dict = {"Y True": y_true, "Y Pred": y_pred, "x values": x, "analytical gaussian": norm.pdf(x, mu, sigma), "model residuals": density_residuals(x)} pd.DataFrame(data_dict).to_csv(savepath.split('.png')[0]+'.csv') maxy = max(max(density_residuals(x)), max(norm.pdf(x, mu, sigma))) miny = min(min(density_residuals(x)), min(norm.pdf(x, mu, sigma))) ax.legend(loc=0, fontsize=12, frameon=False) ax.set_xlabel(r"$\mathrm{x}/\mathit{\sigma}$", fontsize=18) ax.set_ylabel("Probability density", fontsize=18) _set_tick_labels_different(ax, maxx, minn, maxy, miny) fig.savefig(savepath, dpi=DPI, bbox_inches='tight') return
[docs]def plot_real_vs_predicted_error(y_true, savepath, model, data_test_type): bin_values, rms_residual_values, num_values_per_bin = parse_error_data(dataset_stdev=np.std(y_true), path_to_test=savepath, data_test_type=data_test_type) model_name = model.__class__.__name__ if model_name == 'RandomForestRegressor': model_type = 'RF' elif model_name == 'GradientBoostingRegressor': model_type = 'GBR' elif model_name == 'ExtraTreesRegressor': model_type = 'ET' elif model_name == 'GaussianProcessRegressor': model_type = 'GPR' elif model_name == 'EnsembleRegressor': model_type = 'ER' if data_test_type not in ['test', 'validation']: print('Error: data_test_type must be one of "test" or "validation"') exit() # Make RF error plot fig, ax = make_fig_ax(aspect_ratio=0.5, x_align=0.65) ax.scatter(bin_values[0:10], rms_residual_values[0:10], s=100, color='blue', alpha=0.7) ax.scatter(bin_values[10:], rms_residual_values[10:], s=100, color='red', alpha=0.7) ax.set_xlabel(str(model_type) + ' model errors / dataset stdev', fontsize=12) ax.set_ylabel('RMS Absolute residuals\n / dataset stdev', fontsize=12) ax.tick_params(labelsize=10) linear_int = LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False) linear = LinearRegression(fit_intercept=True) # Fit just blue circle data # Find nan entries nans = np.argwhere(np.isnan(rms_residual_values)).tolist() # use nans (which are indices) to delete relevant parts of bin_values and # rms_residual_values as they can't be used to fit anyway bin_values_copy = np.empty_like(bin_values) bin_values_copy[:] = bin_values rms_residual_values_copy = np.empty_like(rms_residual_values) rms_residual_values_copy[:] = rms_residual_values bin_values_copy = np.delete(bin_values_copy, nans) rms_residual_values_copy = np.delete(rms_residual_values_copy, nans) # BEGIN OLD CODE # -------------- #lowval = 0 #if len(nans) > 0: # if nans[0][0] == 0: # nans = nans[1:] # lowval = 1 # if len(nans) > 0: # if nans[0][0] == 1: # nans = nans[1:] # lowval = 2 # if len(nans) > 0: # if nans[0][0] == 2: # nans = nans[1:] # lowval = 3 # if len(nans) > 0: # if nans[0][0] == 3: # nans = nans[1:] # lowval = 4 #try: # val = min(nans)[0] #except ValueError: # val = 10 #if val > 10: # val = 10[lowval:val]).reshape(-1, 1), rms_residual_values[lowval:val]) #yfit = linear.predict(np.array(bin_values[lowval:val]).reshape(-1, 1)) #ax.plot(bin_values[lowval:val], yfit, 'k--', linewidth=2) #slope = linear.coef_ #r2 = r2_score(rms_residual_values[lowval:val], yfit) # -------------- if not rms_residual_values_copy.size: print("---WARNING: ALL ERRORS TOO LARGE FOR PLOTTING---") else:, 1), rms_residual_values_copy), 1), rms_residual_values_copy) yfit_int = linear_int.predict(np.array(bin_values_copy).reshape(-1, 1)) yfit = linear.predict(np.array(bin_values_copy).reshape(-1, 1)) ax.plot(bin_values_copy, yfit_int, 'r--', linewidth=2) ax.plot(bin_values_copy, yfit, 'k--', linewidth=2) slope_int = linear_int.coef_ r2_int = r2_score(rms_residual_values_copy, yfit_int) slope = linear.coef_ r2 = r2_score(rms_residual_values_copy, yfit) ax.text(0.02, 1.2, 'intercept slope = %3.2f ' % slope_int, fontsize=12, fontdict={'color': 'r'}) ax.text(0.02, 1.1, 'intercept R$^2$ = %3.2f ' % r2_int, fontsize=12, fontdict={'color': 'r'}) ax.text(0.02, 1.0, 'slope = %3.2f ' % slope, fontsize=12, fontdict={'color': 'k'}) ax.text(0.02, 0.9, 'R$^2$ = %3.2f ' % r2, fontsize=12, fontdict={'color': 'k'}) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) axbarx = divider.append_axes("top", 1.2, pad=0.12, sharex=ax), height=num_values_per_bin, width=0.05276488, color='blue', edgecolor='black', alpha=0.7) axbarx.tick_params(labelsize=10, axis='y') axbarx.tick_params(labelsize=0, axis='x') axbarx.set_ylabel('Counts', fontsize=12) total_samples = sum(num_values_per_bin) axbarx.text(0.95, round(0.67 * max(num_values_per_bin)), 'Total counts = ' + str(total_samples), fontsize=12) ax.set_ylim(bottom=0, top=max(1.3, max(rms_residual_values))) axbarx.set_ylim(bottom=0, top=max(num_values_per_bin) + 50) ax.set_xlim(left=0, right=max(max(bin_values_copy) + 0.05, 1.6)) fig.savefig( os.path.join(savepath.split('.png')[0], str(model_type) + '_residuals_vs_modelerror_' + str(data_test_type) + '.png'), dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight') return
[docs]def parse_error_data(dataset_stdev, path_to_test, data_test_type): if data_test_type not in ['test', 'validation']: print('Error: data_test_type must be one of "test" or "validation"') exit() dfs_ytrue = list() dfs_ypred = list() dfs_erroravg = list() dfs_modelresiduals = list() files_to_parse = list() splits = list() for folder, subfolders, files in os.walk(path_to_test): if 'split' in folder: splits.append(folder) for path in splits: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, str(data_test_type)+'_normalized_error.csv')): files_to_parse.append(os.path.join(path, str(data_test_type)+'_normalized_error.csv')) for file in files_to_parse: df = pd.read_csv(file) dfs_ytrue.append(np.array(df['Y True'])) dfs_ypred.append(np.array(df['Y Pred'])) dfs_erroravg.append(np.array(df['error_avg'])) dfs_modelresiduals.append(np.array(df['model residuals'])) ytrue_all = np.concatenate(dfs_ytrue).ravel() ypred_all = np.concatenate(dfs_ypred).ravel() erroravg_all = np.concatenate(dfs_erroravg).ravel().tolist() modelresiduals_all = np.concatenate(dfs_modelresiduals).ravel().tolist() absmodelresiduals_all = [abs(i) for i in modelresiduals_all] squaredmodelresiduals_all = [i**2 for i in absmodelresiduals_all] erroravg_all_reduced = [i/dataset_stdev for i in erroravg_all] # Need to square the dataset_stdev here since these are squared residuals squaredmodelresiduals_all_reduced = [i/dataset_stdev**2 for i in squaredmodelresiduals_all] erroravg_reduced_sorted, squaredresiduals_reduced_sorted = (list(t) for t in zip(*sorted(zip(erroravg_all_reduced, squaredmodelresiduals_all_reduced)))) bin_values = [0.05, 0.15, 0.25, 0.35, 0.45, 0.55, 0.65, 0.75, 0.85, 0.95, 1.05, 1.15, 1.25, 1.35, 1.45, 1.55] bin_delta = 0.05 over_count = 0 over_vals = [] for e in erroravg_reduced_sorted: if e > (max(bin_values) + bin_delta): over_count += 1 over_vals.append(e) if len(over_vals): med_over_val = statistics.median(over_vals) if med_over_val <= max(bin_values) * 2.0: # just add another bin and put everthing in there bin_values.append(1.65) else: # extend histogram max_over_val = max(over_vals) extra_bin_values = np.arange(1.65, max_over_val+1.0, 0.05) bin_values = np.concatenate([bin_values, extra_bin_values]) rms_residual_values = list() num_values_per_bin = list() for bin_value in bin_values: bin_indices = list() bin_residuals = list() for i, val in enumerate(erroravg_reduced_sorted): if val > bin_value-bin_delta: if bin_value == bin_values[len(bin_values)-1]: bin_indices.append(i) else: if val < bin_value+bin_delta: bin_indices.append(i) for i in bin_indices: bin_residuals.append(squaredresiduals_reduced_sorted[i]) rms_residual_values.append(np.sqrt(np.mean(bin_residuals))) num_values_per_bin.append(len(bin_indices)) data_dict = {"Y True": ytrue_all, "Y Pred": ypred_all, "Model Residuals": modelresiduals_all, "Abs Model Residuals": absmodelresiduals_all, "Squared Model Resiuals": squaredmodelresiduals_all, "Squared Model Residuals / dataset stdev": squaredmodelresiduals_all_reduced, "Model errors": erroravg_all, "Model errors / dataset stdev": erroravg_all_reduced, "Model errors / dataset stdev (sorted)": erroravg_reduced_sorted, "Squared Model Residuals / dataset stdev (sorted)": squaredresiduals_reduced_sorted, "Bin values (Model errors / dataset stdev)": bin_values, "Model RMS absolute residuals in each bin": rms_residual_values, "Number of values in each bin": num_values_per_bin} df = pd.DataFrame().from_dict(data=data_dict, orient='index').transpose() df.to_excel(os.path.join(path_to_test, 'ModelErrorAnalysis_'+str(data_test_type)+'.xlsx')) return bin_values, rms_residual_values, num_values_per_bin
[docs]def plot_1d_heatmap(xs, heats, savepath, xlabel='x', heatlabel='heats'): """ Method to plot a heatmap for values of a single variable; used for plotting GridSearch results in hyperparameter optimization. Args: xs: (numpy array), array of first variable values to plot heatmap against heats: (numpy array), array of heat values to plot savepath: (str), path to save the 1D heatmap to xlabel: (str), the x-axis label heatlabel: (str), the heat value axis label """ #TODO have more general solution try: fig, ax = make_fig_ax(), heats) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(heatlabel) fig.savefig(savepath, dpi=DPI, bbox_inches='tight') # Escape from error of passing tuples when optimizing neural net except TypeError: pass
[docs]def plot_2d_heatmap(xs, ys, heats, savepath, xlabel='x', ylabel='y', heatlabel='heat'): """ Method to plot a heatmap for values of two variables; used for plotting GridSearch results in hyperparameter optimization. Args: xs: (numpy array), array of first variable values to plot heatmap against ys: (numpy array), array of second variable values to plot heatmap against heats: (numpy array), array of heat values to plot savepath: (str), path to save the 2D heatmap to xlabel: (str), the x-axis label ylabel: (str), the y-axis label heatlabel: (str), the heat value axis label """ #TODO have more general solution try: fig, ax = make_fig_ax() scat = ax.scatter(xs, ys, c=heats) # marker='o', lw=0, s=20, cmap=cm.plasma ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) cb = fig.colorbar(scat) cb.set_label(heatlabel) fig.savefig(savepath, dpi=DPI, bbox_inches='tight') # Escape from error of passing tuples when optimizing neural net except TypeError: pass
[docs]def plot_3d_heatmap(xs, ys, zs, heats, savepath, xlabel='x', ylabel='y', zlabel='z', heatlabel='heat'): """ Method to plot a heatmap for values of three variables; used for plotting GridSearch results in hyperparameter optimization. Args: xs: (numpy array), array of first variable values to plot heatmap against ys: (numpy array), array of second variable values to plot heatmap against zs: (numpy array), array of third variable values to plot heatmap against heats: (numpy array), array of heat values to plot savepath: (str), path to save the 2D heatmap to xlabel: (str), the x-axis label ylabel: (str), the y-axis label zlabel: (str), the z-axis label heatlabel: (str), the heat value axis label """ # Escape from error of passing tuples when optimzing neural net # TODO have more general solution try: # this import has side effects, needed for 3d plots: from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # Set image aspect ratio: # (eeds to be wide enough or plot will shrink really skinny) w, h = figaspect(0.6) fig = Figure(figsize=(w,h)) FigureCanvas(fig) # modifies fig in place ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') scat = ax.scatter(xs, ys, zs, c=heats) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.set_zlabel(zlabel) cb = fig.colorbar(scat) cb.set_label(heatlabel) fig.savefig(savepath, dpi=DPI, bbox_inches='tight') except TypeError: pass def animate(i): ax.view_init(elev=10., azim=i) return [fig] anim = FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=range(0,90,5), blit=True)'.mp4', fps=5, extra_args=['-vcodec', 'libx264'])'.gif', fps=5, dpi=80, writer='imagemagick')
[docs]@ipynb_maker def plot_learning_curve(train_sizes, train_mean, test_mean, train_stdev, test_stdev, score_name, learning_curve_type, savepath='data_learning_curve'): """ Method used to plot both data and feature learning curves Args: train_sizes: (numpy array), array of x-axis values, such as fraction of data used or number of features train_mean: (numpy array), array of training data mean values, averaged over some type/number of CV splits test_mean: (numpy array), array of test data mean values, averaged over some type/number of CV splits train_stdev: (numpy array), array of training data standard deviation values, from some type/number of CV splits test_stdev: (numpy array), array of test data standard deviation values, from some type/number of CV splits score_name: (str), type of score metric for learning curve plotting; used in y-axis label learning_curve_type: (str), type of learning curve employed: 'sample_learning_curve' or 'feature_learning_curve' savepath: (str), path to save the plotted learning curve to Returns: None """ # Set image aspect ratio (do custom for learning curve): w, h = figaspect(0.75) fig = Figure(figsize=(w,h)) FigureCanvas(fig) gs = plt.GridSpec(1, 1) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0:, 0:]) max_x = max(train_sizes) min_x = min(train_sizes) max_y, min_y = recursive_max_and_min([ train_mean, train_mean + train_stdev, train_mean - train_stdev, test_mean, test_mean + test_stdev, test_mean - test_stdev, ]) max_x = round(float(max_x), rounder(max_x-min_x)) min_x = round(float(min_x), rounder(max_x-min_x)) max_y = round(float(max_y), rounder(max_y-min_y)) min_y = round(float(min_y), rounder(max_y-min_y)) _set_tick_labels_different(ax, max_x, min_x, max_y, min_y) # plot and collect handles h1 and h2 for making legend h1 = ax.plot(train_sizes, train_mean, '-o', color='blue', markersize=10, alpha=0.7)[0] ax.fill_between(train_sizes, train_mean-train_stdev, train_mean+train_stdev, alpha=0.1, color='blue') h2 = ax.plot(train_sizes, test_mean, '-o', color='red', markersize=10, alpha=0.7)[0] ax.fill_between(train_sizes, test_mean-test_stdev, test_mean+test_stdev, alpha=0.1, color='red') ax.legend([h1, h2], ['train score', 'validation score'], loc='center right', fontsize=12) if learning_curve_type == 'sample_learning_curve': ax.set_xlabel('Number of training data points', fontsize=16) elif learning_curve_type == 'feature_learning_curve': ax.set_xlabel('Number of features selected', fontsize=16) else: raise ValueError('The param "learning_curve_type" must be either "sample_learning_curve" or "feature_learning_curve"') ax.set_ylabel(score_name, fontsize=16) fig.savefig(savepath+'.png', dpi=DPI, bbox_inches='tight') # Save output data to spreadsheet df_concat = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(train_sizes), pd.DataFrame(train_mean), pd.DataFrame(train_stdev), pd.DataFrame(test_mean), pd.DataFrame(test_stdev)], 1) df_concat.columns = ['train_sizes', 'train_mean', 'train_stdev', 'test_mean', 'test_stdev'] df_concat.to_csv(savepath+'.csv') try: plot_learning_curve_convergence(train_sizes, test_mean, score_name, learning_curve_type, savepath) except IndexError: logger.error('MASTML encountered an error while trying to plot the learning curve convergences plots, likely due to ' 'insufficient data')
[docs]@ipynb_maker def plot_learning_curve_convergence(train_sizes, test_mean, score_name, learning_curve_type, savepath): """ Method used to plot both the convergence of data and feature learning curves as a function of amount of data or features used, respectively. Args: train_sizes: (numpy array), array of x-axis values, such as fraction of data used or number of features test_mean: (numpy array), array of test data mean values, averaged over some type/number of CV splits score_name: (str), type of score metric for learning curve plotting; used in y-axis label learning_curve_type: (str), type of learning curve employed: 'sample_learning_curve' or 'feature_learning_curve' savepath: (str), path to save the plotted convergence learning curve to Returns: None """ # Function to examine the minimization of error in learning curve CV scores as function of amount of data or number # of features used. steps = [x for x in range(len(train_sizes))] test_mean = test_mean.tolist() slopes = list() for step, val in zip(range(len(steps)), range(len(test_mean))): if step+1 < len(steps): slopes.append((test_mean[val + 1] - test_mean[val]) / (steps[step + 1] - steps[step])) # Remove first entry to steps for plotting del steps[0] # Get moving average of slopes to generate smoother curve window_size = round(len(test_mean)/3) steps_moving_average = pd.DataFrame(steps).rolling(window=window_size).mean() slopes_moving_average = pd.DataFrame(slopes).rolling(window=window_size).mean() #### Plotting # Set image aspect ratio (do custom for learning curve): w, h = figaspect(0.75) fig = Figure(figsize=(w,h)) FigureCanvas(fig) gs = plt.GridSpec(1, 1) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0:, 0:]) max_x = max(steps) min_x = min(steps) max_y = max(slopes) min_y = min(slopes) _set_tick_labels_different(ax, max_x, min_x, max_y, min_y) ax.plot(np.array(steps), np.array(slopes), '-o', color='blue', markersize=10, alpha=0.7) ax.plot(np.array(steps_moving_average), np.array(slopes_moving_average), '-o', color='green', markersize=10, alpha=0.7) ax.legend(['score slope', 'smoothed score slope'], loc='lower right', fontsize=12) ax.set_xlabel('Learning curve step', fontsize=16) ax.set_ylabel('Change in '+score_name, fontsize=16) fig.savefig(savepath+'_convergence'+'.png', dpi=DPI, bbox_inches='tight') datadict = {"Steps": np.array(steps), "Slopes": np.array(slopes), "Steps moving average": np.squeeze(np.array(steps_moving_average)), "Slopes moving average": np.squeeze(np.array(slopes_moving_average))} pd.DataFrame().from_dict(data=datadict).to_csv(savepath+'_convergence.csv') if learning_curve_type == 'feature_learning_curve': # First, set number optimal features to all features in case stopping criteria not met n_features_optimal = len(test_mean) # Determine what the optimal number of features are to use # TODO: have user set stopping criteria. Have default by 0.005 (0.5%) stopping_criteria = 0.005 slopes_moving_average_list = slopes_moving_average.values.reshape(-1,).tolist() for i, slope in enumerate(slopes_moving_average_list): try: delta = abs(-1*(slopes_moving_average_list[i+1] - slopes_moving_average_list[i])/slopes_moving_average_list[i]) if delta < stopping_criteria: n_features_optimal = steps[i] except IndexError: break # Write optimal number of features to text file f = open(savepath+'_optimalfeaturenumber.txt', 'w') f.write(str(n_features_optimal)+'\n') f.close()
### Helpers:
[docs]def trim_array(arr_list): """ Method used to trim a set of arrays to make all arrays the same shape Args: arr_list: (list), list of numpy arrays, where arrays are different sizes Returns: arr_list: (), list of trimmed numpy arrays, where arrays are same size """ # TODO: a better way to handle arrays with very different shapes? Otherwise average only uses # of points of smallest array # Need to make arrays all same shapes if they aren't sizes = [arr.shape[0] for arr in arr_list] size_min = min(sizes) arr_list_ = list() for i, arr in enumerate(arr_list): if arr.shape[0] > size_min: while arr.shape[0] > size_min: arr = np.delete(arr, -1) arr_list_.append(arr) arr_list = arr_list_ return arr_list
[docs]def rounder(delta): """ Method to obtain number of decimal places to report on plots Args: delta: (float), a float representing the change in two y values on a plot, used to obtain the plot axis spacing size Return: (int), an integer denoting the number of decimal places to use """ if 0.001 <= delta < 0.01: return 3 elif 0.01 <= delta < 0.1: return 2 elif 0.1 <= delta < 1: return 1 elif 1 <= delta < 100000: return 0 else: return 0
[docs]def get_histogram_bins(y_df): """ Method to obtain the number of bins to use when plotting a histogram Args: y_df: (pandas Series or numpy array), array of y data used to construct histogram Returns: num_bins: (int), the number of bins to use when plotting a histogram """ bin_dividers = np.linspace(y_df.shape[0], 0.05*y_df.shape[0], y_df.shape[0]) bin_list = list() try: for divider in bin_dividers: if divider == 0: continue bins = int((y_df.shape[0])/divider) if bins < y_df.shape[0]/2: bin_list.append(bins) except: num_bins = 10 if len(bin_list) > 0: num_bins = max(bin_list) else: num_bins = 10 return num_bins
[docs]def stat_to_string(name, value, nice_names): """ Method that converts a metric object into a string for displaying on a plot Args: name: (str), long name of a stat metric or quantity value: (float), value of the metric or quantity Return: (str), a string of the metric name, adjusted to look nicer for inclusion on a plot """ " Stringifies the name value pair for display within a plot " if name in nice_names: name = nice_names[name] else: name = name.replace('_', ' ') # has a name only if not value: return name # has a mean and std if isinstance(value, tuple): mean, std = value return f'{name}:' + '\n\t' + f'{mean:.3f}' + r'$\pm$' + f'{std:.3f}' # has a name and value only if isinstance(value, int) or (isinstance(value, float) and value%1 == 0): return f'{name}: {int(value)}' if isinstance(value, float): return f'{name}: {value:.3f}' return f'{name}: {value}' # probably a string
[docs]def plot_stats(fig, stats, x_align=0.65, y_align=0.90, font_dict=dict(), fontsize=14): """ Method that prints stats onto the plot. Goes off screen if they are too long or too many in number. Args: fig: (matplotlib figure object), a matplotlib figure object stats: (dict), dict of statistics to be included with a plot x_align: (float), float denoting x position of where to align display of stats on a plot y_align: (float), float denoting y position of where to align display of stats on a plot font_dict: (dict), dict of matplotlib font options to alter display of stats on plot fontsize: (int), the fontsize of stats to display on plot Returns: None """ stat_str = '\n'.join(stat_to_string(name, value, nice_names=nice_names()) for name,value in stats.items()) fig.text(x_align, y_align, stat_str, verticalalignment='top', wrap=True, fontdict=font_dict, fontproperties=FontProperties(size=fontsize))
[docs]def make_fig_ax(aspect_ratio=0.5, x_align=0.65, left=0.10): """ Method to make matplotlib figure and axes objects. Using Object Oriented interface from Args: aspect_ratio: (float), aspect ratio for figure and axes creation x_align: (float), x position to draw edge of figure. Needed so can display stats alongside plot left: (float), the leftmost position to draw edge of figure Returns: fig: (matplotlib fig object), a matplotlib figure object with the specified aspect ratio ax: (matplotlib ax object), a matplotlib axes object with the specified aspect ratio """ # Set image aspect ratio: w, h = figaspect(aspect_ratio) fig = Figure(figsize=(w,h)) FigureCanvas(fig) # Set custom positioning, see this guide for more details: # #left = 0.10 bottom = 0.15 right = 0.01 top = 0.05 width = x_align - left - right height = 1 - bottom - top ax = fig.add_axes((left, bottom, width, height), frameon=True) fig.set_tight_layout(False) return fig, ax
[docs]def make_fig_ax_square(aspect='equal', aspect_ratio=1): """ Method to make square shaped matplotlib figure and axes objects. Using Object Oriented interface from Args: aspect: (str), 'equal' denotes x and y aspect will be equal (i.e. square) aspect_ratio: (float), aspect ratio for figure and axes creation Returns: fig: (matplotlib fig object), a matplotlib figure object with the specified aspect ratio ax: (matplotlib ax object), a matplotlib axes object with the specified aspect ratio """ # Set image aspect ratio: w, h = figaspect(aspect_ratio) fig = Figure(figsize=(w,h)) FigureCanvas(fig) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, aspect=aspect) return fig, ax
[docs]def make_axis_same(ax, max1, min1): """ Method to make the x and y ticks for each axis the same. Useful for parity plots Args: ax: (matplotlib axis object), a matplotlib axes object max1: (float), the maximum value of a particular axis min1: (float), the minimum value of a particular axis Returns: None """ if max1 - min1 > 5: step = (int(max1) - int(min1)) // 3 ticks = range(int(min1), int(max1)+step, step) else: ticks = np.linspace(min1, max1, 5) ax.set_xticks(ticks) ax.set_yticks(ticks)
[docs]def nice_mean(ls): """ Method to return mean of a list or equivalent array with NaN values Args: ls: (list), list of values Returns: (numpy array), array containing mean of list of values or NaN if list has no values """ if len(ls) > 0: return np.mean(ls) return np.nan
[docs]def nice_std(ls): """ Method to return standard deviation of a list or equivalent array with NaN values Args: ls: (list), list of values Returns: (numpy array), array containing standard deviation of list of values or NaN if list has no values """ if len(ls) > 0: return np.std(ls) return np.nan
[docs]def round_down(num, divisor): """ Method to return a rounded down number Args: num: (float), a number to round down divisor: (int), divisor to denote how to round down Returns: (float), the rounded-down number """ return num - (num%divisor)
[docs]def round_up(num, divisor): """ Method to return a rounded up number Args: num: (float), a number to round up divisor: (int), divisor to denote how to round up Returns: (float), the rounded-up number """ return float(math.ceil(num / divisor)) * divisor
[docs]def get_divisor(high, low): """ Method to obtain a sensible divisor based on range of two values Args: high: (float), a max data value low: (float), a min data value Returns: divisor: (float), a number used to make sensible axis ticks """ delta = high-low divisor = 10 if delta > 1000: divisor = 100 if delta < 1000: if delta > 100: divisor = 10 if delta < 100: if delta > 10: divisor = 1 if delta < 10: if delta > 1: divisor = 0.1 if delta < 1: if delta > 0.01: divisor = 0.001 else: divisor = 0.001 return divisor
[docs]def recursive_max(arr): """ Method to recursively find the max value of an array of iterables. Credit: Args: arr: (numpy array), an array of values or iterables Returns: (float), max value in arr """ return max( recursive_max(e) if isinstance(e, Iterable) else e for e in arr )
[docs]def recursive_min(arr): """ Method to recursively find the min value of an array of iterables. Credit: Args: arr: (numpy array), an array of values or iterables Returns: (float), min value in arr """ return min( recursive_min(e) if isinstance(e, Iterable) else e for e in arr )
[docs]def recursive_max_and_min(arr): """ Method to recursively return max and min of values or iterables in array Args: arr: (numpy array), an array of values or iterables Returns: (tuple), tuple containing max and min of arr """ return recursive_max(arr), recursive_min(arr)
def _set_tick_labels(ax, maxx, minn): """ Method that sets the x and y ticks to be in the same range Args: ax: (matplotlib axes object), a matplotlib axes object maxx: (float), a maximum value minn: (float), a minimum value Returns: None """ _set_tick_labels_different(ax, maxx, minn, maxx, minn) # I love it when this happens def _set_tick_labels_different(ax, max_tick_x, min_tick_x, max_tick_y, min_tick_y): """ Method that sets the x and y ticks, when the axes have different ranges Args: ax: (matplotlib axes object), a matplotlib axes object max_tick_x: (float), the maximum tick value for the x axis min_tick_x: (float), the minimum tick value for the x axis max_tick_y: (float), the maximum tick value for the y axis min_tick_y: (float), the minimum tick value for the y axis Returns: None """ tickvals_x = nice_range(min_tick_x, max_tick_x) tickvals_y = nice_range(min_tick_y, max_tick_y) if tickvals_x[-1]-tickvals_x[len(tickvals_x)-2] < tickvals_x[len(tickvals_x)-3]-tickvals_x[len(tickvals_x)-4]: tickvals_x = tickvals_x[:-1] if tickvals_y[-1]-tickvals_y[len(tickvals_y)-2] < tickvals_y[len(tickvals_y)-3]-tickvals_y[len(tickvals_y)-4]: tickvals_y = tickvals_y[:-1] #tickvals_x = _clean_tick_labels(tickvals=tickvals_x, delta=max_tick_x-min_tick_x) #tickvals_y = _clean_tick_labels(tickvals=tickvals_y, delta=max_tick_y - min_tick_y) ax.set_xticks(ticks=tickvals_x) ax.set_yticks(ticks=tickvals_y) ticklabels_x = [str(tick) for tick in tickvals_x] ticklabels_y = [str(tick) for tick in tickvals_y] rotation = 0 # Look at length of x tick labels to see if may be possibly crowded. If so, rotate labels tick_length = len(str(tickvals_x[1])) if tick_length >= 4: rotation = 45 ax.set_xticklabels(labels=ticklabels_x, fontsize=14, rotation=rotation) ax.set_yticklabels(labels=ticklabels_y, fontsize=14) def _clean_tick_labels(tickvals, delta): """ Method to attempt to clean up axis tick values so they don't overlap from being too dense Args: tickvals: (list), a list containing the initial axis tick values delta: (float), number representing the numerical difference of two ticks Returns: tickvals_clean: (list), a list containing the updated axis tick values """ tickvals_clean = list() if delta >= 100: for i, val in enumerate(tickvals): if i <= len(tickvals)-1: if tickvals[i]-tickvals[i-1] >= 100: tickvals_clean.append(val) else: tickvals_clean = tickvals return tickvals_clean ## Math utilities to aid plot_helper to make ranges
[docs]def nice_range(lower, upper): """ Method to create a range of values, including the specified start and end points, with nicely spaced intervals Args: lower: (float or int), lower bound of range to create upper: (float or int), upper bound of range to create Returns: (list), list of numerical values in established range """ flipped = 1 # set to -1 for inverted # Case for validation where nan is passed in if np.isnan(lower): lower = 0 if np.isnan(upper): upper = 0.1 if upper < lower: upper, lower = lower, upper flipped = -1 return [_int_if_int(x) for x in _nice_range_helper(lower, upper)][::flipped]
def _nice_range_helper(lower, upper): """ Method to help make a better range of axis ticks Args: lower: (float), lower value of axis ticks upper: (float), upper value of axis ticks Returns: upper: (float), modified upper tick value fixed based on set of axis ticks """ steps = 8 diff = abs(lower - upper) # special case where lower and upper are the same if diff == 0: return [lower,] # the exact step needed step = diff / steps # a rough estimate of best step step = _nearest_pow_ten(step) # whole decimal increments # tune in one the best step size factors = [0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10] # use this to minimize how far we are from ideal step size def best_one(steps_factor): steps_count, factor = steps_factor return abs(steps_count - steps) n_steps, best_factor = min([(diff / (step * f), f) for f in factors], key = best_one) #print('should see n steps', ceil(n_steps + 2)) # multiply in the optimal factor for getting as close to ten steps as we can step = step * best_factor # make the bounds look nice lower = _three_sigfigs(lower) upper = _three_sigfigs(upper) start = _round_up(lower, step) # prepare for iteration x = start # pointless init i = 0 # itereate until we reach upper while x < upper - step: x = start + i * step yield _three_sigfigs(x) # using sigfigs because of floating point error i += 1 # finish off with ending bound yield upper def _three_sigfigs(x): """ Method invoking special case of _n_sigfigs to return 3 sig figs Args: x: (float), an axis tick number Returns: (float), number of sig figs (always 3) """ return _n_sigfigs(x, 3) def _n_sigfigs(x, n): """ Method to return number of sig figs to use for axis ticks Args: x: (float), an axis tick number Returns: (float), number of sig figs """ sign = 1 if x == 0: return 0 if x < 0: # case for negatives x = -x sign = -1 if x < 1: base = n - round(log(x, 10)) else: base = (n-1) - round(log(x, 10)) return sign * round(x, base) def _nearest_pow_ten(x): """ Method to return the nearest power of ten for an axis tick value Args: x: (float), an axis tick number Returns: (float), nearest power of ten of x """ sign = 1 if x == 0: return 0 if x < 0: # case for negatives x = -x sign = -1 return sign*10**ceil(log(x, 10)) def _int_if_int(x): """ Method to return integer mapped value of x Args: x: (float or int), a number Returns: x: (float), value of x mapped as integer """ if int(x) == x: return int(x) return x def _round_up(x, inc): """ Method to round up the value of x Args: x: (float or int), a number inc: (float), an increment for axis ticks Returns: (float), value of x rounded up """ sign = 1 if x < 0: # case for negative x = -x sign = -1 return sign * inc * ceil(x / inc)
[docs]def nice_names(): nice_names = { # classification: 'accuracy': 'Accuracy', 'f1_binary': '$F_1$', 'f1_macro': 'f1_macro', 'f1_micro': 'f1_micro', 'f1_samples': 'f1_samples', 'f1_weighted': 'f1_weighted', 'log_loss': 'log_loss', 'precision_binary': 'Precision', 'precision_macro': 'prec_macro', 'precision_micro': 'prec_micro', 'precision_samples': 'prec_samples', 'precision_weighted': 'prec_weighted', 'recall_binary': 'Recall', 'recall_macro': 'rcl_macro', 'recall_micro': 'rcl_micro', 'recall_samples': 'rcl_samples', 'recall_weighted': 'rcl_weighted', 'roc_auc': 'ROC_AUC', # regression: 'explained_variance': 'expl_var', 'mean_absolute_error': 'MAE', 'mean_squared_error': 'MSE', 'mean_squared_log_error': 'MSLE', 'median_absolute_error': 'MedAE', 'root_mean_squared_error': 'RMSE', 'rmse_over_stdev': r'RMSE/$\sigma_y$', 'R2': '$R^2$', 'R2_noint': '$R^2_{noint}$', 'R2_adjusted': '$R^2_{adjusted}$', 'R2_fitted': '$R^2_{fitted}$' } return nice_names